ONE NIGHT CHASE The lights of the restaurant blazed through the dark street. Now that it was after-hours, the clerk sat in his seat bored and quiet. Soon, the boredom was about to turn into anything but. A blonde walked into the store, her hair parted in the middle with two rubber bands holding her hair softly to the sides. The clerk merely looked up from the counter, then looked back as she cut a counter to the other side of the store. Finally, he heard the loud bang of a box of Popcorn hit the counter. "Here ya' go." She said after she laid it unexpectedly. Looking up from his counter, he smiled gently. "Is this all you want?" "Yeah," she smiled back, "waddaya want me ta get, a turkey dinner outta this place?" He looked back at her with a puzzled look. "This is a corner store ... there's no full course meals here" The girl gave him a cocked eye look back. "I know, I was jokin'! Don't cha get it, haha? Sheesh!" She pulled back from the counter. "Hurry up, Mistah J ani't a very patient guy, ya know." He sighed. "Sorry, I'm not that big of a joker." He was about to read the price when the door busted open. "Harl," he called out. "Listen up, we haven't got all day, kiddo." The clerk pulled back in fear looking at the Joker. "You two are wanted!" Getting out of his seat, he ran near the phone. "I'm calling the cops" A boxing glove connected to a spring stopped him from reaching the phone. "Well, when ya call the police you're suppose ta be sneaky about it!" Harley screamed at the clerk who now laid unconscious. Turning her attention to the Joker, she shook her head. "Might as well take the popcorn and some chips while we're at it, eh Mistah J?" "Well, hurry it up. Bats is on our trail" "I know, I know," she yelled. "Sheesh, so what? He won't catch us, believe me." Getting the supplies they wanted, plus a lot of money, they drove off. The night remained calm and uninterrupted until finally after escape his shadow, Batman drove behind them once more. "Damn! It's him," the Joker said with a grimace face. "I'm really getting tired of him." He looked at Harley. "Well, don't just sit there! Do something! Make yourself useful." "What can I do?" she screamed, still shocked that they were spotted. "What else?" Joker yelled. "You take the wheel. I'll do something." Switching positions quickly as they drove, the Joker jumped in the back sit of the moving vehicle. Reaching down on the unkempt floor, he picked up a rocket launcher on the bottom of the sit. Looking behind her, Harley gasped. "Are you crazy?" "I am NOT crazy," the Joker exclaimed at her. Then adding with a grin, he said, "I'm just not sane." The rockets shot out with a quick reaction to the trigger. Even though the stunt was desperately dangerous, the blasts had no effect on the advanced batmobile. "We'll, it's up to you Harleen." The Joker shouted. "Might as well get us out of here." The car drove off in amazing heart pounding speeds, grinding sparks on the wheels. The batmobile followed behind in hot pursuit and determination. The anticipation of the final outcome was killing the Joker. Finally, the car drove off into a pile of newspapers on the side of the road, with the batmobile parking close by the sidewalk. Walking dazed out of the convertible, the two clowns finally collapsed on the side of the road. Batman slowly walked to the pile of debris. Not even Bruce could help but laugh himself. Stumbling to his feet, a gun was drawn from the purple coat. "Well, now, it seems as if the Bat is trapped." After raising the gun, he felt embarrassment as he felt the gun merely slapped out of his hand. Looking at Harley, he grabbed his hit hand. "Take care of him." "Right... Mistah... J..." she called as she got on her shaking feet. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii-yah!" The kick was counter by merely being pushed to the ground by her foot. "Can't blame me for trying." Shaking his head, The Joker had once more feasible idea. "Run!" But it wasn't so easy as he found himself pull to the ground by a rope surrounding his legs. "Drat!" he said, snapping his fingers. Handcuffing them, Batman couldn't help but smile. "Do you two just break out to be caught again?" The Joker did not share his amusement. "Hardy har har ... nice joke for a 30-something guy that runs around in underwear..." Soon, they would find themselves back behind bars. Later, they would break out again. END