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Nookie Girl's Happy Site

Hi there comrades. Well the school year is almost done with(Woo Hoo!!) and I'm just trying to survive the next two weeks even with the recent heat wave. Life has been very busy with a job, volunteer work and school, but I'm somehow managing to do everything.

My car will hopefully return home anyday now all shiny and new(haha) after my accident. Driving my mom's car is fun, but I want the 'stanger back.

I got to tour the new Giant's stadium, Pacific Bell Park, and it was so cool. Much better than Candlestick Park is.

That's my speech. Thank you for bearing with it all(if you actually did). You can keep on surfing down, though there isn't much to look at.

No beef? Try upgrading your browser.

My Favorite Things In Life(Which Without, I'd be Crazy)

"I did it all for the nookie, so you can take that cookie, and stick it up your..." -Fred Durst

My Nicknames(these are ones my friends created for me)

Great Websites

My Explorer buddy's page, a must to visit
My friend Haunter's page
Go to the real page for Explorers
My Page About Explorers
My List of Things I Dislike a Lot
My Limp Bizkit Page

My lovely ICQ # is 46430324, incase you do not already have it. I also have an aol instant messanger, and you'll find me under the nickname NookieGirly83. Goodluck catching me online!
