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General Information:

Name: Cyan.
Alias: Alice.
Faction: Maximal.
Sex: Female.
Height Class: Medium.
Classification: TM.
Conversion Form: Saber-Tooth Rabbit.

Function (s):



Superstructure Information:

Cyan is Alice of the Lightspawn, all grown up. She has the same basic body plan- soft metallic fur, rabbit-like face, long rabbit ears, cotton tail on her skid. Aside from a flexible black midsection, the rest of Cyan's body is shelled in cyan (a change from childhood, and hence the name) transmetal with technological patterning on it. Body design is generally rounded, except for the razor sharp frills on her shoulders. Arms and legs are humanoid, has somewhat large forearms. Beast mode claws and teeth are all retracted and/or not in particularly useful places.

Her face is rabbit-like, however it is not her beast mode head. That is on her back, somewhat stretched out. This change from her childhood makes room on her chest for, well, an adult female chest, which is completely covered in fur. Cyan has a trim, shapely body, very beautiful and innocent looking overall.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Features:

* Submachine Gun:

Rapid bullet firing, high gauge, accurate up to 200m.

* Plasma Rifle:

Relies on high plasma velocity more than temperature to do damage, therefore is somewhere in between a projectile and energy weapon. Though semi-automatic, shots are extremely quick, there is no reload, and it will fire basically as fast as one can pull the trigger, which in Cyan's case is extremely fast. Very accurate, has scope addon.

* Concussion Grenades:

Regular old explosive grenades, usually has about ten or so. If she has time, she likes to paint them with easter egg colors.

* Subspace Grenades:

Upon exploding release unstable subspace pockets that tear apart all matter they encounter, and disrupt energy fields temporarily. 10ft blast radius. Carries four at a time. Note: all weapons carried in subspace.

* Jets:

3rd mode dual jets become lower legs in robot mode, propelling her feet to faster speeds and giving her a 20ft vertical leap. Incapable of sustained flight.


Created By: Riboflavin