g $'s CriB

G $'s CriB

yo was poppin. i like to do this stuff when im bored, and im bored.. so yeah dont mess wit me i know im a dork.
jus gotta say i luv ya dst and all my other friends.. i gave some personal shout outs on the greetz page but lemme tell u all this stuff isnt done.. osme of the stuff is old.. oh yeah byt he way sign the guestbook by an accident i deleted it and had to get a new one so sign it. im gettin pictures on here too so u can check back frequently and see if i changed anything...(which i prolly wont for 2 montsh cuz im lazy)

G$'s SmØkiN RooMs

HoLLa To All Of YaLL
AbouT Dis BeLLa GiA
FrEeStyLin RoOm & Tribute to mah TriO
I LoVe Me SoMe DmX.
Rate Da SiTe
sIgN Da BoOk

"If you love something.. Let it go.
if it comes back to you, its yours. If it doesn't it never was"
...to you...

Ay yo- Drop me a letter.