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Frank, husband
Cheryl, wife

Stage Setting

(Frank and Cheryl are both sitting. Frank is reading a magazine. Cheryl is knitting.)


     Frank (eyes widen with amazement):
Oh man, this is incedible! A hundred gigabytes of memory! I can't believe it. Cheryl, look! Here's a picture of the new WhizBang 2000 -- the ultimate laptop computer.

That's nice, dear.

The specs on this thing are great! It's so functionally simple, yet technologically complex -- like a work of art. (Transfixed) Man ... this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

I thought, I was the most beautiful thing in your life.

Well, next to you of course.

Boy, the competition around here is fierce.

     Frank (to himself):
It's expensive ... but worth it. I've just got to have this.

     Cheryl (pause):
Frank, if you're thinking about getting that computer forget it. We have two already.

     Frank (condescendingly): Those are stationary -- this is a laptop -- it will give me mobility.

I don't care what it does, we can't afford it.

     Frank (moves closer to her, excited):
Well, I thought about that. If we sell one of the other computers, plus kick in our savings, and get another loan -- just a small one---

     Cheryl (sternly):

     Frank (defensively):

I don't feel right about this. Did you pray about it?

No. Why should I? Did you pray about those extra rolls of toilet paper you bought yesterday?

Those are necessities, Frank.

Yea, right! Everything has to be a necessity around here.

I'm not going to argue with you about it. We go through this everytime.

What do you mean everytime?

Everytime you want to blow all of our money. Honey, there are an unlimited number of ways to spend your money, and only God knows what’s best. I'd be willing to bet that if you asked Him, He wouldn't tell you to go spend it on another electronic gadget.

This is not a gadget, Cheryl, I need this computer.

You don't need that. It's just another toy to help you fulfill your craving.


Yes, craving. Frank, you've got a bad case of techno lust -- now admit it.

     Frank (indignant):
Lust! -- Lust! Listen, I love the Lord and I've been faithful to Him and you, as long as we've been married.

I know that, and I appreciate it. But there's that corner of your life that hasn't been surrendered to the Lord, and it's causing us problems.

     Frank (whining):
I want this one little thing here and you're imagining a mountain of problems.

Be real, Frank. Our debt has become a mountain of problems!

All right then, I'll sell both computers!

No! We've got enough high priced junk lying around here to open our own appliance store -- now forget it.

I only get things that I need, and I need this computer. Cheryl, I'm going to get this computer.

     Cheryl (tearfully):
Frank! ... You've become so selfish!

     Frank (blustery):
Hey, I pay the bills around here, so I have a right to be a little indulgent!

(Cheryl exits, crying.)

Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you! Cheryl! (She exits) All right, all right, I'll sell one of my guitars, would that make you happy? I'll even get rid of the aquarium. (Whining) Honey, we can work it out. I'll tell you what, I'll sell one of the TV sets. -- How about my new model airplane? -- a set of golf clubs? -- What do you want from me -- blood?  Awww ... this is so unfair. Come on, honey, just let me have this one little thing. I'll make it up to you -- I promise. (Picks up both chairs, holds them up.) See, I'm even carrying your chair for you! (Exiting carrying chairs) Come on, honey, pleeease!