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General Information:

Name: Sage.
Alias: N/A.
Faction: Predacon.
Sex: Female.
Height Class: Medium.
Classification: TM2.
Conversion Form: Crocodile.


Superstructure Information:

Sage is considered beautiful if judged by physical characteristics alone. The colorations of her super structure are mixture of green, black and yellow. Her eye color? Black. In robot form, the head of her crocodile form splits and resides across her shoulders. By the look of her, she is obviously a warrior. Seem comes across as not soft but stern.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Features:

* Cloak Field:

Sage’s superstructure has the ability to generate a rectangular cloaking field around itself. The longest duration the field can be maintained is thirty cycles and the longer the field is maintained, the longer before she can use it again.

* Energon Swords (2x):

They can best be compared to samurai blades in appearance. The swords themselves are approximately three feet long. The blades are semi transparent and give off a faint blue color. The handles are black.

* Flash Bombs:

Black in color and square in shape, they blind an enemy for a period of approximately one cycle.


Created By: Jungle