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[Katie and Josh's relationship]

As most of you know, Joshua Jackson and Katie Holmes shared a brief, yet intense relationship at the beginning of shooting for Dawson's creek. Why they ended it, is a question yet to be answered, and for most of us, we knew nothing of the relationship and if it really did exist! They never did talk about it much, but there were a few hints that they accidentally forgot to conceal, here are some of them:

Mademoiselle April 1999 (pp.125-126) MLLE: Last year you dated Joshua Jackson, who plays Dawson's self-deprecating jester, Pacey. Is it hard to work together now that you've broken up? KH: (Holmes does her best imitation of a clam) No. We're great friends. We did date. We fell in love. And I love him and now we have a friendship, which is nice. (She looks pointedly out of the Window.) So, isn't it pretty out today? (It's raining)

Ironically, the very characters he has created-and the actors who play them have become part of That culture. "It was very strange and kind of scary," Holmes says about seeing her life story in Rolling Stone last September. The article opened with questions about her fling with Creek co-star Joshua Jackson (Pacey Witter) last year. "Suddenly, most of my life was out there," she says, still amiable but Slightly perplexed. "Why do people want to know all of this?" "That kind of scrutiny could potentially be very damaging to the average psyche," says Jackson, also 20, during a rare moment on the set not spent hanging with Holmes. "But Katie carries herself with a grace that really belies the fact that she's only been working for a year and a half. She's a wonder to behold." In fact, she handles the relationship question with the air of a people pleaser who knows she should be more guarded. "Josh and I dated," she says slowly. "We're both single now. And everything's nice. It was pleasant. It was wonderful." On entertainment tonight Thursday, October 29th 1998, there was a report that Katie Holmes has been seen with the company of her Co-star Joshua Jackson.

In the winter 1998 edition of moXie girl there is a little article about Josh in it and it says- "This season he is back to being smooth-cat, whipper-snapper Pacey, and with some typical girl Problems, some unusual Dawson problems, and hey, why didn't Joey like him back? Picky, that Joey. But then again, the real life 20-year-old Canadian and his Co-star Katie Holmes have an Off-screen romance going, so maybe it was just to awkward for them to tongue wrestle on the Camera. I dunno."

Katie on Letterman: Katie Holmes appeared on Letterman on September 24, 1998, and a topic that came up often was, "Who are you going out with?" I guess Letterman, along with the rest of her fans, want to Know. Well, he also continued to, "Is it someone on the show?" Katie was clearly uncomfortable with the question, and she even tried to divert the subject several times.

Katie in Rolling Stone: This Article appeared in the Rolling Stone with her on the cover. It is then that I feel the adrenaline pumping, for it is time for the Swoop. Which can be fun if one is Armed with rumours of onset tantrums or some such ridiculous behaviour. It is not as amusing to swoop down on a nice girl from Toldeo, Ohio, about her "wonderful, amazing experience." But swoop I must

"Ahem. I have it on good authority that your experience was with Josh Jackson aka Pacey Witter," I say as Holmes stares bleakly and then buries her face in her hands. She raises her head and takes a trembling breath.

"I'm just going to say that I met somebody last year," she begins. "I fell in love, I had my first love, And it was something so incredible and indescribable that I will treasure it always." She pauses. "And that I feel so fortunate because he's now one of my best friends. It's weird, like a Dawson and Joey type thing now." And that is all she will say. No, wait, there is one more thing. "He's been in the Business so long, and he's really helped me. I respect him as a friend and professional." And with That, the calm returns to the Serengeti.

Josh and Katie in YM: The issue of YM that was guest edited by Kevin Williamson. There are a million articles with Buffy, Katie, Joshua, Michelle, James, everything he's ever done. There was this article with Joshua and it has some interesting statements. Kevin William asks- Okay, so what's your dream girl like? Joshua answers- somebody who returns my phone calls! I'm pretty fond of the woman in my life, so she is my current dream girl. KW asks- Can you describe her? JJ- Nope. KW-Are you willing to tell us who she is? JJ- Nope.

Then there is an interview with Katie and for some reason she refuses to answer who is her fling. Here is the article Section- KW- easy. Who are you dating? KH-Next question. KW-Okay, now name your fav. Food. KH- Jelly Beans- do you even have to ask? KW- And who are you dating? I'm sorry. I missed your answer. KH- Oh, um, cookie dough! Oh, and I really love cookie dough. Did I mention that? I'm gonna skip a little.... KW-Do you have allot of time to date, currently, with your busy schedule? KH-yes. KW-Thank you for elaborating so profoundly on that question. Now who are you dating? KH- nice try. Subtle. You know, the way you kinda slipped that through with the movie stuff. KW- you know I know whom you're dating and could easily slip and spill the beans. KH- And I could easily slip with a little info. of my own regarding a certain someone you've been Caught with.... KW-So... What's your fav. food?

Michelle Williams in the June issue of All about You, commented that Katie and Josh were an item, but are no longer.

When Katie Holmes was on Leno, he came to watch and visit her. Here are some other facts: Regarding relationships, on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee Regis asked Josh: "Are you single?" and Josh replied "Yes." Then Regis said: "Do you Have a girlfriend?" to which Josh answered "No, that would be in the Non-single category." or something to that effect.

Katie Holmes in the August 1998 issue of Teen (where she's on the cover) Says: "When it comes to her love life, Katie's come out of her shell a bit (she claims she regularly went dateless in high school) but she doesn't want to tell the world about it. 'I'm a private person. I'm not a big socialiser,' she says. 'I'm a little shy, but i'm also friendly. Those are the same qualities i look for in a guy.' "

Other co-star, James Van Der Beek admits to having a crush on his Brunette love interest on DC…

James Van Der Beek says in the June 1998 issue of Teen that he has a Crush on Katie!! He says: " The cloesest James gets to a love connection These days is with this Dawson's Co-star-he admits to having a thing for Katie Holmes. 'Who doesn't have a real-life crush on Katie? She's great!'

It is rumored that josh sings 'N syncs "I want you back" around the set, wonder if he's trying to hint to katie?

Thank you to "The Pacey and Joey Shrine" For the information.

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