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My Favorite Links

Here are some great Korat related web pages. Please come and visit them.

I've also added some non-Korat related links. Lately I've been wondering if there are other ways to attract good luck or positive experiences into our lives. I've been reading motivational and success oriented books for years but wasn't really "getting it". Recently, I began reading the works of the late Joseph Murphy. Suddenly, a lot of the other books began making sense. I also enrolled in a course at the local Science of Mind center. I've been learning how our thoughts and deeply held beliefs definitely influence and create our reality!

I also have included a link to an interesting web page for those who suffer from allergies and/or asthma. Many are attracted to Korats because they are allergic to other cats. The link takes you to a web page that describes "The Water Cure" as proposed by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. His keen insight suggests that allergies, asthma and other disorders are actually caused by dehydration, often caused by replacing water with caffeinated sodas, coffee, etc. Its quite a fascinating argument, check it out!...

Korat Links...

Korat World
CFA Breed Profile
Korat Cat Fanciers Association

Other Links...

Science of Mind
Religious Science International
Joseph Murphy Discussion Group
New Thought Homepage
Got Allergies? This Natural, Simple Cure May Help!