
Race = Silver Elf

Age = 5622 (give or take a few hundred)

Birthday = February 24, a long time ago

Gender = male

Eyes = ice blue

Hair = silver

Height = 6ft 5in

Weight = 91

Job = helping others

Weapons = Skilled with all major weapons and most minor ones he can use any weapons but is perticularlly dangerous with his lighthawk sword. Forged in dragons fire from the metel of an asteroid this glowing blue sword is both light and yet can swing with the power of a the weilders heart and stop any foe. This weapon of choice never leaves his side.

Powers = All his magic runs through his sword which, through the ages, has become a part of him to the point where he can levitate it to him from any point within sight or range. As for what those powers are they are known only to be varied and terrable to have turned against you. If used on an ally they can heal many wounds. His most adept power is that to levatate and fly. He also is very fast and can outrun most opponents.

Personality = He has a rather dark personality but those who know him well know that he is actually a very kind and gentle person who only fights when he has to.

History = He has wandered for many years and was tought by some of the greatest fighters alive to be a skilled warrior with all weapons. He then wandered

Quote = "Do not contradict me. Thats my job!"