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- nOw wHo iNn tHa wOrld isss MAJ³K™?

wHo aRe tHese Dawgs?????

-- fiRst of aLL, i gOts2 iNtrOdUce tHa bOys of tHa cRue rEppin tHa MAJ³K™ cLi©k . . .

-- sEcond of aLL, i gOts2 iNtrOdUce tHa cHicKs stAyin tRue wiTh tHa MA²J³IKL™ cRue

wE aRe jUst a gRoup of fRienDs wHo wAtCh eaCh otHer's bAck, yOu kNow, Like fAmily. We All Still uP iNn HiGh sChOo, rEppin oUr sChoo, RaDford HiGh 4ever, wEe lOve LiSteNnin tO mUzik aNd pLayin bAskEtball 24/7 pUmpin uP oUr sKills iNn oUr gAmes. oH yeAh, eAch oF us gOt oUr oWn PimPin ways, (hahahaha....) wE piMp tHa wHole sChoo!!!!!!

Oh sO yOu wAnst2 kNow sOme 411 bOut uss??? weLL Let me gO dOwn tHa LiNne . . .