
Race = A strange undefined mix generally called the Cataine. she is the only one of her spiecies and has the fairness and immortality of an elf but is obviously mixed with other spieces from her appearance.

Age = unknown

Birthday = unknown

Gender = female

Eyes = bluegrey

Hair = silver (not grey but silver)

Height = 6ft 3in

Weight = undefined she changes it to suit her needs

Job = Fighter

Weapons = She is genrally not a fighter but she does have some asteroid metel knives that she will use in fights if the need arises but she generally is just and overwhelming energy force that is unstoppable if turned on you.

Powers = Her powers are extremelly energy oriented but not exactly magic. though she is adept with magic like most things she tries she doesnt use it much. her main attacks all consist of an unknown type of energy that has proven to be completely undrainable and highly potent. if she wishes she can channel that energy to any purpose but it is mainly used to nurture and even create life. if used to attack it is very beutiful but it applies to one of those "if looks could kill" rules as it is quite unstoppable and she has a hell of a lot of it.

Personality = She is a kind and gentle funloving person who doesnt really like fighting but if challenged she will pounce and not stop her powerfull attacks until the job is finished. she is a bit flirtatious at times but is loyal and honest. she is very beutiful and weares her shining robes wherever she goes.

History = very little is known of her past to even herself. she has come to evermore use her limetless well of energy to help the resistance anyway she can. she thinks that she could be usefull to them in battle since she is enormesly powerfull and can heal any fighter that open up to her.

Quote = "all physical wounds heal with time with or without help. its the emotional scars on our hearts that need the most help."