Advance Placement United States History II

Article Index

Dr. Michael Edmondson


1)"Wild Women of the West," text and paintings by Bob Boze Bell. Some of the ladies were short on virtue, but virtually all of them were long on courage as they faced the dangers and uncertainties of life on the frontier. Due September 24.

2)"The Reluctant Seaman," by Donald Lankiewicz. Although a brilliant naval historian and noted theorist on the importance of sea power to national defense, Alfred Thayer Mahan hated the sea and dreaded his duties as captain. Due October 8.

3)"1st Aero Squadron in Pursuit of Pancho Villa," By Gary Glynn. Taking part in Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing's 1916 Mexican expedition was a learning experience for the U.S. Army's first air arm--mainly in regard to its own deficiencies. Due October 25.

4)"Fateful Voyage of Lusitania," by John M. Taylor. The Cunard liner's captain expected a safe Atlantic crossing, but a German U-boat would bring Lusitania's journey to a devastating end. Due November 15.

5)"Against All Odds" by Edward Oxford. Led by legendary flier Jimmy Doolittle, 16 U.S. Army B-25 bombers broke through Japanese defenses on April 18, 1942, to strike Tokyo and other cities in broad daylight. The daring and dramatic raid stunned Japan, revived American morale, and signaled a new course for the Pacific War. Due December 6.

6)"Japan Bombs the West Coast," By William H. Langenberg. A floatplane launched from an Imperial Japanese Navy submarine dropped its bombs in September 1942--the first time the continental United States was bombed from the air. Due January 10.

7)"30th Anniversary Hamburger Hill Revisited," By Colonel Harry G. Summers, Jr., U.S. Army (ret.) Hamburger Hill proved to be the telling battle of the Vietnam War, as Pork Chop Hill was for the Korean War. Due February 14.

8)"The Alger Hiss Spy Case," By James Thomas Gay. Fifty years later people still ask the question about Alger Hiss: Was he or wasn't he a Communist spy? Due February 21.

9)"New Light on the Gulf of Tonkin," by Captain Ronnie E. Ford, U.S. Army. With fresh evidence now available, claims that the Tonkin Gulf incident was deliberately provoked gain new plausibility. Due March 6.

10)"Space Shuttle," by Brian Welch. Shuttles are the highest, fastest airplanes, but they can't break the image barrier back on the ground. Due March 20.

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