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Intro & Overview -- Page 9


The Words of Paul Twitchell:

"We will find that most writings on the subjects of religion and philosophy are hardly more than dialectic fiction, and really not sacred scriptures." Illuminated Way Letters


INCONSISTENCY: Harold Klemp in one of his biographies, "Soul Travelers of the Far Country: says "The Bible Is Dead", yet he quotes the Bible freely to support Eckankar's "teachings" frequently . In order to build the Temple in MN, it was necessary for Eckankar to gain the support of local churches for zoning approval. This is only ONE example of Klemp's constant reinforcement of the "teaching" that all religions are actually of the "Kal" (Eckankar's "Satan") .... and cannot lead people to God)

We can see the effect of Paul Twitchell's lies and mind-control messages in the "experiences" that Harold Klemp reports, and how the "public" Eckankar and the "inner" Eckankar are quite different. Here is an example of how the cult's mind-control messages affected Harold Klemp himself:

"Early in my ECK studies, I wavered back and forth between the authenticity of the Bible and the reality of the Living Word, which is the Living ECK Master. Once, in the dream state, I slipped into a church service in disguise. The minister arrived late. Finally, he stepped into the pulpit and mocked up an emotional outburst of despair. Shouting, he accused me of causing my sister's damnation because she had left his church for ECK. Then he closed the Bible and dramatically threw it over the heads of the people, into my lap. But when the Bible hit my lap, I immediately jumped up and threw it on the floor. "The Bible is dead!" I shouted in response. This caused an uproar in the church.

The preacher hurled barbs at me while I stalked down the aisle without a word, heading for the exit. After each of his verbal attacks, I stopped and countercharged that each Soul must look again to the *Living* (italics) Word, the Living ECK Master. "Judge for yourselves," I said to the congregation. "You are being deceived by a dead teaching." It seemed they had already guessed that. I was merely voicing their unspoken thoughts for the minister's benefit. After all, did he ever tell them that the Sound and Light of God are needed to attain spiritual freedom? Otherwise, what are they for?

Awakening from this experience, I found myself stronger in Spirit. The inner experience had spared me the unpleasantness of such an encounter in the outer world, while the Dream Master's aim was still accomplished: to have me stand on my own feet and speak up for truth."

(Please note: In Eckankar, "dream" experiences are "REAL" .... and even less "illusory" than "life on Earth" .... )

* * * * *

>From "The Spiritual Laws of Eck", Harold Klemp, 1990 (a compilation of quotes)

""A Christian who lives the Law of Righteousness is far superior to a chela who engages in useless arguments with other chelas about whether there is dogma in Eckankar. Even though we are ultimately on a path that is centered upon the inner reality of truth, we do need the outer expression of truth while in a human body."

"This Sound Current is actually the Voice of God, spoken of in the Bible as the Word: "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." " "How to Find God" Mahanta Transcripts Book 2, p. 156, by Harold Klemp

"We take our steps on the spiritual path; we climb the ladder to God. Jesus said, "Come unto me and be lifted up." " How To Find God, MT Book 2, page 8

"In a sense, we are led to believe that the grace of God descends upon us, but actually it's as Jesus spoke of when he told his followers to come unto him and he would lift them up." "How To Find God", MT Book 2, p. 48, by Harold Klemp

"Our name for Spirit is simply ECK. (copyright Eckankar) This ECK is what the Bible refers to as the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. This is the same manifestation that came to the apostles at Pentecost. They heard a sound like a rushing wind." "How To Find God", MT Book 2, p. 40, by Harold Klemp

"As Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God...and all these things shall be added unto you." " "How to Find God", MT Book 2, p. 41, by Harold Klemp

"Charity is what the Christian Bible speaks of as good will. We call it vairag, or detachment." How To Find God, MT Book 2, pg. 40, by Harold Klemp

"The greater you become in your state of consciousness, the quicker your acts come back to you. In the Bible, St. Paul spoke of this Law of Karma when he said, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." How To Find God, Bk. 2, p. 18, by Harold Klemp

"St. Paul said, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." How To Find God, Mahanta Transcripts Book 2, p. 214

"One is required to pay the price for breaking the spiritual laws even though it is done in ignorance. This is the highest law. "Do unto others as you would first have them do unto you" really means if I don't want people meddling in my life without permission, then I ought to extend that same privilege to others." How to Find God, MT 2, p. 165

---------------------------------------------------- The cult and its members are now evangelizing by telling people that the "hu-chant" can be used by members of all religions, without interfering with their beliefs. The "newbie freebie" book, "Eckankar: Ancient Wisdom for Today," encourages people to become members of Eckankar, saying "You can stay in your present religion. In fact, its teachings will probably become clearer than ever." This, obviously, is at the very least---deceptive.

The following "spiritual experience" reported by Klemp is more proof of the cult's public deception:

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