
Race = Mesuratax

Age = 17

Birthday = May 7th

Gender = male

Eyes = Cold blue

Hair = red

Height = 6'5

Weight = 150

Job = wandering warrior

Weapons = He uses pretty much any weapon but if he feels that he needs it he has a scecial Jurian sword known as the master key for its ability to unlock and control a Jurian tree ship. This ship is his other major weapon and whenever you ride somewhere with him in it you are riding in some serious style.

Powers = His race has been known to use almost any attack known to man but there two greatest abilitys if used properly are the ability to fuse itself with 1 or more other beenings to pool together there power. His other major skill is to be able to use the abilitys of anyone he comes in physical contact with. Epuiped with these abilitys he is a deadly adversary.

Personality = He is a bit shy around women but forgets all his fears in battle where he is dangerous and sometimes a little unstable. Other than that this deadly killer is as gentle as a pussy cat.

History = The Masuratax are a race that was created in an experament to find a supperior race. The owners never did get the recognition that they deserved because there little "children" killed them the second they were aware of there surrounding out of pure anger for there special violation. Unfortunately for the Mesuratax there offspring slowly but surely grew weaker than there parents until the effects of the exparement wore off and they were about normal again. Then Avianx was born. The villagers soon found that the resion that the other young were so weak was that there energy was being diverted to another plain and it descided that when Avianx was born it would come back with all of it in him. He came into the world with 2 things that set him apart from the rest of his species of supercreatures that mark him as the one who makes them look like weaklings and those are his wings and an orange diomond shaped birthmark on his forehead. from there on out he wander! ed all over the world quickly perfecting his skills and now hes in Evermore to start up a whole new party.

Quote = "Your starting to bore me. Time to die"