

You come to a small building, within is over a hundred people, all hudled together.
A woman walks up to you. "Evermore has changed so much. These people are all homeless. This is the only refuge left. Feel free to stay the night here."
You shake your head and sigh as you see the destruction. A once beautiful kingdom reduced to such ruble.
What's going on?
Evermore has undergone a change. Edwin Palemoon and Dark Angel has taken over Evermore and Emperor Claw has been killed. ((OOC Note: To the CL people who had done this kind of thing already, I appologize if it seems like I'm trying to copy you. That is not my intent, I simply wanted to do something with Evermore since I don't want it to die down, since that's probably what would happen in it's previous setup.))

Who is Edwin? And who's this Dark Angel guy?
Nothing is really known about him. He appeared just before Emperor Raptor was killed and in the confusion managed to take the reigns of Evermore. As for Dark Angel, he's a former Sub-Ruler. He was transformed by Emperor Raptor and soon after killed Emperor Claw and joined with Edwin.

Emperor Raptor?
Raptor is Emperor Claw's old arch nemisis. He tried taking over Evermore. He caused most of the damage to the kingdom. Claw managed to kill him by throwing him out of Evermore Tower. It was a great victory, but things quickly dove downhill from there.

Is anyone trying to stop Edwin and Dark Angel?
Of course! But he's brainwashed people into being his servants. The Royal Guards were once kind, but now, they're all evil fiends. There's no way to get to Edwin. He's put fear into the hearts of many. Dark Angel is even harder to get to, and even stronger. All we can do, is hope that The Resistance will help us. Try going to the Church. You may find allies there.