The OHA Ballot; Endorsements; Contacting and Contributing to the Candidates

(c) Copyright 2000 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved

There are 97 candidates running for 9 seats on the OHA board, in 7 different contests. It is confusing!

Here are the names of candidates who agree with most of the views presented on this website. Specifically, these candidates agree that there is no historical, legal, or moral justification for race-based political sovereignty for ethnic Hawaiians. They agree that OHA is unconstitutional so long as it maintains racial restrictions on benefits. Government agencies cannot and should not discriminate for or against people on the basis of race.

Kenneth R. Conklin; Bud Ebel; Roger Grantham; Richard Lee; "Big Mike" Palcic

It is possible to vote for all five of these candidates.

What follows is an explanation of how the OHA Trustee election works, and how you can find these five candidates among the 97 names on the ballot. There is also information about how you can read written statements by these candidates, how you can see them presenting their views on television, and how you can contact each of them for further information, including campaign contributions.

There are 7 different OHA contests for 9 seats. All Hawai'i voters get to vote for all 9 Trustee seats in all 7 of these contests. OHA elections are non-partisan; that is, candidates are not identified as belonging to any political party (just like the candidates for Board of Education, or for Mayor of Honolulu).

Five of the contests are restricted to candidates who live on specific islands: Maui, Hawai'i (Big Island), O'ahu, Kaua'i, and Moloka'i/Lana'i.

Roger Grantham, who lives on Maui, is a candidate for the Maui seat. Please cast your one and only vote in this contest for Roger Grantham. All Hawai'i voters can vote for Roger Grantham regardless what island they live on. It is called the "Maui seat" because the candidates must live on Maui, but the voters can live anywhere in Hawai'i.

One contest is for the 4-year at-large seat (meaning the candidates can live anywhere in Hawai'i). Please cast your one and only vote in this contest for Kenneth R. Conklin (there are 20 candidates for this seat).

The final contest is for three 2-year at-large seats vacated by resignations of Trustees who had two more years to run in their four-year at-large terms. There are 51 candidates fighting over three seats, and the top three vote-getters will win. You may vote for any one, or two, or three of these 51 candidates. Please cast your votes for Bud Ebel, Richard Lee, and "Big Mike" Palcic. All three live on O'ahu. But these seats are at-large, so candidates may live anywhere in Hawai'i and all Hawai'i voters can vote for them.

Besides the OHA election, please vote for John Carroll (Republican) for U.S. Senate, running against incumbent Dan Akaka (Democrat).

OHA publishes a monthly newsletter, called Ka Wai Ola o OHA. The October issue includes statements from 79 of the candidates. You can get a free copy to take home at your branch library, on the table where they put the free publications and the recycled magazines. Or if those are all gone, the librarian might have a copy that the library keeps on file. Or you could call OHA and ask for a copy to be mailed to you. (Might as well also ask to subscribe to the monthly newspaper, free of charge) On O'ahu 594-1930; On the Big Island toll free 1-800-974-4000; On islands other than O'ahu or Big Island toll free at 1-800-468-4644

There will be a day-long broadcast on 'Olelo (O'ahu) of 7-minute taped statements by as many of the 97 candidates as choose to go to the 'Olelo studios for a taping appointment -- the broadcast will be done four times on four different days and will be publicized. The tapes will also be made available to the public television stations on the neighbor islands. On O'ahu, the tapes will be broadcast as follows. Remember that each broadcast could take as much as 12 hours if all 97 candidates have made 7-minute segments.

Tuesday Oct 24 at 9:00 AM Oceanic Channel 53 (NATV);

Friday Oct. 27 at 7:30 AM Oceanic Channel 54 (VIEWS);

Thursday Nov. 2 at 8:30 AM Oceanic Channel 54 (VIEWS);

Monday Nov. 6 at 9:00 AM Oceanic Channel 53 (NATV).

Candidates always need money for brochures, signs, postage, advertising, travel, etc. Candidates need LOTS of campaign money! Please contact each candidate to whom you wish to contribute, for instructions on where to send the contributions. Contact information appears below. The State Campaign Spending Commission will not allow advertising costs to be shared between two or more candidates, and will not allow fundraising to be done through a single treasurer or bank account. (This website is hosted free of charge by angelfire in return for their posting of pop-up advertising; therefore, if the Campaign Spending Commission views this as an advertisement, they need to realize that this message is cost-free and there has been no "illegal" sharing of campaign expenses!)

Kenneth R. Conklin e-mail Contributions to Friends of Ken Conklin; P.O. Box 61866; Honolulu 96839 All contributions will be acknowledged, and are not Hawai'i tax-deductible.

Bud Ebel e-mail

Roger Grantham e-mail

Richard Lee e-mail

"Big Mike" Palcic e-mail

(c) Copyright 2000 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved

