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FAITH KIDS/Indianapolis

FAITH KIDS is the children's ministry arena of Faith Missionary Church at 91st and North College Avenue in Indianapolis, IN.

FAITH KIDS is kids, growing and developing as Christ followers.

This fits in perfectly with Faith Church's mission statement which is

It is our desire...our vision that FAITH KIDS be a biblically functioning community of believers that teach and model for children how to know Christ and make Him known. We see our mission to supplement the family in their attempt to lay down a spiritual foundation that, in God's timing, will lead a child into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ as a high calling. We are honored to be used by God in this most important process of life-transformation!

To see pictures of the TRAILBLAZER girls on their recent BIKE HIKE to the Zoo, follow this link.

To see photos of the WATER PARTY for Pioneer Clubs that was held in January 2001, follow this link.

Options for Faith Kids

During the 9:00a Blended/Contemporary Worship Celebration and the 10:40a Traditional Worship Celebration, infants and toddlers are cared for in age-specific nurseries. There are classes for children ages 2 through 6th grades available both/either hour. Children in 3rd grade and older attend worship with their parents one hour and their SS class the other while the younger children have the option of remaining in their classrooms for the whole morning.

On Wednesday nights during the school year, preschoolers through 6th graders have the opportunity to be a part of the Pioneer Club program from 6:30p to 8:00p. Faith Kids Club will be more intentional about meeting the relational/community needs of Faith Kids than our Sunday morning program. It is also designed to be the kind of place that our kids can comfortably bring their unchurched friends.

The M&M Kids Club meets on Sunday mornings during SS and/or Church with the 3rd thru 6th graders on an irregular schedule. LeAnne Hardy and Judy King host this adventure for Mission Minded Kids.

Divisions of FAITH KIDS...

FIRST THINGS is a safe and love-filled place for infants, crawlers, and toddlers designed to provide excellent care for these precious little ones and encouragement for their parents.

NEW CREW is a safe, fun and love-filled place for preschoolers and kindergarteners where they will learn of and experience God’s love and grace in these most formative years.

PRIMARY PLACE is a place designed especially to encourage, challenge, and grow our 1st and 2nd graders as they choose to live as kingdom kids.

NETWORK 34 is a place designed especially to encourage, challenge, and grow our 3rd and 4th graders as they gain new skills in and understanding of their faith and God’s world.

PLANET 56 is a place designed especially to encourage, prepare, and grow our 5th and 6th graders as they face all sorts of new challenges as they near their teen years.

FAITH KIDS CLUB is a place designed especially to build relationships and encourage community for our 1st through 6th graders and to provide a comfortable and inviting environment for their friends. There is also a NEW CREW division of the CLUB designed especially for those younger clubbers.

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Or is this just a record of Ruth's visits? :)

Resources, Security, Director, etc

If you'd like to check out some "suggested resources" from, CLICK this LINK. You can read more about the what and why from there.

And if you'd like to use a simple search engine that is limited to articles related to Christianity OR to use the Bible Gateway Bible on line, CLICK this LINK.

SAFETY AND SECURITY! We want you to know that we have a number of things we are presently doing to make sure that children are safe when they are in our care. We screen volunteers, for instance, and have silent pagers available to parents of our nursery and toddler kids. Children are precious. We believe it is very worth the effort of filling out applications, sitting face to face for interviews, and checking references. Let me thank you for your cooperation and patience -- and support in this project.