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Touching down on a landing pad on the illustrious Transformer home world of Cybertron is a standard interstellar transport cruiser. As stated, the vessel is standard, so not the intended object of our attention - the ‘bot now stepping out of it is.

Her name? Icerunner.

A young, rather striking female Maximal, bonded with snow leopard DNA. Her burning copper eyes reveal that she has come to her race’s home world with a purpose.




Icerunner is making her way through the area of the city deemed as ‘the slums’. All cities had a section like this. The buildings had seen better days, to put it lightly. Some of them still had damage received from the ‘Great War’ waged between the first Transformer factions: the Autobots and the Decepticons.

Lost souls roam about.

She finally stops in front of one of the ‘better looking’ buildings. Ice presses a series of buttons on the console. Accepting the code, the door slides open. What greets Ice?

A heavy bag, several racks of weights, a chin up bar, a weight bench and other assorted workout equipment. All of it is old and has had heavy use. A slight smile forms on her face as she takes the dimly lit room in.

Old place hasn’t changed.

Ice recalls images of Jungle as he trained heavily in this room...

... a noise...

Eyes narrowing, Ice looks around attempting to locate its source. It had come from the adjoining room she deduces. Gun ready, she investigates the matter further. She was likely to find Jungle, but as the same ‘bot had taught her, expect everything.

Back against the wall - body tensing - Ice turns into the pitch black room. There, a set of red eyes greet her.

She is fired upon.

Nope, not Jungle.

Ice returns fire.

However, her foe appearing from thin air - literally - clutches tightly to her neck.

Ice gasps, finally able to get a clear look at the attacker.

DeVin!?” Ice blurts out with difficulty.

DeVin’s eyes widen slightly, followed by her grip relinquishing - obviously knowing who Icerunner was.

DeVin is a beautiful female Maximal. She has the beast form of a puma and is a head taller then Ice. DeVin's eyes were white save during periods of extreme emotions - in such cases they flashed red.

Rubbing her neck, Ice gets to her feet.

DeVin and Icerunner weren’t friends. They only knew each other through Jungle. Jungle and DeVin have an ‘on again/off again’ ‘physical’ relationship, having met during their respective time in the Maximal Secret Police (MSP).

The few times Ice and DeVin had spent time together, usually resulted in some form of violence breaking out. That bit of background might be useful. The MSP in a nutshell is a Maximal black ops organization. The Maximal public at large doesn't like or trust this organization.

But what now? What do you say to someone who you just had a shoot out with and who you strongly dislike in general?

DeVin was making no effort to start a conversation.

Ice gave in. “Uh, I take it you are aware of JJ’s disappearance?” Ice asks DeVin to break the silence. JJ being one of Jungle’s nicknames.

“Boy you’re quick,” is DeVin’s reply.

Ice’s eyes narrow. There was nothing playful about DeVin’s remarks. “Look-”

Cutting to the outside of the building, we see multiple large crackling energy spheres impact it - having the effect of essentially leveling the structure.

Turning we find the source: a TM Predacon with the beast mode of an alligator, in his alternate tank mode. Quickly changing to robot mode, we see that the figure is thick armored, built like Rhinox and standing the height of Rampage. The large energy cannons from his tank mode, flip up and rest on his shoulders.

Focusing back on the rubble, we find Ice and DeVin undamaged.

No, they weren’t lucky. Using her limited teleportation ability, DeVin teleported during the explosion. Ice, not knowing what else to do, had grabbed hold of DeVin, teleporting to safety with her. DeVin looking rather exhausted from the strain of Ice going along for the ride, collapses.

DeVin was in no condition to fight.

The Predacon’s guns started to power up again.

Ice's options ran across her mind. There was only one: fight. Ice charges - getting the Predacon’s attention as to draw it from DeVin. She ignored her fears - just no time to hear them out.

Right before the Predacon fires, Ice chucks a couple of ice bombs - silver spheres - his way. They impact freezing the titan in place.

A short lived victory as the Predacon utilizing brute strength breaks free of his ice prison. Immediately he smacks into Ice, sending her several feet back and into a chunk of the building’s remains.

Right about now, Ice was seeing stars.

From nowhere a loud ‘whistling’ sound is heard.

Shifting his attention from finishing off Ice, the Predacon spots in the sky a female humanoid shaped pink energy field.

Not stopping to ask questions, the Pred fires.

The crackling energy spheres are actually absorbed upon impact to the 'energy field'.

In retaliation, the energy field fires off a blast of 'its' own, flooring the Predacon. The energy field then blasts the Pred one more time sending him out of our field of vision.

Dazed, Ice recognizes the human shaped energy field as Jennifer Scott's alternate form. That connection is made just as Ice passes out.


DeVin awakens rather suddenly, like someone waking up from a bad dream. Icerunner quickly appears by her side.

“Easy,” the snow leopard says. “You’re safe.”

Not taking those words at their face value, DeVin quickly looks around and notices several things. One, she was laying on a cot. Two, crates were about marked ‘CaVin’s Bar’ meaning she was in a storage room. Three, she was not being restrained in any facade. Based on that data, she allows her body to relax.

Sitting up, DeVin sees Jennifer Scott in her human form off to the right with feet propped up as she read a comic. DeVin is puzzled by the organic’s presence, having passed out before Scott had arrived.

Jennifer in terms of human females, was extremely beautiful. She had soft white skin, wore regular street clothing and had waste length dark green hair. She stands taller then the average human. Her occupation of choice was that of a mercenary.

DeVin notices Ice holding a cup in front of her. Taking it without so much as a thank you, DeVin sniffs it. Not detecting any toxins, she takes a gulp.

Though Ice is trying her best to mask it, it’s clear the puma was getting under her skin. Ice’s brow being more arced then usual was a giveaway. Handing the cup back, DeVin gets to her feet in order to stretch. Ice considers bashing the cup over DeVin’s head, but decides it best to ‘reserve that option’ for the time.

Walking about to work the kinks out, DeVin while looking in Jen’s direction sniffs the air as if detecting something foul.

DeVin’s indiscriminate prejudice toward all forms of organic humanoid life, was hardly a well kept secret and so the act of deliberate ignorance does not go unnoticed by Scott.

Jennifer’s reaction? She calmly gets to her feet, then decks DeVin as soon as she is in range. It is implied that Jen hauling off and hitting people was not a rare occurrence in her life.

Growling, DeVin is forced back several steps. Her back straightens and fists clinch, while eyes flash blood red.

The two female combatants stood poised to brawl, however Ice gets between them. “Stop it! You’re both behaving like children!”

Both shoot glares at Ice - her words weren’t winning her any friends.

Ice looks to the puma. “DeVin, if it wasn’t for Jennifer Scott, we’d be piles of hot slag right now.”

DeVin’s response was a slight huff/growl. Jennifer’s response was a ‘hrmph’ sound.

“Why exactly were you at Jungle’s?” Ice asks DeVin.

DeVin tilts her head slightly. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to figure Icerunner’s motives. But does answer the question.

“I was looking for him.” A simple, clear cut answer. Ice got a nagging feeling that there was more to it then that - with DeVin there always was. But Ice decides not to press, DeVin’s body was still poised to fight.

“Me too, I-” Ice pauses having noticed the twirling of DeVin’s right hand, a sign for Ice to speed things up. DeVin was acting as if she had a million other things to do besides standing here.

Though Ice doesn’t have pupils like a human, her face simulates the look gotten when a human ‘rolls their eyes’. “Jennifer was hired to find a rogue Maximal scientist by the name of Meta. Apparently, many organizations are looking for Dr. Meta," Ice states. "Jennifer was tracking Marauder, a known Peace agent who led her to Jungle's home."

Peace is an organization comprised of veterans from the recent war with the Carbation Empire who were not quite ready to lay down their arms and feel that justice will only be done when the Carbations have been wiped from the universe.

“Meaning Peace thinks Jungle has information on Meta,” DeVin stated.

“Yes.” Icerunner continues.

DeVin shrugged and nodded. Hard to tell what exactly DeVin meant by that.

“Any rate, seeing as how our goals are intertwining, it would be best if the three of us worked together...” That being Ice’s concluding sentence. Ice wasn’t entirely sure if this ‘Meta business’ was connected with Jungle. But it was the best thing she had to go on.

“Or you could just active your self distruct sequence, winch...” Words of wisdom, presented via Jennifer Scott.

DeVin’s eyes turn blood red as she glares at Jen. Jen doesn’t seem the least bit intimidated, raising her hand in the ‘just bring it’ fashion.

Tempted, DeVin puts her back to the girls, collected enough not to give Jennifer the satisfaction - this time.

“What next?” DeVin asks. You can take it as a sign of DeVin willing to play along.

Ice is momentarily stunned. This was easier then she thought. One time DeVin almost slagged someone who just wanted to know her name after all. Truthfully, Ice doesn’t know what to say, being so stunned.

DeVin is actually the one to speak up. “There is more then one place Jungle hangs his hat…”


There are many layers to Cybertron in addition to the surface. Many haven’t been visited by the living for an uncountable number of years - easily a billion, probably more. The true reasons for all these layers isn’t clear, as entire cities lay deep beneath the ground. Most are none the wiser. Most don’t care. Even to this day Cybertron holds many mysteries; the answers long lost to ‘the rebellion’ and the ‘Great War’ which followed.

It is in this setting we find the trio of girls. Ice and DeVin were in their respective beast forms. Ice was almost marveling at her heritage, Jennifer is focused on the task at hand and DeVin is indifferent. It’s obvious Ice has never been here before. She secretly wonders why Jungle never told her about his place..?


In front of a terminal, stands a figure. Given the age of the large room, the terminal is new, built for ‘bots the size of Maximals and Predacons. The darkness robs us of a clear look, however the figure is female with dragon features.

“System deleted,” the computer states, interrupting the silence. Satisfied, the female stranger ejects a disk.

Turning as the entrance door slides open, which was obviously designed for bots of a bigger scale; Scott, Ice and DeVin come into our field of vision. The figure takes notice of our main characters at the same moment our main characters take notice of her.

Eyes meeting, both the figure and DeVin growl. The figure is the first to act, firing off her shoulder mounted energy cannons. DeVin and Ice transform and duck along with Jennifer.

Withdrawing her sword, Jennifer strikes - now in her energy state. However the sword ‘freezes’ in mid air.

The figure seems to have telekinesis.

Striking from the side, DeVin too is unsuccessful as her bladed weapon is also frozen.

The act of freezing DeVin’s weapon however releases Scott’s weapon. Round and round it goes.

Back with Ice, Ice has gotten to the terminal’s controls. She curses under her breath as the system had been wiped. However an idea comes to her. She turns back to the controls and begins typing furiously.

A change in strategy on behalf of the figure occurs. Shielding her frame with her dragon wings, the figure takes a hit via Jen’s sword. Rather pointless until DeVin is 'flung' into a wall. The figure must have paused in order to muster strength for that attack. She took a blow in order to rid herself of an opponent.

It was now one on one.

Worth mentioning that Jen doesn't seem the least bit bothered by loosing her partner.

However, here below ground, Jennifer was finding surprising trouble with finding a strong energy source to fuel her energy state. Translated: she wouldn’t be able to retain her alternate form much longer.

Jennifer twirls her sword around. “Please tell me your not finished, I’m almost sweating…” Jennifer says in a tone which only she has, one which implies that she is at a whole other level all together.

Half smiling the figure assumes a battle stance. “I’ve just begun.” Cold, simple, to the point.

The figure fires off an energy beam from her hands.

Dropping the sword, Jennifer fires off one of her own, putting the last of her stored energy into it, which causes her to revert back to her lovely human state.

Both beams strike. The force from the two powerful beams meeting and the resulting feed back, knocks the figure across the room before a solid steal pole stops her, head first.

One would expect the same to happen to Scott, right? But it doesn’t. Jennifer’s hair is a little frizzled and clothing somewhat torn, but otherwise she’s unhindered.

Looking across the field of battle, Jen eyes her downed and out opponent. “Humm…” She says doing her best to sound puzzled. “I thought you’d land on your feet… oh wait, that’s cats!”

Jennifer just couldn't resist the comment. Scott uses this break in action to retrieve her blade, examining it before sheathing it.

This is the first really good look we’ve had of the female figure. She is a TM2 with a Predacon symbol on her chest. Her plating was entirely black.

“Demonica…” Ice states in a low tone. Ice recognized the near by, cold cocked female Predacon as Demonica, a known Loyalist member. Loyalists are an extremist Predacon faction, who are against any form of treaty with the Maximal Alliance.

Her being here meant the Loyalists were after either Jungle or Meta. The Loyalists could conceivably just be after Jungle - still not enough evidence to solidly conclude anything.

Laying near her, in a way suggesting that it fell out of an internal compartment when Demonica hit the ground is a small disk. Jennifer moves to intercept, but DeVin appears from thin air, grabbing it first.

Jennifer doing her best to mask it, is really pissed off at the sight of DeVin, for obvious reasons, explained in these words of Scott’s, “I can’t thank you enough for your assistance, DeVin.” Referring to, the lack of over all assistance DeVin gave during the bout ending a few moments ago. Scott’s tone was as insincere as you can get.

DeVin shrugs. “Your welcome, organic.” DeVin’s quick reply; a mixture of spite and fake sincerity. She just didn't feel like fighting back there and of course watching Jen take a few licks was fun too.

Jennifer tilts her head slightly, measuring the insult. DeVin quickly teleports and appears behind Jennifer. Jennifer’s head is formally introduced to DeVin’s fist - pay back from before. However DeVin drops the disk in the process.

Eyes widening, Jennifer turns.

Ice speaks up, “guys-”

But is cut off by the sound of a large explosion.

All three turn eyeing a large hole in a wall that wasn’t there before. In pops Marauder in tank mode. The three ladies exchange quick glances.

Jennifer engages, without a second thought. She proves quicker then Marauder’s artillery which is systematically destroying the building. Recalling what happened last time, Marauder had upped to make use of his center tank gun, which is firing off solid missiles. Jen can't absorb those.

While Marauder is trying to nail Jen, it also seems as if he is trying to destroy the building as well.

Time running out, Ice grabs the discarded disk, then turns back to her work. On the screen now are data fragments.

Managing an energy blast, Jennifer sends a section of the roof down onto Marauder. Down but not out. Marauder converts to his robot form to end this game.


If Scott is scared, it doesn’t show as she raises her sword, ready to strike.

Several ‘ping’ noises are heard, like rocks hitting a car. Marauder turns, trying to find the source, but they were impacting all sides. Upon impact, they explode. Marauder’s armor was thick, so not too much damage is done. But enough is done to through off his concentration and balance. Jennifer however knows the source, DeVin.

Taking advantage, Scott seeks to remove the giant’s vertical base, aiming for one of Marauder’s knee joints. Good plan, but Marauder counters by firing a type of ‘grapple’ from one of his energy cannons.

As soon as it connects, it clamps down on Jen, forcing her to wince. She holds onto her sword, but is in too much discomfort to presently make further use of it.

Not able to keep her rapid teleportation up, DeVin pauses to take a breather, but she is still too long as Marauder’s other energy cannon rotates and snares the puma with a ‘grapple’ as well.

Both were now immobilized - the targeting cross hairs on DeVin’s left eye vanish and her gun falls to the floor.

Marauder could of won it, had he not made one mistake.

He sends an electric charge down the wires which the grapples are connected to. DeVin screams out, but Jennifer absorbs it, giving her renewed strength, enough to break free of the grapple.

After a brief mental debate, Jen frees DeVin, cutting the line via her sword.

“A little help,” Scott commands to DeVin.

Knowing it wasn’t the time to bicker - though taking Jennifer’s orders utterly disgusted her - DeVin complies. Both grab a hold of the line the grapple was formerly connected to and the pair of ladies actually manage to ‘flip’ Marauder.

On impact, Marauder’s energy cannons fire, which happen to strike the main support to the room. Not much was holding it together after all these eons.

Both Jennifer and DeVin curse.

Jennifer quickly looks to Ice, “time to go, cat!”

Grabbing Demonica, Jennifer sprints for Marauder’s entrance hole. DeVin and Ice follow suit, converting to their respective beast forms for added speed…DeVin’s discarded handgun is right behind them – she was obviously making use of her mental connection with it…

They all make it out just as the building collapses in on itself, burying Marauder.


Silence fills the air, like the calm after a violent storm. Our setting is still the ancient hidden city. With feet propped up, DeVin rests on a beam, back leaning against some rubble which once formed the building we were last in.

Laying on the ground next to her, still unconscious and in binds is Demonica. The top of her head has a rather nice dent on it.

Ice sits near by, tinkering with a hand held devise. Ice and DeVin aren’t paying any attention to the other.

Jennifer appears on top of the rubble, sliding down it with her feet, like one descending a steep hill.

“Found Godzilla,” she calls to the group, referring to Marauder. DeVin and Ice look toward her. “Spark's intact, but he’s out.” Jennifer finishes with.

Ice nods, she looked tired.

“So, what’s the deal with the disk, Icerunner?” Jennifer asks, feet now on the ground.

Ice sighs. “Its going to a while for this devise to decipher it.”

There was something ‘off’ about Ice’s voice, more to it then her simply being tired. Sensing the snow leopard was holding back, Jen chooses to inquire.

“You going to tell me what’s on your mind or am I going to have to beat it out of you, cat?” Jennifer was half joking, judging by her tone. Half joking meant she was half serious. Ice realizes that.

“I’m just having trouble putting all the pieces of this puzzle together,” Ice responds.

Scott looks to DeVin for a moment, but DeVin doesn’t even appear to be paying attention. “What do you mean?” Jennifer follows up with.

“Well, take Marauder. If Peace wants him to find Dr. Meta and wants him to do it through Jungle, why is he going around destroying everything?”

“Maybe the gator is trying to prevent Meta from being found,” DeVin says, finally speaking up.

“That would mean Peace has Meta and I know for a fact they don’t,” Jennifer retorts. “Besides, I think it was by pure accident he destroyed this place.” Jen motions toward the rubble.

“It's pretty clear Marauder meant to destroy Jungle’s other home,” Ice comments.

“And he did come in blasting this time,” DeVin adds.

“Marauder could be receiving checks from another agency,” a thought spoken out loud by Ice.

“Perhaps. He has no loyalties other then himself,” comments Jennifer. “But what agency?”

A slight smile appears on DeVin’s face. “We’ll have to ask the gator that question when he wakes up.” DeVin liked the thought of an interrogation.

“That could be a while,” Jennifer responds. “Same goes for our ‘Loyalist friend’.”

"Nothing still explains why everyone wants Dr. Meta," Ice speaks up with.

DeVin looks to Jen. “I bet she knows.”

“Hardly,” is Jennifer’s quick reply - fists crackling slightly with energy.”

DeVin smirks in such a way implying she finds Jennifer to be full of crap.

“You know, I’m really tired of keeping you two from ripping out each other’s throats! It's not helping!” Strong words from Ice.

Taking in Ice’s words, both Jennifer and DeVin put their backs to each other, walking a few steps away... Ice watched, prepared to duck...

DeVin speaks up. “Obviously Meta has come up with something which has gotten a lot of attention. Whatever it is I want it. I’m sure Scott’s employer wants it. Which means finding Meta. I’m sure finding Meta will lead us to Jungle. I do know Jungle was seeking him. His disappearance suggests he found Meta.”

A moment of silence.

Ice takes it what DeVin had just said. Ice knew DeVin had been holding back.

“Our goals remained linked, then,” Scott comments.


We are in a office - small, compact. A few accommodations hang on the walls. Pretty much what you’d expect the office of a Maximal Military officer to look like.

Orion Regus sits behind the desk. He was rather intimidating with his thick armor. Instead of being bonded with animal DNA, his alternate mode is that of a treaded ground assault vehicle. From his face you can tell he’s been through his fair share of war campaigns.

The lights of the office were unusually dim. Turning in his chair, he pulls out a bottle and raises it to his lips.

“Nasty habit,” are the words that come from the darkness.

Quickly turning, he finds DeVin standing before him. Regus looks rather perplexed.

“What’s a matter Orion? Not happy to see an old friend?” DeVin’s words were coated with spite.

“How did you get in here?” Regus finally manages to say, doing his best to sound authoritarian like.

DeVin merely shrugs. “That’s not really important, what is, is that I’ve come to call in a favor.” DeVin concludes with a smile.

Regus looked like he was going to be sick.


Moving through ‘Red Space’ we see a ‘Red Star’ class warship. ‘Red Space’ is a naturally occurring under layer of space. Technology does not currently exist to detect vessels moving through Red Space. Simply put, moving through Red Space is like moving through a giant red cloud.


On the bridge, Icerunner and DeVin are engaged in a game of chess. In another room aboard the Red Star, Jennifer Scott is amusing herself by playing a game of solitary. It's obvious she spends a lot of time alone - she seems to prefer it that way.

A beeping sound is heard, getting Ice’s and DeVin’s attention.

We see the Red Star dropping out of Red Space and going into orbit of a planet.

Icerunner takes a seat at the science station and begins standard scans.

"It would be funny if we went through all this trouble only to find that there was nothing down there," Jen speaks up with.

"These coordinates were of value to Demonica. They are what she downloaded," DeVin lashed back with, feeling the need to remind Jennifer of the obvious.

Ice pauses to shoot both a glare before anything can start.

“The surface is flooded with the residual energy signature of Carbation high explosives,” Ice comments. “It's almost like a fleet of ships was trying to blast the planet back to the stone age.” Ice was obviously puzzled by that revelation.

“Just how far are we from the Carbation boarder, cat?” Jennifer asks, the soldier in her coming out.

“We’re well within Cybertronian space,” Ice responds back with.

“Going by the intensity of the weapon signatures, can you estimate how long ago this happened?” DeVin asked.

Icerunner nods, turning back to her instruments. “About six years ago, putting the incident during the war with the Carbation Empire…”

“A military target then. Whatever was down there must have been pretty important,” Scott says, half to herself.

DeVin looking in the human’s direction, nods in agreement.

“Sensors are reading the remains of a structure below the surface. Radiation levels are within tolerance. The atmosphere is breathable,” Ice comments.


Landing struts extending, the Red Star touches down onto the planet surface. Dirt is kicked up from the force of the landing thrusters and the barren ground is scorched slightly. There are no animals, no trees, no bushes. The area is rocky and empty. Impact craters are all about. The sun can barely be seen from the ashy sky.

An elevator lowers from the front under belly of the warship, carrying the trio of ladies.

“The entrance is a few feet ahead,” Ice tells the group, as she takes point. The surroundings were deathly quiet. Eerie almost.

There is some evidence that a surface structure once stood where the groupie is - a partial foundation and a few slanted chunks of black metal laying about. Ice soon motions downward to a burned metal sheet, mostly covered by dirt.

Kicking some of it away, Jen with a slight struggle, tosses it off to the side, revealing a vertical shaft equipped with a ladder.

What greets the trio is a domed shaped infrastructure. Clearly it’s a laboratory or used to perform that function. The place is a total wreck. The floor is littered with a wide variety of broken equipment. Lab tables have been knocked over. Steel plates from the ceiling have fallen... etc.

Putting all that devastation aside, the facility is a mix between Tarantulus’s lab on Beast Wars and those hooky labs from the 1960’s incarnation of the future. What the cobwebs don't cover, dust does. Thus whatever went down, happened a while ago. A handful of working hanging lights partially illuminate the room.

The group completes their descent unmolested.

A row of large test tubes, big enough for an adult human to fit into, catches their attention. Upon closer examination, 'creatures' are occupying them.

Simplest way to describe them is as a cross between a wolf and a monkey – pretty fierce looking. DeVin clears some dust away from the label of one, revealing the following words: ‘Hunter/Killer P: 01C’.

Hunter/Killer – Genetically engineered specifically to hunt and kill Greater Force enhanced beings. Fortunately or unfortunately, these H/Ks appear to be dead.

Ice's eyes widen upon recalling something, "the H/Ks were created by Dr. Meta. This must have been his laboratory," Ice blurts out.

"Fan out," Jennifer commands.

Cutting to Icerunner, she's examining a computer, or what's left - parts from it are laying all about. Ice picks up a PC card, quickly discarding it to the floor, mumbling something about, 'junk'.

Looking over at Jennifer, she is the cause of several beakers shattering onto the floor. A puzzled look appears on her face upon spotting DeVin who is rubbing her fingers against a wall.

"Marking your territory?" Scott asks.

DeVin growls and starts to give Jenny the finger, though decides against it. “There’s a panel here,” DeVin says, voice suggesting she doesn’t have time for the organic right now.

Jen sees it too, a thin depression in the wall. Type of thing that if DeVin hadn't spotted it, she'd never of known it was there.

Jen's response is a shrug followed by a couple words, “why didn’t you say so?”

Putting her index and middle finger together, Jen fires off a beam of energy. Via teleportation, DeVin barely avoids it - barely.

The beam strikes the wall and Jennifer navigates it along the crevice. That section of the wall opens like a door, revealing a fully operational computer terminal. Safe to say, whoever destroyed the laboratory never found this.

All three of the girls gather by the terminal. A few curses imitate from Ice's lips upon encountering security features, but nothing she doesn't overcome.

A long 'scientific formula' appears on the monitor.

The ladies study it, but Ice is the only one who can make heads or tails of it. While looks of confusion cover Jen's and DeVin's faces, looks of astonishment and horror cover Ice's - her jaw hangs loose.

"So, you gonna tell us the scoop or what?" Jennifer finally asks, after a couple minutes of silence.

Ice swallows, nodding, "the formula's not complete, but it’s the blueprints to a biochemical weapon…"

"Go on," Jen prompts.

Ice continues, "from what I can tell, the viral agent is designed to alter the PH level of the victim till total monocular break down occurs."

"Damn," Jen's take on the situation, not welcoming the thought of being on the receiving end of that. Her stomach sinks…

"Icerunner, you said the formula was incomplete?" DeVin asks.

Ice nods. "Yeah."

DeVin taps her fingers, obviously something was bugging her. "Why would only part of the formula be here?"

DeVin was the only one not bothered enough by this whole revelation to catch the possible significance of that fact.

Scott shrugs. "Maybe Meta is hiding it from someone."

In near unison, all three pairs of eyes significantly widen. Exchanging glances, its clear they're all thinking the same thing - could this be why everyone's after Dr. Meta?

We focus on the word 'Demon', located in the top center of the screen.


A deathly darkness surrounds us. A faint ceiling light reveals the outline of a long desk with a heavyset ‘bot seated behind. We see a ‘bot flank him, having the features of a wolf.

Stopper, CaVin reports that Marauder has broken. He spilled the information regarding Dr. Meta’s location.”

Without turning around, Stopper - the Head of the MSP - is quick to respond, voice void of emotion like his subordinate. “Thank you Alert.”

Alert disappears into the darkness. The chair creaks as Stopper leans back.


A star.

A cluster of warships comes into our left viewing field. The only ship with any markings is the Red Star - damaged and in toe. The crafts in comparison to the before mentioned star are specs. As they approach it, an opening forms in the celestial body.

Spotting a hovering surveillance drone, we move into it and end up in a control center.

There we find a dragon and a puma overseeing a group of Maximals. The puma is unmistakably DeVin.

A grin is present on DeVin’s cat face as the monitors show Jennifer Scott being escorted from the Red Star in binds.

“The organic can be tricky, I hope your ‘boys’ can handle her,” a playful statement from the puma.

An amused smile is her companion’s reply, followed by, “this is a Section 10 compound.” The dragon’s voice sounded remarkably like the famous Pyre’s only less... ‘tired’. They were in fact brothers.

“I know Vengeance, hence the reminder.” DeVin concludes by brushing against Vengeance, like a house cat does to their master.

“You’re a very interesting creature DeVin,” says Vengeance. By his mannerisms, you can tell he finds her to be ‘very interesting' indeed.

“Oh?” DeVin playfully asks.

The dragon nods, “you could of given the missing links to Meta’s 'Demon Virus' to anyone.”

DeVin gives a shrug. “I’m no idiot. Section 10 is the winning team and I like winners.”

“So you’ve said.”

“I know Vengeance, I do recall the conversation. Just what are you getting at?”

Vengeance shrugs as well as a dragon can. “Your history of selling people out. It’s troubling to say the least.”


Vengeance smirks. “True.”

Vengeance eyes her movements as she walks off past him, mumbling her activation code: ‘DeVin Maximize,’ thereby converting to her lovely robot form. Vengeance follows suit. The dragon didn't have to tell his charges to monitor DeVin, everyone knew the point in taking foolish chances.


Scott is placed into a cell - auto-weaponry as always focused. Restraints remaining, one of them puts a breathing unit around Jen’s face, covering her mouth and nose. The apparatus is connected to a tube, running into the ceiling.

The walls of the cell are solid and transparent as is the door. A press of a button and the cage rapidly fills with water.

Now the purpose of this elaborate setup is clear - Jennifer converts to her energy state and she’s fried.

Jen’s eyes catch the occupant of the neighboring cell.

Dr. Meta!

The doctor takes notice of her too, but doesn’t do much more then lift his head, with noticeable discomfort.

There was also no Jungle in sight.

Then Jen ponders on about her cell. It was obviously designed to contain her, specifically. It's not likely Section 10 would just have a cell designed to contain beings with energy alternate forms around, 'just in case'. Perhaps they were planning to capture her eventually.

From the corner of her eye, Scott sees Vengeance coming into her viewing window.

“Greetings Ms. Scott, I am Vengeance, ‘caretaker’ of this facility. Enjoying your stay?” The dragon asks, eyeing Jen’s raised middle finger. He then focuses onto Meta.

“Patience doctor. Now that I have obtained the missing links to your little virus, your time has nearly come. But not quite yet."

Scott had a pretty good idea what was a foot: Section 10 needs someone to take the fall when the 'Demon Virus' is released, so who better then the creator? The public at large would certainly buy it - some rather 'colorful words' fill Scott's head.

The main power in this section - and the rest of the base - goes out. Vengeance is both stunned and pissed off at the same time. Oddly the back up systems do not immediately turn on.


Icerunner is seen inside a maintenance tunnel. She places a handful of tools into a sub space compartment. Activating her ‘camo mode’ - allowing her to blend in with her surroundings - she scampers through the shaft.


Without power, the locks to the cells open. Thus the water occupying Jen's cell exits.

In a burst of light, Scott breaks free of her restraints, via conversation to her energy state, yelling out in discomfort from her body being soaked.

Her full attention is on Vengeance. In turn, his full attention is on her.

The dragon motions to Jennifer to simply 'bring it'.


A Section 10 operative clutches tight to Jen's mythical sword as she moves through the darkened complex.

DeVin’s slender female frame takes shape behind her.

Her gun rising via the neural link shared with it, a projectile attaches to the agent’s head. Instant unconsciousness results.

Stepping on and over the husk, DeVin retrieves the sword. A blink later, she’s gone – teleportation.

Finally staggering to her feet with a headache the agent successfully fumbles for the alarm terminal. But there be no power to it.


Jennifer flings the large energy sphere she manifested in her palms at her foe.

However, originating from no logical source, 'fire' engulfs the energy sphere - wrapping around it like a net. Thus, Vengeance is shielded successfully from its effects. The fire extinguishes itself along with the sphere.

Jennifer of course is stunned by that series of events.

From lack of concentration the energy she was manifesting, disperses.

In the case of the energy sphere, fire engulfs her. A loud cry later, the fire dissipates and Jen collapses - back in her more pleasing organic state.

Vengeance never moved during the altercation. But the half smile on his face indicates that he was the cause.


We are in the core area. A female Maximal bonded with eagle DNA directs her engineering team in undoing Ice’s handy work.

Off to the side, after a brief distortion of color, Ice appears. When the lights un-expectantly come on, she hugs the wall.

We see what she sees. In the lower right of our viewing window is her ‘camo mode power meter’. It’s a breath away from depletion. Switching back to our normal view area, she clutches several of her ice bombs. She had no choice, time for a sortie.

Remembering her training from Jungle, she examines her environment. No auto weaponry would be here, because of the risk in them striking the main reactor. Though at the first sound of a fray, security teams would be here in moments.

There would be a window of opportunity for success - a small one. The snow leopard counted five ‘bots in the immediate area. Five to one. Not the best odds, but acceptable, as Jungle would tell her.

Now or never. Ice engages the enemy. Again fears and doubts are pushed aside. Instincts and reflexes have the helm.

Her ice bombs freeze everything within a several foot radius on impact. Caught off guard, three are frozen. Given the reactor heat, that state wouldn’t last long. The eagle and one other were left.

It is the other who retaliates with his wrist missile launchers - think Airazor from Beast Wars. A section of Ice’s right leg is taken off upon one impacting her, she falls.

Instinctively Icerunner rolls to prevent further harm. Dwelling on an injury would only lead to more.

She takes one more in the back.

The eagle curses, followed by, “you fool!”. The words were directed at her companion, as she grabs his arm.

Still rolling, Ice has enough wherewithal to freeze the entry door. Knowing time was against her, she chucks an ice bomb at the pair, denying them the opportunity to go on the offensive again.

The eagle takes to the air avoiding it - the other isn’t as lucky. Fluid was poring from Ice’s injuries.

She tries to stand, but her leg gives out, just as the eagle’s fists impact her frame. The eagle’s hands, shaped like talons, raise and with fury she cuts into Ice’s body. Face, chest - she wasn’t focusing in on any particular area.

Extending her finger claws, the snow leopard manages a block. The female eagle retorts with a head butt.

Once more Ice falls, inwardly cursing at herself. Following up, the eagle thrusts her talons at the snow leopard’s spark casing. Though, she’s turned into an ice sculpture before her goal is realized.

Breathing a sigh of relief for besting her foe, Icerunner mentally regroups and crawls to the reactor, determined to complete her objective here. Too damn stubborn to quit.

She hears the sounds of ‘bots outside, attempting to gain entry via the ice covered door. In a matter of moments they’d be in, but she can’t spare the bombs to reinforce the door. She only had a couple left and they would be required.


A ghostly quiet area, surprisingly. The lights were dim, not a Cybertronian in site. The Red Star is still here and intact - we focus on the warship before angling off to the side. We see Vengeance enter along with Meta and Jennifer over his shoulders.

By now Jen had begun to stir.

She breaks free, blasting the titan with an energy blast which causes him to drop Meta.


Ice was struggling to keep her eyes open. She had lost a lot of fluid, but just no time to treat her wounds, just no time.

Sweat poured down her face as well, being up close and personal with the reactor like this, didn’t set well with her. Her beast mode was that of a snow leopard - she preferred the cold. She hung in though, just one more thing to do.

The main reactor ran the full vertical length of the facility. A continuous stream of energy flowed in it. Disrupting the energy stream would trigger a massive explosion, destroying the base. That’s where the ice bombs came in to play. Via a hacking trick just previous on Ice’s part, the computer had already removed the protective shielding from the cat’s way.

Simultaneously with Ice dropping her last of her ice bombs into the energy stream, a team of Section 10 agents bust into the room.

They spot her, but before they can really do anything, an explosion rocks the base, followed by this computer message, “warning, core implosion imitate.”

The message continues to repeat in the background. Upon the explosion, the S10 ‘bots are thrown down. The rapidly melting ice statues also fall over, freeing the captives within.

Ice is of course thrown violently down as well, not having the strength to get up this time. A few pipes and wires descend on her.

DeVin appears next to the fallen cat, with Jen’s blade in hand.

Ice smiles through the pain.

“Took you long enough.” Said light heartedly.

“Shove it,” DeVin’s stern retort.

Tightly gripping the snow leopard, the pair of ladies vanishes. It puts a great deal of strain on DeVin's system, but this time at least she was prepared for the act.


Switching to an external view of the complex, we see many escape pods exiting the star’s boundaries.


Pissed off, Vengeance continues to ignore the computer’s continuous warnings about the core implosion. Gaining strength from this rage he felt, Vengeance forms a wall of fire to the left and right of him.

Jennifer struggles to find the strength to get up. She wasn’t going to let it end like this.

Vengeance was preparing for endgame.

CLANG – metal hitting metal.

Jen turns upon registering the sound, eyeing her sword now present on the floor next to her.

Arcing her head further, she sees the other 2/3’s of the trio; Icerunner and DeVin. The pair of cats were braced against each other, using one and other for balance.

Scott isn’t the only one who notices their presence. A half smile forms on Vengeance’s face. Ignoring Ice, his eyes stare right through DeVin. He’d been postponing his big finale for DeVin.

The walls of fire make a quick sharp arc toward the group of ladies.

Wielding her long lost weapon, Jennifer locates that strength she was seeking. Praying to the creators of the mythical sword, let now be the time, she charged the dragon.

Extending his hand, Vengeance catches the blade before it can deal him any kind of serious blow.

“Pathetic,” he states.

In the midst of all this, he doesn’t take notice however, of the ‘reddish’ color the blade was glowing.

Had he known more about the sword, he would be trembling, for the weapon’s true power was unleashing. With no logical pattern to it, the sword released a crippling burning energy upon striking an object... from time to time... was one of those times…

Vengeance cries out.

Sounding as if his very spark had been pierced by a knife, as his body is consumed by the magical energy.

The titan falls to his knees.

Loosing control of the fire, it disperses.

Body glowing the same reddish color the blade was, his head hits the ground, body fully paralyzed.

DeVin seemed to be reveling in that.

Jennifer lets out a deep sigh of relief. Seeing how the dragon was no longer a threat, Jen looks back to the others. “Lets get the hell out of here!”

“Where’s Jungle?” Icerunner asks, sounding hopeful.

“Not accounted for!” Jen’s quick reply, almost over shadowed by the noises of the base coming apart at the seams. Ice’s jaw drops; was all this for nothing?

… No, the Demon Virus would never get a chance to threaten anyone.

Making a mad dash to the Red Star - on pure adrenalin - they find its engines are powered up.

Meta’s voice is heard via a loud speaker. “Final boarding call!” The doc states, attempting to find some humor in this predicament.

Stepping onto the elevator, Ice realizes the lack of DeVin’s presence.

“Jennifer! DeVin’s not here! We-” The leopard is silenced by Jennifer Scott decking her. Simply, they were out of time.


The vessel clears the star, just as the compound within explodes in a rainbow of colors.


Concern fills Ice’s face - in DeVin’s condition she could of easily fallen from exhaustion, thus meeting her end when the base imploded.

Then there was Jungle - if he wasn’t in the S10 complex, then where was he? Her quest to find him is what got her into this whole mess. Thoughts like those occupy the cat’s mind.

Meta turns to face his female companions, letting out a sigh of relief. “We’ve just crossed into Cybertron’s system.”

This was the preverbal home stretch. Ice found that news comforting; she needed a cr-chamber.

Jen rises.

With Ice’s blaster in hand, she points its barrel tip in the doc’s direction.

Ice and Meta look to one and other - both are equally stunned.

“Don’t interfere cat and you won’t be harmed," Jen states to Ice as her other hand crackled with energy in the cat's direction. "As for you doc, we’ve got an appointment to keep.” Jennifer’s tone would scare most into cooperating.

Jen being hired to find Meta is what got her into this mess.

“Jennifer, have you-”

“Can it.” Jen wasn’t in the mood for a noble outburst from the cat.

Obeying the bounty hunter’s gun motions, Meta rises and heads for the exit. Passing by the organic, the good doctor, ‘trips’ falling into Scott.

The suddenness of it all, allows Ice to get the bounty hunter into a headlock.

Providing assistance, Meta restrains Jen’s arms. As her eyes crackle with energy, it’s evident that Scott is very pissed.

“The Demon Virus will kill countless billions! Is it worth it, Scott!?” Ice asks, struggling to maintain her grip.

… a tense moment passes…



We briefly view the ancient sphere of Cyberton before switching to one of its cities. We angle onto one of the establishments, this one is marked ‘CaVin's Bar’.

A ‘bot enters - we follow him through the door. In the crowd a few old faces are present. The female hedgehog Predacon Laurel, the Maximal TM frog Frogger, the female fox/canary fuzor Predacon Malarius, the Maximal TM wolf Lonewolf, the female siamese/parrot fuzor Predacon Sphinx and the cockroach Predacon Shazbot.

Navigating the crowd, we come to another door. Moving down the passageway, we turn, pass through another door and come to Icerunner and Meta.

Physically, the leopard has done a complete turn around - now back in the condition she was when we first met her. She is seated on crates, Meta had the dibs on the chair. This is the same room DeVin awoke in after the original conflict with Marauder.

“Unfortunately, I was too caught up in my work and thereby ignored one very important fact. While the Demon Virus fulfills the requirements of its purpose, to wipeout the Greater Force's charges...”

“It does the very same to all organic based life forms.”

Meta nods at the astute leopard. “A costly oversight, my dear.” He lets out a deep sigh.

Ice takes his hand. “Well, Section 10 is back to square one and you’re out of jeopardy, doc."

A short, bald, heavyset fellow, dressed in fine cloths, with red welty skin approaches them. All and all he has a rather ‘sly’ look to him. He sounded even slyer.

“The ‘pigs’ just arrived and took the gator and the demon into custody.” AKA, Marauder and Demonica.

“Thanks CaVin,” Ice responds.

“Quiet beast, I’m not finished talking yet.”

Obviously that sharp comment annoyed Ice, but CaVin could care. “Do you realize how bad it is for my business when officers come busting in? Or how inconvenient it is when my rear rooms are tied up!?”

CaVin, a jack of all trades. If you can name it, he’s either involved in it or used to be involved in it.

Icerunner starts to speak, but CaVin doesn’t give her a chance to get more then a word out. “Since your running buddy Jennifer has ‘disappeared’, I expect-”

Not being able to take CaVin’s ranting any more, Ice sternly cuts him off. Now standing, she’s over a head taller then the organic.

“CaVin. You will be well paid by me for your services.”

“All right then, just so long as we have an understanding,” CaVin retorts.

Having gotten a hold of herself, Ice gives this reply, “all you have to do is give Dr. Meta a safe place to stay for the night.”

Ice dictating terms, really gets under the organic’s skin. For a moment, one might think that steam was going to come out of his ears, though CaVin quickly regains his composer. “Fine, but only because I’m physically attracted to you.”

Without realizing it, Ice lets out a sound of utter and total disgust in regard to that statement of CaVin’s.

CaVin is visibly joyed in having succeeded in getting that deep of an reaction. Ice just brushes past him - it just wasn’t worth it to the cat.

Meta calls to her, “if your friend Jungle truly is seeking me, give him my regards when you find him, Icerunner.”

She turns. “Thanks doc, I will.” Statement concluded with a smile.


Drink in hand, the Maximal leader Cain, gazes out across his empire, via his top floor office window.

Even with the fact that Cain is the Maximal leader in mind his office is grander then you’d expect. It’s filled with the rarest of the rare artifacts, from all corners of the explored cosmos. The office itself is the size of an above average Cybertronian apartment. The window the raven is presently looking through, is hardly a porthole – it spans the entire length and height of the wall it’s on.

“Hello, Jennifer,” he states, having noticed her reflection in the window. This window was actually designed to give off a greater reflection then the usual. A ‘bot in his station can’t be too careful.

Via the reflection, we see that she nods. He continues. “Seems your reputation is unjustified.”

“Oh?” Jen asks.

“Indeed. I hire you to do one simple task, bring to me Dr. Meta. Though in retrospect, you weren’t competent enough to do that, were you?”

“You wanted a virus. That’s extra.”

Amused, Cain chuckles. It soon dawns on him that Jen’s reflection is no longer present in the window. Spinning in his chair, the raven sees that the bounty hunter is indeed gone. He mumbles something about no payment for her, in-between cusses, as he finishes off his drink.

The original Blackarachnia from Beast Wars, comes into our viewing window, in her lovely robot form. She wraps her arms around the raven and rubs his chin with her pincher.

“I keep telling you Cain, don’t let the little people bother you. Ignore the setbacks and just stay focused on the big picture.”

Grabbing the Predacon’s arm, the Maximal leader kisses her…

“I love it when you’re rough,” says the widow.


Meta settles down onto his cot. With the recent happenings in his life in mind, it was a first class accommodation. His body un-tenses for the first time in months - a wonderful sensation to finally be able to relax. Meta elected to leave the lights on, it just gave him added comfort. Just as the scientist’s eyes close, his host enters.

“How’s everything?” CaVin asks.

“Just fine, thank you,” Meta replies, sitting up.

“Glad to hear it. Good night, doctor.”

“Good night, Mr. CaVin.”

Nodding, CaVin turns to leave. “Oh, nearly forgot...” CaVin says without turning back around.

“Forgot what?” Meta asks.

The rear door opens and instep two gun baring male Maximals - both having tiger features on their frames.

Meta’s eyes widen with fear.

The pair of cats step aside, to allow the ‘bot previously identified as Alert to enter.

Focusing on CaVin’s back, we hear the sounds of tranquilizer darts being fired. Followed by the sounds of the scientist being restrained and dragged off.

“That,” CaVin’s late and quiet response to Meta’s question.

Sticking his hand behind his back, CaVin catches a black sack - the snitch’s payment. The rear door is heard closing. At that, CaVin continues on his way, not bothering to look back. The night was young and there was more yet to do. A busy man he be…



Written by: Jungle.
Edited by: Icerunner.
Creative Consultants: Techno and Icerunner.

Length: 39 pages.
Completion Date: 8/28/2001.



DeVin, created by: Jungle.
Icerunner, created by: Icerunner.
Jennifer Scott, created by: Techno.


Cain, created by: Dark One.
CaVin, created by: Jungle.
Demonica, created by: Jungle.
Dr. Meta, created by: Agent Rasp.
Marauder, created by: Jungle.
Vengeance, created by: Dark One.

Also Featuring:

Alert, created by: Jungle.
Blackarachnia, created by: Beast Wars Staff.
Frogger, created by: Frogger.
Laurel, created by: Catfish.
Lonewolf, created by: Lonewolf.
Malarius, created by: Ferrebot.
Orion Regus, created by: Zoso.
Shazbot, created by: Psyckogod.
Sphinx, created by: Catfish.
Stopper, created by: Jungle.


Transformers, was created by the good hard working souls at Hasbro Enterprises and Marvel Comics. I had absolutely nothing to do with that; yeah I know, I really missed the boat, but I was three or four at the time. Beast Wars: Transformers, was created by Hasbro Enterprises and the great folks at Mainframe Enterprises. No, I wasn’t apart of that either, but I did strongly protest the show’s transition to; Beast Machines: Transformers… damn Skir. I gave credit to the creators of the characters I used in this story, that weren’t mine… so no point mentioning anything about that here…

Well, that should cover me legally… oh wait a nano; I made this work of fiction, purely personal amusement, not profit (if you actually read it, the reason for that will become real clear). Course I have no personal objections to ‘tips’ (wink, wink).

- Jungle

Basically like this fic? Then read this one: Heart and this one: Contention.