Edwin's Guards

Edwin's Guards

There are three levels to Evermore's guards. The Mercenaries, The T-Sci Guards and the Royal Guards. The following, is a brief description of each.

Mercenaries- The most powerful, highest ranking officers. They are specially trained by Fergard Mentar. They do the difficult tasks that are unable to be done by regular guards. They also act as more of a military unit. Mercenaries are very dangerous and could be deadly if meddled with.
Uniform: Each Mercenary wears a ring with their emblem on it, a dagger dripping blood. The high ranking officers wear black with gold and purple trim. Lower ranking officers wear black and red.

T-Sci Guards- Special guards for the soul purpose of defending Trèggin Sci and Edwin. They have been trained by Cross and are best with mystical techniques. They too, like the Mercenaries, can be deadly but are better served as defence than attack. However, T-Sci Guards, when on offensive, can be very powerful.
Uniform: Dark golden suit with a black armour including breast plate, leg and arm protection and sometimes helmets.

Royal Guards- Royal Guards are the most numerous and do the dirty work. They act more similarly to corrupt police officers. They bully around the weak and keep as much order as they can by oppressing the Evermorians. They have generally bad attitudes and will do anything to get the job done. They'd gladly sacrifice the innocent for the better good of themselves and Edwin.
Uniform: Black and blue body armour.