The Gateway


You walk up the farthest you can go in Trèggin Sci and peer out a window. You can see a large structure in the distance, but can't quite figure out what it is. Pure dark energy comes from the object, the sheer power of it is simply stunning. It's like a pool of evil. There is a huge ring of great stones surrounding the vat of shadows. They don't look to be put there by mortal hand, these strange stones are mystic, arcane, and sorcerous. Made with exotic runes, strange and simplistic, it intrigues you even more. Whatever this thing truly is, it eminates a dark aura that's almost hypnotic. You continue to peer into it, trying to decipher its purpose. Shaking your head, you snap out of the trance.. You turn and walk down the stairs, trying to leave that demonic thing behind you.