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The Realm

You are walking in a park, when before you a door way materializes. The doors are made of stone and has many carvings in a what seems to be some type of language. You are wondering what to do when the doors swing open. You can't see what is past the doors only darkness is seen, but you can't help being curious and walking through. When you pass through the doors the air becomes chilly and damp, as if you were in a cave. Just as you turn around to see the world you left behind the doors slam closed; darkness envolopes you. After a few agonizing minutes in the dark, the torches lining the stone walls are lit. Even though no one was there to light them. You look around, the walls are of a dark gray marble, the floor is of a black marble, and the cieling..... Well you can't see the cieling.

"Hello Stranger. I am Ryu, I guard this world from evil," you look around and you see a person standing a few meters away from you. On a belt she carries a sword and in her left hand a staff. Beside her a great black cat is seated, it has deep green eyes and sharp silver claws.

"I need to leave now and I will let you visit our world. Remember though, that what you see might not be what is actually there. Expect the unexpected to happen," with this word of warning Ryu and the great cat disappear all together, and you barely catch the last words she says, "and this is The Realm."

You are puzzled by these last words. "The Realm." You've never heard of something stranger...... You decide to walk further down the hallway, you start hearing a song that was carried by the wind. You follow the sound, which just happens to be leading you deeper into the seemingly endless hallway. Suddenly you come upon a door way. The doors are of bronze and some other metal you have never seen before in your life. On the door on the right there are some carved letters in some language you have never seen before but on the left side there is a poem of some sort in English:

You walked through The Doors of Time,
and now you approach These,
You are standing in The Hallway,
which is neither here nor there,
but once you go through These doors,
you will go into the land of The Realm.....

You decide that The Realm must be some sort of world or something like that. Looking once more at the doors you get nearer to them and gently push on them. When you touch them they are colder than ice, but when you try to pull your hands back you find that you are no longer even at the door...... Looking around you notice a forest to the left of you and a path leading to your right. Both seem interesting.... You wonder if you can find anyone to talk to, so that you can ask all the questions that are nagging at you.

Turning behind, you see a fountain. Getting nearer to it you notice that the water has something written on it. Look Below To See What Is New

  1. Updates (October 7, 2001)
    • Sorry for not updating in such a long time... ^.^*

      I added some more pages, which you need to discover on your own....

  2. Find It
    • The Find It will be temporarily shut down because I'm currently remodelling the site and I don't have the time..... I'll put it back up right after the site is ready.

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