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Happy Easter

History of Easter - Story of Easter

Easter recalls the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is a joyous festival that coincides with the arrival of the Spring season. Easter is celebrated by the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring solstice. Orthodox Christian churches observe Easter on the first Sunday following the end of the Jewish Passover. The Western or Latin churches (Roman Catholic and Protestant) place emphasis on the ancient astronomical methods of calculating the day of observance of the Easter holiday, while the Orthodox churches place greater importance on terrestrial recollections, such as the order of historical events leading up to the resurrection of Jesus. Consequently, for Orthodox Christians, the Easter holiday must follow the Passover holiday, since the Last Supper that Jesus had was a Passover Seder.

Depending on the arrival of the full moon and the dates of the Passover holiday, the Easter holiday for the Western churches may fall on a day before, during, or after the Passover holidays.

Pastel Bar

Easter is the holiest day of the Christian religion. Christian theology generally centers around the resurrection of Jesus and his relation to mankind. The name "Easter" might originate from either a Teutonic or Germanic goddess of Spring, called "Eostre", or from the Teutonic or Germanic festival of Spring, called "Eostur". The date for the Easter holiday must come between March 22nd and April 25th.

Colourful Eggs Bar

Symbols of Easter - Significance of Easter

Easter abounds with symbolism.

The rabbit, bunny, lamb, cross, lighted candles, eggs and chicks, are all seen as having importance in the celebration of Easter.

Purple Eggs Bar

The rabbit, egg, and chick, symbolize the arrival of Spring and are associated with rebirth and renewal of life. This representation, combined with the resurrection of Jesus, gave Christianity an important connection between humanity and nature, the latter being the centerpiece of pagan life in pre-Christian Europe, and a central theme in overlapping and transferring loyalty from pagan festivals to the celebrations of Christianity.

Easter Bar

Lighted candles and/or bonfires also symbolize light, renewal, hope and warmth. They most likely acquired these meanings from the more nature-oriented ideas of paganism.

Easter kitten

According to the World Book Dictionary (1968), paganism is defined as "one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Moslem. For instance, the ancient Greeks and Romans were pagans".

Bunny and Rose

Easter has its origins in both Jewish and Pagan traditions.

Bunny juggling eggs

The word for "Easter" in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish comes from the Hebrew word "Pesach", or in English, Passover.

Blue Easter Eggs

In French, the word for "Easter" is "Pâques".

Easter Fairy

Easter Fairy Certificate

In Italian, the word for "Easter" is "Pasqua".

Bunny on egg

In Portuguese, the word for "Easter" is "Páscoa", and in Spanish, the word for "Easter" is "Pascua". However, in German, the word for "Easter" is "Ostern". Thinking about an exotic Easter vacation spot? How about Easter Island?

Bunny wondering

Prior to Easter Sunday, the day of the resurrection of Jesus, there is a 40-day period of fasting and solemn observance called "Lent". This period is marked by abstinence from celebratory activites.

Chicks and egg

The period of Lent is observed in remembrance of Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.

Animated Easter basket

These 40 days of fasting in the wilderness are reminiscent of the Israelites' 40 days in the wilderness of the Sinai desert, when they did not have time to bake bread for food, because they were fleeing from slavery in Egypt.

Animated Easter basket

The final week of Lent is called Holy Week. This recalls the final week in the life of Jesus.

Hop here to see how Easter is celebrated in the birthplace of Jesus, the Holy Land.

Easter eggsRabbit running

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. This recalls Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Multiple egg border

Palm Sunday is named for Jesus' disciples laying palm branches before him, as he entered Jerusalem.

Hoppy Easter

On Spy Wednesday, Christians remember the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot.

Happy Easter flowers

On Maunday Thursday, Christians honour the Last Supper that Jesus had with the 12 Apostles or leading disciples.

Happy Easter animated

The following day is Good Friday, where a somber mood prevails among Christians as they remember the crucifixion of Jesus.

Happy Easter

On Saturday, Christians begin the sacrement of hope and expectation of the reappearance of Jesus.

Funny bunny

At 12 A.M. on Saturday evening/Sunday morning, there is a midnight mass highlighted by the church leader announcing that Jesus has risen from the dead. This results in a joyous celebration by all Christians throughout Easter Sunday.

Eggs bar

One Easter tradition that is observed in many families is the Easter egg hunt. Parents hide chocolate Easter eggs around the house and the children take delight in finding as many as they can. YUM, YUM!! This tradition is approved by 4 out of 5 dentists (HA, HA!!). This leads me to suspect that dentists own stocks in companies like Nestlé and Hershey (just kidding, corporate guys!).

See the fabulous Hershey Chocolate Museum.

Hey guys. What's the deal? Why are the chocolate Easter bunnies hollow nowadays? When I was a kid, the chocolate bunnies were solid chocolate! What gives?

Animated eggs

Another common Easter tradition is the traditional egg-rolling contest held on the White House lawn every year. This tradition was started by President Andrew Johnson in the mid 1870's.

For more information about this tradition, go to the White House! Here is the origin of egg rolling.

Egg designs

I'll bet you never thought the Pope could groove!

Well, here's the answer, dude! Check out the hip-hop Pope at the Vatican!

Animated egg basket

Easter rainbow

Remember to have a happy and safe Easter holiday!

Please keep in mind that children with physical disabilities need love and attention, too. Make a special effort to include them in your social activities.

All children need love and attention!

Lastly, don't forget to move your clocks ahead in accordance with Daylight Savings Time (DST).

Never have enough time?

Think you're running late?

Check out the time zones for every country in the world!!!

This site is amazzzing!!!

Check out this YouTube video that is equally amazzzing!

It's a telephone booth in the middle of the Mojave Desert!

Send us your thoughts, Easter recipes, and good cheer! Click on the e-mail image below:

E-mail Bunny

This page was fun to create and we hope you enjoy it, too.

Happy Easter from two, good, temporarily single Jewish boys. Best regards from Malcolm and Mike, Montréal, Canada.

This page was created in real-time on April 1, 1999

Last updated: March 17, 2013

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Floating Bunny