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Overview & Intro -- Page 6


Why Harold Klemp moved the Temple Site from Arizona to Minnesota

From "Be the Hu," the initiates-only book, compiled from Harold Klemp's seminar talks to initiates of the second circle and above...

"I'm moving it for several reasons. In the past there have been a number of psychic forces hovering around the site. We've also had to consider the political situation in South America which is going to push people north into overpopulated Mexico, then into the southwestern United States."

From The Living Word, Book 2: "Why Build a Seat of Power for Eckankar?

"We need a place from which the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master can speak to the world about the Light and Sound of God. The Temple of ECK will become the chief destination of spiritual pilgrims the world over. For now, the Seat of Power for Eckankar is in Minnesota. At the crossroads of humanity's quest for spiritual freedom, it is the spiritual center of the world."


From Letters to a Chela by Paul Twitchell---page 34 For more chapters of this "secret initiates-only book" see

For Initiates Only---the discourse series that Harold Klemp and long-time Eckists (including some here on ARE) studied & were brainwashed with--this discourse series was reprinted in book form by Darwin, and continued being sold for many years under Harold Klemp. (Please note the words I've * *)

"So ECK of ITSELF must find those who are willing to *plant* themselves in church groups, of every nature, and act as the ones to *spread the message* of ECK. These are commonly called *cells* in political jargon, but we know them as *cadres.* This is to *get a foothold* in any group, any institution and to be able to quietly but effectively *give out the message of ECK*, and act as *reformers* within these groups ****so that their members will come over to the works of ECK.**** This is one of the efficient ways of educating others to *become sympathetic with the ECK and ITS works.*

Since Christianity is only an aspect of the ECK there is no need of viewing it or any other religion with awe. All religions and philosophies spring out of the fountainhead of ECK. Therefore we must look upon each with a sympathetic view that every group is respectively struggling to find the Godhead.

***Since every ECKist knows that the Godhead is that which is available only through the path of ECK then he must be warm, sympathetic and helpful to those in religions, occultism and philosophies for they are all the subordinates of ECKANKAR.******

There is no need to fight them, no need to have arguments with them or try to give them truth when none are ready for it.

***But we can find ways of entering into the middle stream of life everywhere, in social clubs, on civic boards, in groups of people who are *seemingly without anything in their lives*. You can get invitations to talk to public groups on ECK, have your own festivals, such as an ECK festival, or go on radio and television programs wherever available. *******

*****You can visit old folks homes and help cheer them up; visit hospitals and help with people who are not able to help themselves. Become readers who will talk to people who are handicapped, or read to them *from the works, the books of ECK.*

****** You can also ******infiltrate***** young people groups and tell them about ECK. You can make talks to high school groups and to university and college classes.

There are a hundred ways in which you can make yourself available to do work for passing out the message of ECK. Everyone of them is a part of your training for ECK leadership."


Under Klemp's leadership, Eckankar has been implementing the message of "Letters to a Chela" and subtly reinforcing this message in its "chelas" .... Klemp has recently instructed all eckists to speak to one new person a week about Eckankar. . .

Klemp in The Living Word, Book 2: "The entire ECK spiritual heirarchy is working on the ECK missions project."

"The truth about ECK Initiates is that some are good Vahanas, or missionaries, and some are not. (...) The first ECKist, the unsuccessful one, uses old techniques from ten and twenty years ago. He or she frightens people. (...) Such topics put new people off today. It's OK to mention them---they are, after all, a part of the ECK teachings-- but why dwell on them?

"...the successful one, shows a very different pattern. He or she is willing to try new ways of reaching the millions of willing Souls, and works closely with the ECK initiates at the Eckankar Spiritual Center. This approach works. Its success lies in having the focus on the spiritual needs of the seeker instead of what a great teaching *we* represent." (pages 200-201)


Klemp in Ask the Master, Book 2: "Now, however, with the Temple of ECK as the center post of the missionary effort in ECK (. . .) When giving service to others in the name of Sugmad, is it really necessary to tell them we have another name for God?"


At another location, I will be posting many more excerpts from the present-day "teachings" of Eckankar showing how Twitchell's original plans are being carried out, in a more subtle way, by Harold Klemp. You see...eckists believe that they do NOT "proselytize" .... but, each of them is convinced that 24 hours day, 7 days a week, they are "channels for Spirit" and "co-workers with the Mahanta," in the privileged position of providing the "outer" linkup to Klemp, the Living ECK Master, the "Mahanta." Here is just one example....showing how Klemp, himself, was affected by the mind-control of Paul Twitchell."

Click Here for Page 7


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