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Playoff game #1: East Hempfield. Score: 13-3, a win for the Warriors!

Playoff game #2: Fort Allen Bulls. Score: 7-6, a disappointing loss for the Warriors in the last inning. But we aren't out of it yet!

Playoff game #3: Fort Allen Braves. Score: 9-8, a win for the Warriors in the last inning! Double plays for both Mike and Chris S. Looking good boys!!!

Playoff game #4: This one was a loss, but still an exciting game. Josh caught a pop-fly in left center. Evan threw out his arm on the mound and finished the game at second with a double play. Chris had a nice hit. Mike caught a pop-fly at short. Nick finished off the game at pitcher and did a great job! This finishes our summer season, but watch out for us in "Fall Ball"! WE'LL BE BACK!!

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