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General Information:

Name: Alert.
Alias: N/A.
Faction: Maximal.
Sex: Male.
Height Class: Medium.
Classification: Regular.
Conversion Form: Wolf.

Function (s):

MSP Black Ops


Superstructure Information:

To picture Alert you are better off starting with an image of a Generation: One style superstructure as the wolf is very plain in appearance like the majority of the Maximal Secret Police’s covert operatives – standing out can be deadly in this game. The major features of his beast form such as the head and extra limbs are tucked away from view. His colorings are a mixture of black, gray and red. His optics are a yellow tint. His face as a general rule is void of all emotion as is his voice and he has an over all, battle hardened look to him – almost like a soldier who has been at the front too long.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Features:

* Energy Field (2x):

Disk shaped shields that emanate from his hands. In addition to deflecting inbound projectiles, they cut into that which touches their edges. Thus they have a dual function as hand-to-hand weapons.

* Missile Launchers (2x):

Proportionate to his size, they emerge from compartments in his back and each has three chambers.


Created By: Jungle