Einstein's Psychotic Brother's Web Page Einstein's Psychotic Brother's Web Page

(batteries not included) There I stand at the gates of hysteria toiling in the night for that fleeting bliss. Always disappearing as soon as I feel that it is mine forever.

It's a perfectly reasonable assumption that the general public doesn't give a damn about some freak writer. No, my boy, T.V.,movies and porn is where its at these days books are made to burn burn burn.

On a constant daily basis I find people screaming their ideas at me from every side. Sometimes it gets hard to keep an open mind these days. I know you people out there must have an opinion on something I have written. So why not tell me about. I promise no matter what you write I will read it and I will always reply back to you. Not like some of those assholes out there that are too busy or too good to e-mail back.
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Send me your comments on what I have written. If you put some real thought into it I'll make you famous ,and put your input on this great page.

Send me your complaint letters!!!!!!! Remember this subconscious phrase "I love to complain." No Pseudo Intellectuals need apply. Your mark was scrolled on the eternal ledger. The world has changed with even your slightest of contact. Just email me by clicking here FREEDOM OF SPEECH This is kind of off the subject. On a side note my private crusade against microsoft will continue despite what secret techno spies they send after me. Win 95 and 98 both have a glitch in the Netscape e-mail system. Hey talk to microsoft about it. If you do meet these unfortunate requirements use an alternate mailing system. Or send a mail bomb to microsoft with a note asking them nicely to stop putting out crapy merchandise.

Pipeline To Your Mind
I present to you the readers comment section. People talking about what they enjoy on this page along with those crazy lit. fiends off the street who get another chance to be opinionated. Coming to you live and clean as a piercing whistle in the night.Pipeline To Your Mind

This is an ass kicking side-walking slip shooting web page. Of course my opinion is bias since I wrote the page. Contains a collection of my writings. All originals no copyright violating crutches needed.

Carlos Castaneda Is It All In My Head? Fascinating books from a man who impacted an entire generation. Learn about someone who took a journey that would shatter his ideas of reality forever. Carlos Castaneda research

Carlos Castaneda his life and his works held in a critical light. I try to answer some of the questions that surrounded his life and his works. I think this paper is very interesting especially if you know anything about Carlos Castaneda. Hell, even if you don't you should read it anyway. A Search For Answers

NEW!! Seeing Red Sometimes I get feed up with the injustice in this world. After that there is no level of depravity I will not stoop to. An insane tale of vengeance. It reads quick and sweat. The end is violently brutal. Don’t worry you wont be disappointed.

Crash And Burn: A Letter To Daniel This is a real letter I wrote to my friend Daniel. It's the tale of one mans fantasy come true. The story is about a man going back to his old school to dynamite it to pieces. I have a feeling there are others out there who might also share this dream ,and reading this story might be the closest you ever come to actualy living out this fantasy. My most resent work and definitely a favorite.

You Just Got Jacked A horrific tale of being held at gun point by a crazed maniac needing money for his monster drug habit. Thoughts and realizations after facing death head on and barely escaping with my life. It’s a true story.

I Hate The Mall I hate the mall is the "glass is half empty" story. It's clearly a negative view of the mall. For some reason being negative seems to come natural to me. My dog had died that day ,and I was not in the best of moods. Actually that is just an excuse so I don't sound like a grumpy bastard. It is a detailed and thorough description.

Morning A fresh new look at those early waking moments when everything seems new. A look at the day as it begins and the potential that can be seen. The spirit of a new day can make you feel alive.

A Peek Behind The Curtain A depressed psychotic man walks the razor sharp edge between life and death. He feeds on death like a junky on a drug. The farther he travels behind the curtain of life the greater the rush. It began as a journy for knowledge but now it has become as a sick game.

The silent friend? Stephen asks the all important question "Is it possible to talk to God?" Delving into the unknown regions of man Stephen comes back pissed, tired, and only somewhat amused. Even the small carefree feeling he might feel is really him laughing at himself and the reader included. In the middle of trying to climb the mountain momentum is lost and there’s no speed in this world that could carry him through. Instead he plummets to his death in a fiery ball of molten confusion.

Fact is stranger than fiction unless your a good writer. Picture of me hard at work writeing the fabled great american novel. Long hard nights

This is a picture of me going through one of my daily stress relieving exercises. Click here

Stephen Takes A Break After a long hard day I like to unwined

Its a trashy way to live but I do it well. Soups ON

You might be asking yourself, Hey could Einstein's stupid brother be getting lazy and not putting anything on this freaken page. Don't worry its not a crisis situation. I am presently working on something that will be comeing soon. If you would like me to notify you when I do put something new on this page just e-mail me and say "update me." I will then add you to the infinite list and e-mail you when new stuff arrives.

If you would like to see this website grow send me an email with you support and I will put some new stuff on here.
My friend the video game junky. He is probably freaken out because of this picture. If so good that was my intention.

Hey, Tell Me What YOU THINK About This Site It's A Snap

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Brought to you by Plaztcsoul, Ne0nvelvet, and SnakeItUp!
A Member of The Writer's Ring Virtual Community

Some additions to graphic design were made by PlaztcSoul. All content, however, is copyright 1999 by Einstein's Stupid Brother.

Kevin Mitnick has been imprisoned by the U.S. Government without a trial for: