Barra Del Blazer

Barra Del Blazer

Need a hard drink after beating some giant spiders? A place to rest after being chased by a group of goblins? Perhaps a surface to gargoyle missile launcher? Barra Del Blazer is the place to go. Tended by Blazer Redleaf, owned by Mike Donati, Barra Del Blazer is your one stop liquor store/hotel/black market.
In the basement of this two story building, Mike and her goons operate a little weaponry business that isn't afraid to sell to whoever will pay. On the main floor you'll find lovely seating, good drinks, great conversation, and the odd quest to destroy a nearby village. Above that are a few well decorated, fully furnished rooms for the tired and weary.
And now, bring the family over and have a nice meal of seige rations! Only at Barra Del Blazer!