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General Information:

Name: Icerunner.
Alias: Shard.
Faction: Maximal.
Sex: Female.
Height Class: Medium.
Classification: TM2.
Conversion Form: Snow Leopard.

Function (s):



Superstructure Information:

She is slender, feminine and graceful in appearance (indeed, she moves with the careful grace of a cat). Due to the TM2 change, most of her beast mode sections are folded away and concealed by her transformation. Her coloration is silver and white with blue highlights. Her eyes are burning copper and the same slanted silver markings that were present in her beast mode are also present now. Her face still has a feline air to it although it is less pronounced that in previous forms.

The she-cat bears very streamlined gauntlets that cover and add extra protection to her forearms but leave her fingers bare. These are fashioned in unmarked silver. Her white hands (beneath the gauntlets) and fingers are slender, with short, sharp fingernail like claws the ends of her fingers. These will lengthen and retract at will, becoming her finger claws (see weapon’s section). From the ankle joints to her knees, Ice has what look like matching unmarked silver shin guards. These end in short, sharp spikes that are useful should she decide to knee someone in a fight. Both the gauntlets and shin guards are detachable but Ice seldom removes them, as they are light and comfortable to move around in and look as if they are a natural part of her body structure.

Her natural body armor shields the other more vital parts of Ice’s body. The remaining areas of unprotected ‘skin’ are covered in a thin, almost transparent finishing layer of regenerating armor, bonded with her form. As in previous ‘bot modes, this natural layer only allows her to take a few more hits that she is normally capable of but is not foolproof and can be damaged, then becoming visible.

Her entire form is smooth and streamlined by this new TM2 form and there is nothing at all ‘bulky’ about her. Ice’s red Maximal symbol is located on her right shoulder.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Features:

* Blaster:

A sleek looking weapon about as long as her hand. This weapon is kept in a concealed (camouflaged) holster on her right thigh. Can fire ice substance on different levels of concentration and ammunition rounds at high power if needed.

* Ice Bombs:

Their design has been updated (for those of you that remember the originals). They are still small silver spheres but the surface becomes dull and camouflages with its surroundings when it is attached to something. 'Ice bombs' have the ability to freeze objects and/or opponents in an ice casing or snap freeze them, depending on their setting. They are filled with concentrated, liquid nitrogen and come complete with a minute timer and concentration level panel and remote setting controls for better use. These are usually stored in a hip compartment.

* Energon Dagger:

This blade has the ability to change length and, when not in use, is stored in her left thigh sheathe in dagger form. Like Ice, it has had a make over. In dagger form, it is a finely crafted curved blade with white patterns on the hilt and base of the blade. When it lengthens to sword length, it is straight and sharp but the tip curves slightly, ending in a sharp pointed tip (think elvish blades from LOTR).

* Finger Claws:

Can cut through almost any known substance and are a natural part of her structure. They are extremely sharp and have the ability to lengthen or retract when needed. Because she is a TM2 now, these blades are a bit more durable than before, ie. Less likely to break.

* Personal Camo Mode:

Gives her the ability to fade or cloak from sight in either form, however, if you look carefully you might be able to see a slight outline as she moves (This doesn’t mean she’s immune to detecting systems). Can also mimic color schemes of other bots if the need arises.

* Field Medical Kit:

Kept in subspace and contains basic medical supplies for first aid. Contains Ice's painted med patches (she also carries some of these in a shoulder compartment 'just in case').

* Manipulation of Temperature:

Due to her TM2 form, Ice has the ability to manipulate the temperature of the area in an immediate 7-8 meters around her. When she wills it, energy from her body can lower the temperature from a few degrees to 10 or 20 below what it was originally. In cases when she has lowered the temperature a lot, ice crystals form and icicles coat walls and floor. Ice also has the ability to focus this power in her hands (the energy ball is bright blue) and project it as a weapon during a fight. In this way, she can slow down opponents, coat them in ice or even snap freeze them (think liquid nitrogen). Small changes in temperature do not require much energy or effort but turning a room into an icebox or snap freezing an opponent can be particularly draining. For this reason, Ice will mainly use this skill to slow opponents down or coat them in ice. Using the snap freeze technique too much saps strength and may take a while to recover from (or even require time in the CR Chamber in extreme cases).


Created By: Icerunner