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Transformers, was created by the good hard working souls at Hasbro Enterprises and Marvel Comics. I had absolutely nothing to do with that; yeah I know, I really missed the boat, but I was three or four at the time. Beast Wars: Transformers, was created by Hasbro Enterprises and the great folks at Mainframe Enterprises. No, I wasn’t apart of that either, but I did strongly protest the show’s transition to; Beast Machines: Transformers… damn Skir. I gave credit to the creators of the characters I used in this story, that weren’t mine… so no point mentioning anything about that here…

Well, that should cover me legally… oh wait a nano; I made this work of fiction, purely for personal amusement, not profit (if you actually read it, the reason for that will become real clear). Course I have no personal objections to ‘tips’ (wink, wink).

- Jungle