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Korat Luck! Anecdotal evidence!

I was looking forever for my moms ring she left me and for the life of me I could not locate it so I went through my closet with Kusa and Wepa and I found Wepa by a box and there I looked in and found moms ring!! Nice going Wepa! ...Barbara (8/12/00)

Here is my story of Korat Luck. My wife and I have owned our Korats for a couple of years now. We purchased them as kittens. Admittedly, the first thing that attracted me to the breed was their reputation as being hypoallergenic. I can tolerate them quite well, whereas other breeds make me quite sick.

As I read more about them, I became interested in their reputation as good luck cats. I started to try to test that theory by occaisionally playing the lottery or entering contests. This spring, I entered a local radio station's contest for two airplane tickets from Florida to the Netherlands, including hotel. It seems that the legend might be true because I won the contest! I have friends in the Netherlands so it was especially nice to win!

While this was the most dramatic thing to happen since I acquired the Korats, many other things have gone well in my life. (David 7/4/00)
