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Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Hey YOU wassup? How U doin'? Well here I am signing your guestbook like I said I was sooooooooooo........ long ago hehe. Man you got a pretty kick @ss page goin' on here, it totally suits you. how is your Christmas Holiday goin' so far? Mine ish velly velly velly BORING!! And there's like abosolutely NO snow it don't even feel like Christmas. But oh well ish all goot I suppose. hehe...Do di do di do Huong dunno wut to write no more...I'm not good at babbling on and on and on....hehe I'm startin' to sound like da energizer bunny ^_^ Man this is gonna be harder than I thought...I must admit you have some talent bein' able to write so much on peoples guestbooks when I can barely fill up a paragraph hehe. Hmmm....what to write....ummm.....You doing anything for New Years Eve? Lemme guess you dunno..hehehe no one seems to know, and so much people are like goin' paranoid over this Y2K thing. You tink anything goin happen? huh? Me dun think so so...although I wish something would happen I think it'd be pretty cool if the world blew up then we all die together hehehe JOKES! JOKES!

Hey hey wassup yo? Me back.....I tink I'm boring you. Am I boring you? Well TOO BAD for YOU, hahahahaha you're just gonna have to live with it cuz' I'm gonna keep on writtin' till I have like a really really really really really long message, and remember you still gotta sign my bookie super long too! Well wut can I say you are one unique individual....extremely weird at times but you're always there to make me laugh...even after I beg you to stop :P hehe....We've had quite a history both good and bad times, but man I gotta admit you're right about one thing grade nine wuz da bomb baby! I dun really remember how we even became friends or how I managed to put up with you after all these years but I'm sure glad that it worked out that way...I dun think I would have changed anything that's happened. I know you'd prolly disagree but you gotta admit you've learned a lot over the years..thanx to me of course hehe JOKES!! You know I'm just kididn' hehe....But one thing's for sure you've been a great God*Sis through and through....and you know that I'll always be there to do the same for you!! Wait wait wait...I'm still not dun yet keep on readin' hehe......................

Omigod I'm back again! hehe. You know wut? I'm really startin' to run outta things to say...I commented on your kick @ss page already and I said all da mushy stuff...wut else is there to talk about? Ah....the good old days hehe...lets take a trip down memory lane shall we? Actually no I dun think I wanna do that since this is after all a public place which I'm sure other people will see I tink I'm just gonna put a poem in here hehehe...A friend of mine once turned to me and asked. "How many friends have you?" Why 10 or 20 friends have I, and named off just a few ~ She rose quite slow with effort, and sadly shook her head. "A lucky girl you are to have so many friend," she said. But think of what you're saying, there is so much you do not know. A friend is just not someoen to whom you say "Hello". A friend's a tender shoulder on which to softly cry. A well to pour your troubles down and raise your spirits high. A friend is a hand to pull you up from darkness and despair...When all you other "so called" friends have helped to put you there. A true friend is an ally, who can't be moved or bought. A voice to keep your name alive, when others have forgot. But most of all a friend is a heart, a strong and sturdy wall. For from the hearts of friends, there comes the greatest love of all!!! So think of what I've spoken, for every word is true. And answer once again my child. How many friends have you?? And then she stood and faced me, awaiting my reply. Softly I answered "If have "I" "YOU!!" Awww....isn't that such a beautiful poem? I think it has a lotta meaning to it and if you think about I'm sure you'll understand how you can really relate to it. Well I hoped you liked it, cuz' I know I do hehe. I think I've read it to you before but this time I edited just for you ^_^

Well that about wraps it it's time for me to say my good-byes...just for now of course hehe. Before I end this off I just wanna wish you a Merry Christmas and a Supa Happy New Year, and may all your wishes come true. Okiez I think I've taken up enough of your time already Buh-bai for now, and take care!! ^_^
Luv Ya 2 Pieces, Your God*Sis 4-Ever

Hey chickie poo wassup wit you? Well wut can I say, for starters you have waaaaaaaaaaay too many pages, and far too much time on your hands. hehe But then again a lot of us's just that we dun use dat time to make a shit load of pages hehe. But den again dey do look quite nice. Ish coo' how you like gotz dis whole style thing goin' on with both of your more recent pages. But enough about da pages did your Christmas break go? Mine wuz okay I guess..kinda boring though but I guess that wuz a good thing otherwise I woulda never fixed my page hehe it would still look like a piece of crap but I guess it'z a bit betta now hehe...Not at superb as yours of course but hey I'm tryin' man. ^_^ Anyways thanx for da shout out there's one for you on my page but not as personal cuz'.....well lets just be honest here....I'm just too god damn lazy hehe. But this should make up for it.

Okay now I gotta like say something meaningful here..hmm...well you've been a great friend to me in the past couple of years, I believe it's been 3? Yeah that sounds about right. But ya we've been thru quite a bit...a lotta good times...a couple of bad ones but who needs to remember those hehe. One things for sure we've had our share of laughter...a mighty large share of it too. hehehehehe ^_^ Well one things for sure we've had a lot of great memories but I guess somewhere along the way something went wrong and we're just not as close anymore. I'm not sure what it was exactly but it's a shame that things worked out this way. Hopefully things will change and for the better this time but one thing will never change, and I just thought that you should know this...I'll always be here for you, no matter what...not sure if you believe it...but I mean every word! So if you ever need to talk or anything I'll always here. Well I think I'll be jettin' now so take care and I'll talk to you later. Have a Superior Millennium! Buh-bai 4-Now!!
Much Luv & Respect
~* Huong *~

Hey Kyutie wassup? So how are you? Me? I'm doin' ayte, could be betta though. Well believe it or not I finally finished your page. It might not be the greatest, or the most advanced page but it's not bad for two days of work. So how do you like it?? Does it suit you?? I think it does 'cuz it's nice and sweet just like you...well when you want to be that is. Hehe You know I'm just teasin' ya. ^_^ You have to admit this was a rather interesting experiment that we did here with the pagies and all. And the results were not only kick *ss but kinda freaky in a sense. It appears that somehow, somewhere along the road of friendship we have rubbed off a lot from each other. And just by looking at these pages you'll know what I'm gettin' at. Well your Lil-Kyutie page was a pain in the *ss but in the end I suppose it was a good thing that it worked out the way it did. Cuz if it wasn't so messed up in the first place, then this account would not exist and our pagies would have been even more so alike. Hehe. I dunno how much space this has taken up so far but I'm hoping A LOT cuz' I'm having a hard time thinking of things to write. Ahh.....can't think of what to write and I barely even have a full paragraph! Uh-oh looks like *sniff* *sniff* I have failed you. I'm sorry! :*( Well if I'm ever in a really talkative mood and feel like babblin' I'll attempt to do this again okie?? Well take care and remember to be young, have fun, and stay sweet!
Luv Ya 2 Pieces Your 4Eva Friend,

Haha GOTHCHA!! Omigod I'm back again....Remember dat? Hehe. Yup yup me back. You thought I really quit didn't you?? Well guess again cuz' I'm still here. What? Did you really think I'd give up that easily and let you beat me?? I dun think so Chickie. Huong does not give up without a decent fight. Hehe Anyways how's life been treating you?? GREAT I hope cuz a sweet person like you deserves it!! Anything new with you lately???..............Oh say like a new bf?? Come on you can tell me, I won't say I word I swear! ~_* Well nuffin' new wif me.....nope just same old boring stuff. Day in and day out always da same, but ish all good cuz' sometimes change can be a bad thing. It'd make mah life a hella lot more interestin' but how needs excitement when you have boring right? Right!! Haha who am I kiddin' I'm BORED as HELL!! Need some excitement in mah poor lil' life hea. Hehe. Well hopefully me get full time job soon then me will be workin' all summer. Oh joy doesn't that sound like fun?? Lalalala me dunno what to write……so how 'bout I sing you a lil song? How's that sound? Good? Okie here goes…hehe.

Life is full of lots of up and downs But the distance feels further When it's headed for the ground And there's nothing more painful Then to let your feelings take you down It's so hard to know the way you feel inside When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide But you might feel better if you let me walk with you by your side Chorus: And when you need, a shoulder to cry on When you need, a friend to rely on When the whole world is gone You won't be alone I'll be there, I'll be your shoulder to cry on I'll be there, I'll be your friend to rely on When the whole world's gone You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there All of the times when everything is wrong And your feeling like there's no use going on You can't give it up I'll help you work it out, and carry on Side by side, with you till the end I'll always be the one, to firmly hold your hand No matter what is said or done Our love will always continue on Chorus Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on Everyone needs a friend to rely on When the whole world's gone, you won't be alone 'Cause I'll be there, I'll be your shoulder to cry on I'll be there, I'll be the one to rely one When the whole world's gone, you wont be alone 'Cause I'll be there, and when the whole world is gone You'll always have my shoulder to cry on

So do I have talent or what?? Hehe you like da song?? It's a special dedication from em to you. Yup yup a special dedication for a velly special friend. ^_^ Just cuz' you've been such a sweetie pie always there for me when I needed you adn always willing to listen to me and my one million and one problems hehe. I know it ain't easy and that it gets really annoyin and depressing, and you're so nice to put up with it!! That's why I'm spending hours and hours and hours signing your lil' guestbook here and making it supa sweet adn long. After being friends for 2 years it's amazing how we never got into any serious fights, only funny lil' arguments. Hehe. And they say sagittarians and pisces don't get along. Guess they never met us yet. >_< All I have to say is that it's been great gettin' to know you and I'm glad that we became friends. Cuz' without you in my classes school would seem to go by so much slower. And definitely less FUN!! You always seem to know how to make me laugh....sometimes a bit too hard. Hehe. But then again it doesn't take much to get me to start the giggles. Hehe >_<

Anyways me gonna start wrapping things up now since me dun got much else to say. I just want you to know that you've been a great friend and that no matter what happens I'll ALWAYS be here for you. So if you EVER need anything just ring me up or gimme an uh-oh and I'll do anything, and everything I can to help! Ayte? Well we all know that life comes with more downs than ups but when you have a true friend helping you along the way it makes it a whole lot easier, right? Yup yup, well you just keep that in mind, and we'll just have to see what the future holds wif our kick *ss company. Hehe. Well I hope that you will experience success in everything you do cuz' you deserve it. And me dunno what else to say except, be young, have fun, and stay sweet. Well take care and I'll talk to you soon. Buh-bai for now!
Your 4Ever Friend
Da Superly Sweet