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ShOuT oUt To aLL mY cOuSiNs wItH lOvE, tO aLl mY fRiEnDs AnD oNLinE buddies!!

To all the Royals in San Jose!, I'll be missing you all! Hope we'll be seeing each other in the near future. Keep In Touch k?!

Oopsy, I think you better go to My Main Gate first if you don't see any frame. THank You very much. ^_^

GeT 2 kNoW a little about me

My song dedications.

My Drawings 3/13/02

This section is on its way, just have to do some finishing touch-ups.



Family, Friends and relatives Cool Links

((Warning: This page is in major construction!!))

Want to know who among my cousins are the Biggest flirt, or better yet, most likely to take over the World??
Click here and find out!

My web page will sometimes take you to different cool sites ^_^


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get this gear!

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Here is how you can get in touch with me

Email: Midnight Serenade01