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General Information:

Name: DeVin.
Alias: N/A.
Faction: Maximal.
Sex: Female.
Height Class: Medium.
Classification: TM2.
Conversion Form: Puma.

Function (s):

Black Ops


Superstructure Information:

To get a basic image of DeVin's frame in your mind, just picture the guest character Natira, from the show Farscape. DeVin's predominate colorings are black and white. DeVin's eyes are also white, only a lighter shade. Though unusual, when DeVin is angered, surprised or stressed, her eyes turn a blood red color. She doesn't seem to have any control over it, the ability is just purely reflexive. Her voice is almost identical to Demona's, from the show Gargoyles.

Since her beast mode rear legs extend and form her robot mode legs, they can most easily be described as 'gargoyle like' and her toes are clawed. Her beast mode front legs are not a visible part of her robot form. Her hands are normal, having five digits. Her beast mode head, splits and lays across her shoulders, like in the case of TM2 Blackarachina of Beast Wars fame. Her beast mode tail is maintained in 'bot form. The tail is white in color, with what can most easily be described as a black arrowhead tip at its end. The tail extends to her toes. Like some beast warriors, she has teeth. However, two on the top and two on the bottom are fanged.

To picture DeVin's beast form, just think of a female feline version TM2 Cheetor's. Then picture it having black and white colorations, with blue eyes and minus the rocket boaster and leg spikes.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Features:

* Defense Grid:

The first element of DeVin's defense grid is a type of modified handgun. The handgun closely resembles Generation One Megatron's secondary form, only the colorings are black and red. It has both automatic and semi-automatic capabilities. The weapon is stored in a sub space compartment (something many Transformers have). The handgun fires tiny black disks. The disks work as follows; they latch onto a target, then explode. The resulting explosion causes damage to even TM2 and Greater Force armor types.

The second element of DeVin's defense grid is a targeting feature in her left eye. The targeting feature allows DeVin to directly interface with the gun, allowing the gun to respond to her neural commands. Meaning the gun can fire, spin around, hover in front/around her, come to her; just by mere thoughts. DeVin can also see what the gun sees, to better lock onto targets and or to get a better vantage point of an area. When DeVin does this, a set of black targeting cross hairs appear on her left eye. If her 'targeting eye' is ever damaged, DeVin looses the ability to interface with the gun, though the gun itself can still be used.

* Hand Weapon:

The weapon is black and curved like a bow. Both ends come to a point. An incredibly sharp silver edge runs the entire length of the weapon (on both the outer and inner edges), save three gaps large enough for DeVin's hands. The gaps are covered with black wraps, for added gripping. The weapon is essentially unbreakable, of course everything has its stress limits. The weapon is kept in the before mentioned sub space compartment. The weapon can penetrate even TM2 and Greater Force armor types.

* 'Shifting':

'Shifting' is a form of teleportation, allowing DeVin to instantly transfer her body anywhere within a certain radius of her position. Other then range, the true limit of this ability lays in the strain it causes her system. Stasis lock will result if she over exhausts herself using this ability.

* Night Vision:

A carry over from her beast form, in robot mode, DeVin can clearly see in the dark.


Created By: Jungle