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Updated: 10/02/00

Society's Finest are one of the heaviest new metal bands around. These guys can start a pit like you wouldn't believe. And even though they cite Slayer as a major influence, the band is Christian and makes no apologies for their views. Their latest release is heavier than hell and should win over both secular and Christian fans alike. Check out our e-mail interview with two of Society's Finest...

Highwire Daze: Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Society’s Finest and how long the band has been together.

Josh: Vocals, sampling.

Joel: My name is Joel, I play bass and sing backup vocals. The band has been together for 4 years now.

HD: Where is the band from and what is the music scene like there?

Joel: We're from Dallas, Texas.

Josh: There is a really dedicated fanbase here.

HD: If you had to describe your music to an elderly person like your grandmother, what would you say?

Joel: I'd say that we're rock and roll. Like a really loud, fast version of Elvis.

Josh: A heavier version of Hank Williams Jr.

HD: Where do you get the ideas for some of the song lyrics from?

Josh: Life experiences.

HD: Is there any meaning behind the name Society’s Finest?

Joel: Just that we're a bunch of nice guys.

HD: How much does Christianity influence your music?

Joel: Our faith is the reason we've come together to make music. We make music to honor the creator of music, God.

HD: You site Slayer as one of your major influences. Do you ever get offended by some of the imagery Slayer convey in their lyrics?

Joel: Sometimes. I feel that everyone believes what they believe for a reason. For some reason, the guys in Slayer are very angry and into some stuff I'm not into.

HD: How do you respond to a kid who says he really likes your music but is not a Christian.

Josh: It would really encourage me to know that someone respects us even though they don't see life the same way we do.

Joel: I'd be really stoked. If our music somehow touches someone, then that's a wonderful thing. We try to pour our hearts into our music so that it tells a story by itself.

HD: What is a live Society’s Finest show like for those of us who have yet to see you play.

Joel: Sheer mayhem.

Josh: Have you ever seen the movie Scream?

Joel: Yeah, lots of yelling, breaking stuff, lots of frightened girls.

HD: Any plans to tour, including stops in Los Angeles?

Joel: We hope to get back to LA soon. We had a great time when we stopped there earlier this year.

Josh: The weather was great there. We'd relocate the band there in a second if we could.

HD: If there was one thing you’d like a listener to get out of hearing your music, what would it be?

Josh: That they understood what we are trying to say to them.

Joel: That we are the people we are because of the love of God. He inspires us to do what we do.

HD: Do you have any messages for people who might be interested in checking your band out?

Joel: Point your computer at or go pick up a cd.

HD: So who is better anyway – Britney Spears or Christina Aguilara?

Joel : Christina by a longshot!

Josh: I have my heart set on Britney Spears.

THE OFFICIAL SOCIETY'S FINEST HOME PAGE: All the news on Society's Finest!
SOLID STATE RECORDS: The record label for Society's Finest!
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