Honors United States History I

Article Index

Dr. Michael Edmondson


1)"Estévanico the Moor," By Anne B. Allen. Tales of the adventures that befell three conquistadores and their Moorish slave during the sixteenth century led to Spain's Francisco Vásquez de Coronado's exploration of what is now the American Southwest. Due 27 September.

2)"Turning Point" by Tom Wicker. The clash at King's Mountain between Patriots and Tories began Britain's long descent to Yorktown during the American Revolution. Due 1 November.

3)"1796"y John Ferling. When George Washington announced that he would retire from office, he set the stage for the nation's first two-party presidential campaign. Due 6 December.

4)"Order vs. Liberty" by Larry Gragg. Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798, it opened a heated debate about the limits of freedom in a free society. Due 10 January.

5)"Andrew Jackson and the Tavern's Keepers Daughter," By J. Kingston Pierce. When President Andrew Jackson defended the honor of the wife of his secretary of war, the resulting scandal broke up his first cabinet and threatened to make his administration a laughingstock. Due 7 February.

6)"The Notorious Fight at Sand Creek." By Paul Andrew Hutton. Already one of the most celebrated men in America in 1835, Davy Crockett, a restless Tennessean, sought adventure and new opportunity in Texas...where the Alamo and immortality awaited him. Due 6 March.

7)"All Men Are Created Equal," by Constance Rynder. Over one hundred and fifty years ago the people attending the first Women's Rights Convention adopted this radical proposition. Due 10 April.

Article Analysis #8 requires that each student detail the

contributions the following two articles make toward

an understanding of the Civil War. Due 8 May.

"Christmas in the Civil War," by Kevin Rawlings. Whether in camp, in prison, or on the homefront, Christmas came--and so did Saint Nicholas!

"The Photographer of the Civil War" by Conley L.. Edwards, III.

Article Analysis #9 requires that each student detail the

contributions the following two articles make toward

an understanding of Custer and the West following the Civil War. Due 22 May.

"After the Washita," By Louis Kraft. On the Staked Plain, following the Battle of the Washita, George A. Custer's greatest victory was a negotiated one.

"Custer's Italians," by Vincent A. Transano. Among the troopers advancing with Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer on the Little Bighorn in June 1876 were 1st Lt. Charles DeRudio and Privates John Martin and Augustus De Voto.

Email Dr. Edmondson: drme@erols.com