TITLE: E IS FOR EROTIC AUTHOR: DONNILEE RATING: NC-17 WARNING: Descriptive sex. Smut warning. Please, no one under 17. CATEGORY: MSR /ANGST/SCULLY POV POSTING: ANYWHERE - But Please make sure my name and e-mail address is on it and inform me by e-mail of the location. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Nope. Not mine. Used shamelessly and without remorse. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broadcasting, and god knows who else, but not me. SPOILERS: Not a one. SUMMARY: Scully gets sick and tired of being sick and tired, or is that horny and bored? I can never remember which way it goes. AUTHOR'S NOTE: THE NEW LEXICON WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE - EROTIC (irotik) adj. of or relating to sexual love / licentious [fr. Gk erotikos fr. eros, sexual love. // eroticism (irotisizem) n. sexual excitement or desire; the character of being erotic. E IS FOR EROTIC PALACE THEATER WATERBURY, CONNECTICUT 8:00 PM FRIDAY NIGHT I was holding my fingers to my nose in an attempt not to sneeze. We were standing in the middle of a row of seats in the old Palace Theater in Waterbury, Connecticut. And while I could see and appreciate the efforts that gone into trying to renovate the place to its former glory, it was dusty as hell. We were turning up dust devils where ever we went. We were here to check out a report of haunting, naturally. Now the entire idea of a ghost haunting a theater raised some immediate questions of credibility. Actors, by their nature, known for appearing to be someone else. Actors, often having a very, very weird sense of humor, even weirder than my partner's. I figured the whole rumor got started with a prank. But here we were. Why? Because we literally had nothing else to do. We'd been in the basement for three weeks, with no cases, no leads on old cases when this call came in. It was from a lawyer in the community in this City. He did a lot of pro bono legal work for minorities and those who couldn't otherwise afford council. Therefore, he was fairly popular in the community. He was also very good. He was one of the top criminal lawyers in the county if his background check was to be believed. As a matter of record, we looked him up and found out that he rarely lost a case. Interesting. All lawyers lose cases. Oh, his name was Louie Avitagiancarlo. He was known as just "Carlo" to his friends, or so he told us. So what does a lawyer have to do with a theater? Good question. Well, one of his clients was Solomia Fernandez. She was a local director of another theater here in town. She was the driving force behind the 'beautification project' for the theater. There was a local urban legend, that The Palace Theater was haunted by a ghost that would kill anyone who tried to change things there. Now, she had apparently been promised money from some fairly wealthy people in town, coincidentally who were Italian. Funny thing that. The renovations had began. Walls had been replastered, seats had been reupholstered, walls had been painted and the old disintegrating curtain had been taken down from the presidium stage. A new one had been ordered. Problems had apparently beset the project from the beginning. Workers were constantly injuring themselves, more than seemed normal. One was rushed out having been overtaken by paint fumes. Another had a heart attack. One cut his fingers off with a skill saw. The list went one. Hence the revival of the urban legend about the ghost who didn't want anyone invading his privacy, apparently. Seems Solomia wanted things done her way. She wanted to restore The Palace to its former glory without changing the original décor or theme. The 'sponsors' wanted things done their way, and were trying to insinuate garish works of art and artifacts into the works. The argument raged on and the money came to a sudden halt in the wake of unresolved differences. This left loads of subcontractors dangling in the breeze for their money for work already done. That didn't make them a bunch of happy campers. Then three weeks later, dear Solomia is found dead. Not in her apartment. Not in her theater, the Nine Muses, but in the middle of the stage of the old landmark. Can you guess? Tada. The Palace Theater. Nice touch. Someone was trying to send a message. She'd been stabbed repeatedly in the chest. The question was, who? The entire Hispanic community was in an uproar. Some were blaming the local Italian thrift (read that: mob). Others who were of a more suspicious bent were blaming the ghost. And Louie "Carlo", attorney at law was pointing a finger at one of the spurned subcontractors who was pissed over not getting paid. Now, Mulder was called in to "debunk" the ghost theory and quell the panic of the Hispanic community and hopefully figure out who the murderer was in the process. I say Mulder, because my name was never mentioned. If it wasn't for the fact that I was so bored, I might not have come at all. But tagging along with my partner on this ridiculous thing seemed more inviting than staying home while he took off. That tells you something about my social life. Of course, I discounted the ghost theory at once, putting forth the idea that it was probably the sponsors or employees thereof. And if there was organized crime in this city, which there was in every city, then we should probably leave that little kettle of fish to the local authorities. I also thought that a subcontractor not getting his pennies for a job was a piss poor motive for murder as well. That was part of being in business. Sometimes you had to take losses. But in any event, we had our work cut out for us. We had spent the first two days talking to Solomia's family, Attorney Louie, and other members of the theater community, getting all sorts of theories and stories. It was hard to separate fact from embellishment. Then we spent a couple of days rounding up subcontractors and asking them about their injuries and the state of their finances and how much money they were owed. We had yet to go see the 'sponsors'. I wasn't really looking forward to that. I had asked that it be put on the agenda for tomorrow. We had now tromped through every corner of this theater looking for clues and examined the stage where the body was found. I had bagged some dried blood samples from various areas on the floor. I would send them to be tested, just to make sure all of it was Solomia's. I was tired, I was hungry and my nose was threatening to explode. Mulder handed me a handkerchief, and I gratefully blew my nose and then held the spare cloth over my mouth. He was looking at me with an amused tilt to his head. "Mulder, let's get out of here. We're done for the day." "But ..." "But nothing. I'm hungry. I want to you feed me and then I want to bathe, and then I want to go to bed. It's late and I've had it. We've done enough for one day. "O.K., partner, let's go, you're right. MARRIOTT HOTEL 10:00 PM FRIDAY NIGHT WATERBURY, CONNECTICUT The Marriott Hotel, billed as the hotel made for business travelers. Oh boy, oh joy. Here we are again, in another city, another anonymous hotel, investigating a haunted theater. I mean, does it get any better than this? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it does. I have already taken advantage of the miniscule tabletop on the desk provided for my laptop and typed the beginning of another report for which I have no doubt will end `unsolved'. I have already stolen the little mini bars of soap and one-wash bottle of shampoo and conditioner from the bathroom. You never know when you might need them in an emergency. I take them every time and carry a few in my suitcase. Some motels we stay at aren't even good enough to have soap. This one is better than most. It's not the Hilton, but it's not Billy Bob's Podunk hotel/motel either. There is a pool and sauna downstairs that I am looking forward to before we leave. I actually had a hot shower, but then opened the nightstand to put my gun in it and the bottom of the drawer fell out, along with Gideon's Bible. So much for sturdy construction. We nibbled on fries and a soda while out earlier today. I think that was sometime around 5:00 PM. I'm starving, I'm already dressed for bed. And I can hear my partner's T.V. Apparently they have porn even in these lovely upscale places. Ha-Ha-Ha. I can hear the fake ooo's and aahhh's coming from some silicone bimbo and the grunts of some equally stellar actor who is banging her brains out. Erotica my ass. That was just plain porn. Little does my partner know, that I have, on occasion, watched those films. Not my speed though. But I did stumble across this little series of tapes called the Red Shoe Diaries. The guy in the pilot looked so much like Mulder I almost had a heart attack. The premise of the show is that women send their fantasies to this guy in order to help him understand why his fucked up girlfriend cheated on him and then killed herself. Ooo, big mystery. She was messed up. End of story. No man is worth dying over, carnal pleasures or not. Then again, I've never had mind-blowing sex, so I probably wouldn't know. I want to have mind-blowing sex. I masturbate thinking about having mind-blowing sex. There are two little problems with this discovery. One, I got hooked on the tapes. They are from the women's point of view, they are `soft core' porn and engage the erogenous zone between your ears, as well as providing a bit of eye candy. I don't like being hooked on anything. Two, I find myself more often than not imagining myself in those scenarios With my partner. Very, very bad thing. So, since he is the only male of any significance in my life, naturally I would look at him and evaluate his looks, his brains, his charm, and his sex appeal. Why couldn't I get a 50 year old partner with gray hair and a beer belly, just doing time until retirement? No. I have to get the partner who is incredibly good looking, has a genius I.Q., and can charm a dog off a meat wagon when he wants something. Oh, and did I mention that he happens to be the sexiest man I've ever known in my life? Well he is, damn him. It's just not fair. We've been together for seven years now. We've been partners, colleagues, friends, best friends and confidantes. We trust each other implicitly. We guard each other's backs. And as is often the case, we have come to rely on one another to always be there. Now this does not mean that we don't annoy one another. Heavens no. He can be the most stubborn S.O.B. I've ever had the displeasure to deal with sometimes. He can be arrogant, facetious, obnoxious, even mean when he's on the scent of some hunch and doesn't want to be interrupted. I could deal with a good-looking gift-wrap with no prize inside and keep my distance. The trouble is that he can also be self-deprecating, funny, tender and comforting. And the biggest bitch of it all is that if he touches me, my traitorous body reacts, without warning and for no good reason. Sometimes he has just touched my hand or the side of my face. I feel warm tingles whenever he touches my face or neck. No one's ever made me feel tingles before. And he's just trying to be comforting usually when he does that. There is nothing sexual in the gesture. But my body can't distinguish a casual touch from a sexual touch, even though my brain can. Not when it comes to my partner. I guess that's what they mean by chemistry. That electric feeling you get when someone touches you. That feeling that no one else can give you. That feeling that says sex with this person will be explosive. He teases me often. I wonder if he has any idea what that does to me? I remember one incident where he climbed a tree, in full G-man regalia, trench coat and all and looked at me right as rain and asked, "Is this youthful display of agility turning you on, Scully?" I wonder what he would have done if I said `Yes.' Probably fallen out of the tree! So if it were just sexual tension I was looking to relieve, they make vibrators for that. But my vibrator and I have had a parting of the ways. It no longer satisfies me and I had a long talk with it, telling it that I was sorry I had to end our relationship for a while and try to get a fresh start. I promised that I would come back to it later, if things got too rough. But that isn't the problem. I've got masturbation down to a science. I can lay on my stomach, stick a dildo between my legs, pull me knees up, rub my clit with one hand and roll my nipple with the other and come in slightly under two minutes. It's really quite a marvelous thing actually. I don't need much time at all. If I have a bed, cot, couch, any handy piece of furniture and the equipment, I'm all set. The more uptight and stressed out I get, the more I masturbate. I've been known to `get myself off' three or four times a day when on a particularly stressful case. Nothing like the Big `O' to relieve a little tension and pull your mind away from troubling thoughts. But as I said, that isn't my problem. I don't want just an orgasm. I can do that anytime. I would like the almost forgotten experience of having someone else cause it. Wouldn't that be nice? When was the last time anyway? Jack may have been the last time. Yes, I think he was. Over six long years ago. And I think he only managed to get me off a couple of times. Let's not even go there. He sucked. He was a wham, bam, thank you, ma'am, kind of guy. He never took any time with me. Foreplay was not in his vocabulary. And then he wondered why I was generally less than thrilled with the outcome. Asshole. And contrary to what my partner may think, I did not sleep with that psycho, Ed Jerse. Oh, I wanted to. But in the final moment, I knew I couldn't do it. I wanted it be Mulder. But I let him think I had, or at least didn't deny it. Why? Well, maybe I wanted him to realize that I wasn't sexless. Now I know my partner watches porn, and obviously gets off on it. But something tells me that he would not be another Jack between the sheets. Something tells me that he would do anything to satisfy me. Why do I think this? Well, a couple of reasons. One, he's a nicer guy than Jack. Two, he's sensitive, caring and extremely passionate by his very nature. I think he would want to enjoy sex and savor it and want his partner to also. I don't think it would be a means to an end for him. I think the porn is a means to an end, the way my dildo is for me. But let's face it, it's not the same. The second reason I think he would take time to satisfy me is that I think he's in love with me. When I first had that thought, it scared the shit out of me. You must understand, my partner is a very INTENSE individual. He is very needy and often dark in his nature. But those are some of things that make him irresistibly sexy. He puts me on a pedestal sometimes I think. I'm not sure if he sees me as a sexual creature at all. Although the Ed Jerse incident brought the issue to the forefront. It was never really discussed and now I'm sure has faded into the background for both of us. However, I think that if I were to `come on' to Mulder, he might be so shocked, he would flee. Then again, he doesn't run from much, so why would he run from me? I think I scare him a little bit. He'd never admit it. I make him work hard for his theories, and he does the same for me. We met our match when we met each other. It could have been a disaster, a complete train wreck of a personality clash. Instead, we found that we balance each other's scales and keep each other steady. So what should I do? Anything? A relationship with Mulder would undoubtedly be complicated as hell. Then again, we already have a complicated relationship. All that's missing is the sex. The ultimate expression of our feelings for each other. Each other? Yes, I am in love with him too. He's never said it. I've never said it. But we both know it's true. But how long before the loneliness gets to be too much and one of us turns for comfort to someone else, simply because we are frightened of what sex will mean for US. I was crushed when he was with Phoebe. I was furious when I thought I was going to lose him to Diana. It's only a matter of time before I lose him to someone. Sex is the final frontier of intimacy between people who love each other. So what the hell am I waiting for? The fear to disappear? And what am I afraid of? The Bureau finding out and splitting us up? Not really. Most people think we've been screwing for years. Yes, I'm not totally oblivious to the water cooler talk. I generally find it amusing. If they only knew the lengths we go to NOT to be too intimate. Why? Well, maybe because I'm afraid he will want more than I can give. Maybe because I'm afraid I won't be sexual enough for him. I couldn't bear to disappoint him after all this time. That would be the ultimate humiliation. Maybe he has the same fear? Is that possible? No. He probably thinks that just by being him, he is a burden to any relationship. He'd be right. Mulder is not an easy person to deal with sometimes. He comes with a lot of baggage. But, it's not really a burden, just stressful at times. So I have the 'complicated' relationship to maintain but none of the benefits. That's not true. Mulder's trust and friendship are worth a lot. But it's still not fair. I could make it fair. I could get a return on my investment into this partnership if I wasn't such a damn coward. My hand is wandering now. I've got to caress my breasts. Ahhh. That's good. My nipples are so sensitive. A rub, a pull, a roll and . ahhh, yeah, wetness in an instant. Why am I doing this? Do I enjoy torturing myself? I am dangerously close to a huge case of the fuck it's. There is a VCR in this room. There has got to be a video store in this town. O.K., I'm up, I'm getting dressed. Yes sir, I am moving now. Am I really going to do this? Yes, I am, because I can't stand it anymore. I'm so frustrated that I could scream. I don't know if I'm more horny or more bored. Either way, it ends tonight. I flick the light back on and pick up the phone and dial the lobby. An entirely too cheery desk person gives me the name and address of two video stores that stay open until midnight. Blockbuster is a `Family Video Store', so I know I don't want that one. I'll try this other one, `South Main Video.' Maybe they'll have an adult section. I am ready for action in my jeans with the holes in the knee, and . oh god, I put on one of Mulder's shirts! Without even realizing it. He left it in here last night when he used my shower. Said something about things growing in his and called for a cleaning lady. I shrug as if to say, `Oh well', as if anyone can see me and approach our connecting door. I can hear the T.V. but thankfully cannot hear any groaning coming directly from my partner. Maybe later! I am definitely being bitten by the Dana the Demon. She hasn't made a command appearance in some time now. I just hope her resolve can outweigh her fear. It's always harder when he's standing in front of me. I tap firmly on the door three times. "Huh?" I hear from the other side. "Mulder?" "Yeah, just a sec, Scully. You O.K.?" "Yeah. But I need to ask you something." "O.K." I hear the T.V. clicked off and some quick shuffling. He opens the door running a hand through his hair. He is wearing black silk boxer briefs and an white dress shirt hanging open that he just tossed over his shoulder. I have to force my eyes away from his stomach muscles and raise them to his face. "What's up, Scully?" "Uh, are you tired?" His eyebrows shoot up. "No, you know I never sleep until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. What's wrong?" "Um, nothing, but I was wondering, uh." "Spit it out partner." I blurt out in a rush. "I'm not tired and I was wondering if you would like to go to the video store with me and get a movie and maybe some food." I look at the ground. He reaches out and fingers the collar of the blue shirt I am wearing. His fingers brush my collar bone and I visibly shiver. Damn it! I know he caught it too. "Nice shirt." Did his voice just purr or is it my imagination? "Uh, sorry, I can change, it was just there, and I just grabbed it and I . " "It looks better on you than it does on me." I look up again. He is looking at me intently. The corners of his mouth are twitching. His lips want to smile but he's afraid I may be offended. "Do you want me to change?" "No. But I should probably put some pants on if I'm going to go with you." "Uh, yeah, no free shows for the public, Mulder." "Awww, come on, Scully, where's your sense of adventure?" I laugh now, our repartee restoring my equilibrium. "Oh I have a sense of adventure, just wait till we get to the video store." The eyebrows go up again and he smiles, intrigued now. "Really, what kind of movie did you have in mind?" "Not sure yet." "Not one of those sappy chick flicks, I hope." "Me, sappy chick flick? No. No worries there." He backs away from the door suddenly and goes to his suitcase on the other side of the room, grabbing a pair of black jeans. I admire his ass as he bends over and watch as he steps into them and hops, yanking them up over his hips and zipping them up. He leaves the button undone and grabs a tee shirt, stripping his dirty dress shirt and pulling the gray tee over his head. He is about to tuck it in when he looks up and catches me staring. Curse of the Irish! I feel the heat wash up my neck and bloom over my face. I know I'm beet-red. I don't know why. He's less exposed now than he was before. I look away and tell myself to breath. If I'm going to get through this, I can't fold this early in the game. I look back as I feel the flush recede. He has tucked his shirt in, but has not buttoned his jeans. He is turned toward me. The jeans are riding low on his hips. His tee shirt hugs his torso snugly and my eyes sweep over his stomach muscles and up to his pecs and finally meet his gaze again. He is wearing a look I can't quite interpret. "Scully, are you O.K.?" His voice is definitely huskier than before. I gather my resolve and take a breath. "Yeah, sorry, didn't mean to . to . " My decide to examine the carpet again. Caught in the act! Damn. I used to be better at hiding my secretive glances. No so secret anymore, girl. "Look?" he suggests. "Uh, yeah, didn't mean to look." "You can look if you want to." His voice is suddenly much closer than before and I look up quickly to find him standing about two feet away from me. I lean back involuntarily. "Mulder, I'm, I'm sorry ." I take a step back and look away. Great, I'm stuttering. Real smooth. Where's my demon when I need her? Where's the witty comeback? "Look at me." He says this softly but it is more than a request. I slowly turn my head and meet his gaze. Oh lord, I can feel the tension flowing off him in waves. He is on full alert. He knows something is up. Something is different. I've looked at him a hundred thousand times before but he felt the difference this time. Shit. His eyes slowly pan down my body and back up to my face. I am trying to hold my eyes steady and not fidget under his intense scrutiny. "Mulder, let's go." My voice is much more breathy than I would have liked but at least I got it out. As if I hadn't said a word, he asks, "Do you like what you see?" I could lie to him. I really could. And I could be convincing too. But I can't look away from him. I see a tinge of fear over asking the question. I see an intense need to know the truth to this simple question and something else there too. Hope? Oh God. I feel like the bird to his snake, pinned to his gaze. His voice drops another octave. "Scully, do you like what you see?" I finally look away and know I can't lie to him, especially if this evening is going to turn out the way I hope it will. My voice comes out a whisper now as the fear washes over me again. "Yes." That's all. That's all I can get out. What the hell? What is it about being in his presence that makes all my resolve take a hike. Oh man, he's coming over to me. Oh, please don't let him touch me. Not yet. I wanted to be the aggressor here. I want to be the one in control. I have so little left when it comes to him. Ding! Give the girl a prize. She just figured out what she is afraid of. Losing control. Losing control to Mulder. Because you know you will, don't you? You know if he touches you, you are a goner. You will not be able to be called back by strategic air command. Gone. And that scares the shit out of you doesn't it? Well, yes it does. Great, all my personalities are having a fucking committee meeting now! Who needs company when you have all these Dana's to choose from? He is standing inches away from me, not moving. I can feel the heat of his body. I can hear him breathing softly. He is waiting. He is waiting for me to acknowledge him. He is waiting for me to look up. And if I don't he's going to touch me. I drag my eyes from the carpet once more and look up. His plump bottom lip is caught lightly under his top teeth and he is regarding me with frank curiosity. "I'm glad." Huh? What the? Oh, I said `Yes.' And he's glad! Well, I guess that takes away the doubt over whether he would like the ideas you have in mind. "Do you really want to get a movie?" "I don't know." Suddenly I'm not sure. I don't think we are going to need one. But this is damn awkward. "Would you rather just sit here with me and keep me company?" "Is that what you want?" "I want whatever you want." "You sure? You don't even know what I want." "Why don't you tell me, then I don't have to guess." Oh damn. How do I get out of this one? Boxed myself into a neat little corner with that comment, didn't I? "I just wanted . I don't know . I was bored . I was . lonely, and I thought maybe . we could . ya know?" "No, I don't know. Tell me." I go to back up another step so I can remove myself from the Mulder force field that seems to surround me whenever he is within three paces of me and short circuits my ability to speak properly. But he is having none of that. One step back, then another and my thighs bump into the desk made specifically for the needs of the business traveler. Fucking furniture! He steps right into me in one long stride and blocks my escape. I am between him, the desk and a chair on one side. Unless I want to hurdle the chair, there is no escape. "Scully." I look up since he's so close now that I have to tip my head back to see his face, although the view of his chest from this angle isn't bad either. "Yeah?" One hand raises up and he brushes the backs of his fingers down my cheek, knuckles grazing my chin, moving down my neck and over my collar bone. Shiver. Jerk. Shiver. Damn! Damn! And double damn! I must look like a complete fool. But he isn't laughing. In fact, he isn't making a sound just now. He just continues brushing his knuckles lightly over the V of skin exposed between the open top two buttons of the shirt. My breathing is speeding up. I have to get control back. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. "What did you want to do, Scully? What were your plans?" "To, to get a video and watch it with you." "What video?" "I don't know." "I think you do." "No, I had something in mind, but I wasn't exactly sure." "What did you have in mind?" "A tape from this series I've been watching. My... my kind of erotica, not yours." "Series?" "Yeah, uh, they are uh, intriguing." "Intriguing?" If he just continues to parrot what I say this is going to take a long, long time. "The Red Shoe ... " "Diaries," he finishes for me. His hand cups my chin and brings my face back toward him again. It seems to keep drifting away. He bends down a little till his nose in only an inch from mine. I can feel his hot breath on my lips and chin and I grit my teeth against the shudder that is threatening on the edge of my nerve endings. I tip my head back to try and put a little distance between us again, but his hand tightens on my jaw, just enough to prevent it. "I like them too. Which one is your favorite?" He pauses a moment while I simply breath hard a few times like a rabbit caught in a trap. Oh God, why am I afraid? I'm on the verge of panic. He must see it because he suddenly lets go of my chin and steps back, a look of hurt on his face. What did I do now? "Mulder?" His voice is a whisper now too, but for an entirely different reason. "Oh my God, you're afraid of me." His gorgeous bottom lip begins to quiver slightly and he grabs it again under his top teeth. His eyes grow moist. "Scully, you don't ever have to be afraid of me. I would never hurt you." The corners of his mouth turn down into a deep frown and he sucks in a harsh breath. I realize he is on the verge of crying. What the hell is going on here? This is not a turn I anticipated. Of course, I didn't anticipate him taking over my motor skills and vocal chords either. But as usually happens the minute he becomes upset, I want to comfort him. I can't stand to see him like this, especially if I am the cause. He backs away from me another couple of steps and turns his back to me, obviously not wanting me to see what is happening on his face. All right. Enough of this crap, Dana. Get a grip and save this situation before it's out of control. You come in here fairly reeking of pheromones and stare at your partner while he dresses and then freak out when he actually picks up on vibes. Good show. Really good show. I am behind him in an instant and wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his back. I feel him stiffen, holding his arms out to the side. He freezes for a moment then slowly lowers his hands down and over mine where they are crossed over his stomach. I hold him for a few seconds and hear his breathing return to normal. He sniffles a little but other than that he seems to have recovered. Or else he's just sucked it all in behind the mask like he usually does. This isn't the way I envisioned my little fantasy of video and a turn on, but hey, when do things ever work out the way I plan when it comes to Mulder. I forget how sensitive his radar is. I should have just gone and got the video and came back and surprised him with it. His heat feels delicious and I rock him a little swaying gently, my head resting between his shoulder blades. Christ he's tall. I forget that sometimes. I don't usually stand this close. If I do, I'm usually wearing heels. Sneakers definitely make me feel vertically challenged standing next to him. He has made no move to speak or break out of my hold and I'm grateful. I'm actually enjoying this simple contact. Time to face your fear Dana or this is never going to happen. What are you going to do? Lay around and be frustrated for another seven years? Die an old maid forgetting what real sex with a real man feels like. Oh, that's a cheery future. Because you know that no other man is going to ever do it for you. You do realize that don't you? Of course I do. So what is the problem? Losing Control. Well you better get over it, sister or you are going mess this up big time. You've already hurt him unintentionally because you are a coward. This is Mulder! Even if he doesn't love you the way you think he might, he would never hurt you. You can lose control with him and it will be all right. He will catch you if you fall. You know he will. If you can't trust him enough to give up control, who can you trust? O.K., enough of the internal chit chat. Time to come clean before one of my personalities starts pissing off one of the others. I keep my voice low. "Mulder, I'm not afraid of you." His voice is just as low but is steady. "Don't lie, Scully, I saw fear in your eyes. I know I did." "Yes you did, but it's not you I'm afraid of." "Then what?" "I'm afraid of me." "I don't get it." I chuckle softly. "I know. Let me see if I can explain." "Can I turn around?" "Not yet, it's easier this way." "Easier?" "If I don't see your face." "It's easier to talk to the back of my head?" "Yes." "Why is that? That's not very flattering." "Yes it is." "I can't wait to hear this one." "Because I can't seem to think and form coherent thoughts when you're staring into my face." I hear his breath hitch slightly. "I want things, Mulder. I want things that I probably shouldn't want, but I'm finding it harder and harder to deny what I want." "What do you want?" "I'll get to that in a minute. You see, I've always had this thing about not losing control." "No kidding." His response is facetious. I squeeze him a little tighter. "Shush. When I feel like I'm about to lose control, I get scared. It's like, I panic, like something bad is going to happen. But I've come to realize that not letting myself be vulnerable to anyone has held me back." "Held you back from what?" "From having the kind of relationship in my life that I want to have." "What kind is that?" "The kind based on friendship and implicit trust. The kind based on good communication. The kind where you know each other so well, you don't even have to talk sometimes." His breathing was speeding up. "We have those things, don't we, Scully?" "Yes. We have all those things. But there's one more thing I want and this is where I haven't been able to conquer my fear." "What to you want?" Hoo boy! Here goes! "I want to make love to somebody who loves me back." He gasped. "I was able to trust you with everything else. But Mulder, I've never trusted ANYBODY with that part of me. It's never been an issue before because no one has even come close to provoking those feeling in me. Those over the top feelings of excitement everybody dreams of." His voice is hushed. "And I do?" I whisper, "Yes, you make me crazy." I feel him take a deep breath. "The . sexual part of you?" "Yeah. I've never really totally let go. I've never really totally lost control . there . in that part of me. I've always held something back because I didn't trust the other person enough not to hurt me." "Do you trust me not to hurt you?" "Yes, but." "But?" "But I know that if I let you touch me, I'm definitely going to lose control. And I . and I . I'm afraid of losing myself . of letting someone have that much power over me." "Oh God, Scully, I'd never hurt you. I'd never use it against you. And you have to know I'm in love with you. Don't you?" "I ... I wasn't sure." His voice was maddeningly calm. "Well, I'll clear that up for you. I am. I'm totally in love with you, Scully. Have been for a long time. But I didn't think you ever looked at me that way. Sexually. Until just a few minutes ago that is. I looked up and saw that expression n your face. Desire. For me. I thought I was going to faint. I've been waiting a long time for that look. I'd given up." Wooooo. What now? I should probably respond to that. Yes, indeed, I should, but you know what? No appropriate response is springing to mind at the moment. He is prompting me to say something. "Scully?" "Hmm?" He loves me! He does! I knew it, but I didn't really KNOW it if you know what I mean. Hearing the words is so ... so unbelievable. My heart rate is speeding up again and I just got it under control a few minutes ago. "Can I turn around now?" "Not yet!" I squeeze him tight. "O.K." He sounds a little lost again. I realized he'd just made a pretty big declaration. He wasn't great at expressing his emotions this way either. I didn't respond to it yet. Oh, this is so hard. "Scully, how do you know you'll lose control? Maybe you won't. I'd let you lead." "Because of the way you make me feel." "How do I make you feel?" "When you touch me, I can feel ... I don't know ... the chemistry we have. It's powerful." "I can feel it too." "Yeah, well, I immediately can't think when that kicks in and it still scares me. I can't help it." "Would it help if I said the same thing happens to me?" "Which thing?" "You touch me, when I'm not sick or injured and I can't think very well. All I can think is ... I want ... more. You're touching me now." His warm hands slid back and forth over the tops of mine. "And all I want, Scully, is ... MORE." What the hell do you say to that? I'm starting to tremble again. Oh lord, this conversation took a left turn somewhere. Where did it get away from me? I can feel his breathing becoming heavy, more ragged, as he waits for me to respond. At least I'm not pulling away, that's progress. Isn't it? I'm not giving more, but I'm not pulling away. I squeeze him against me tightly, crushing my breasts against his back to let him know I am still thinking and aware but need a little more time to answer. Words! I need to find more words. "Mulder, I think ... I don't know if I can be the ... one to ... to start this?" "You already started it." "Yeah, but ... I'm ... I don't know what to do now." He's chuckling. The bastard is actually laughing at me! I loosen my grip and before I can stop him he is spinning on his heels inside my arms. I can't seem to drop them to my sides even though I know I'm hurting that he is laughing. I don't want to stop touching him and break the connection. But his hands are on my neck now, fingers weaving into the hair at the back of my head. Tingles are chasing themselves up and down my spine. Then I see his face and realize he isn't laughing AT me. He is laughing ABOUT us. "We are both pretty sorry, you know that?" I chuckle now. "Yeah, I guess so. How old are we?" He smiled. "And I happen to know neither one of us is stupid or totally socially inept." "One would think I could figure out how to make a pass at the man I love." He sucked in his breath. I realized I hadn't told him I loved him before. In fact, I'd hardly reacted when he said it to me. He tipped my face up, eyes questioning. "Yes, I love you too." He blew air out of pursed lips as if to say 'Whoa.' "Do you still want to make a pass at me?" I nodded. "I really wish you would." This was crazy! Here we were discussing this as though we were talking about something else, casual like. The difference is we are both breathing heavy now, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Make the first overt sexual move that cannot be denied or walked away from. A move that can't be explained away as anything else or misinterpreted. Seems neither of us is the soul of bravery here and now. Neither of us wants the responsibility. His thumbs are brushing lightly on my cheeks. My hands have slipped to his waist. "You want me to do this for you. Start this. But Scully, it has to be you. I have a confession to make. I can't take the chance that you can say this was my idea and that I was the one who crossed the line first and you weren't ready. I have to know you're ready, because there is no going back. "If this happens, you're MINE after that Scully. I won't ever let you go and you need to know that. Be prepared for that. I won't do this half way. I can't. This won't be just sex to me. I want it ALL Scully. Being a couple and everything that means. So, I need you to be completely sure and I need you to be the one to cross the line first. You have to conquer your fear, or it will interfere later. I don't want you to do this before you're ready and regret it tomorrow. That would kill me." "We haven't crossed the line already just by talking about this?" "No, we haven't. You can still leave this room and things will stay the way they are, except that we will be aware of the other's feelings." "Are you happy with the way things are?" "No, but I can accept it. I can live with it. I've been living with it." I nodded. "O.K. then. What would you consider crossing the line? I mean, what would I have to do to make sure you had no doubts about how much I want this?" "I'm not sure." "Would kissing you be enough?" "If it was a lover's kiss." My voice squeaked, "A lover's kiss?" Where the hell did that pitch come from? I didn't even know my vocal chords were capable of that one! He bent his lips to my ear. "Yeah, a lover's kiss. Not one of those chaste comfort kisses on the forehead. Not like that kiss on New Year's Eve. It would have to be a wet, slow, deep kiss with lots of tongue." I moan. Yup. Tried to stop it. No can do. I almost can't believe the sound of the moan coming out of my throat right now. Low, sultry and aroused. Where did he learn to conjure up these images with a few words? Not fair! All right, this is it. I want this. I really do. Whatever the consequences are, I'll deal with them later. His voice is low and soft. "Oh, Scully, your voice is so erotic when you moan. You were planning on seducing me with that video, weren't you? I don't need a video to get turned on for you. Your voice alone is such a turn on to me. I want to hear it again. I want to make you so crazy all you can do is moan." "Oh God, Mulder, what are you doing to me?" "You don't know?" "Yeah, but ..." "I'm trying to provoke you into making a move. I want you so badly. I've never wanted a woman the way I want you." All right, this is it. Did I say that before? I take a deep breath and my hands rise from his waist to slowly travel over his stomach and up to his chest. His hands slide to my shoulders. "Oohh..." he says, then starts breathing heavily. He is almost panting with anticipation. Oddly enough, I glance down for the first time since I hugged him. The front of his faded, black jeans leave no doubt about how excited he is. My hands are shaking but I force one to move up to cup the back of his neck. I feel him shiver in response. Oh, I didn't have any idea how arousing it would be to know I was arousing him. This little tid bit of information slams into my psyche and I feel my bones melt. Not literally, of course, but that's what it feels like. He is still panting, still waiting. I have to admire his patience and control. But there is no reason to keep him waiting any longer. Do it now, Dana! I barely hear him utter, "Please, Scully." One more deep breath and I make the move that he can't possibly interpret as anything else. I stand on tip-toe, pull his head down to mine and slant my open mouth over his, immediately sliding my tongue past his teeth. He gasps. I take my time, moving my lips against his, rolling my tongue gently over his and backing up to suck on his lower lip. He groans loudly. The vibrations from it rumbling into my mouth put all my nerve endings on alert. My fear seems to flee as soon as I feel and hear his response. Hearing that he wants me was exciting. But feeling that he wants me is overwhelming. Oh my, my little demon is back. Funny how she comes and goes so quickly sometimes. I want to hear that groan again. My left hand slides down and over his hip. I drag my palm over his thigh and run my hand up to cup his sacs through his jeans. I pull forward a little, just enough to move and fondle them. Oh my God. His knees are buckling. He shouts, "Awww, God, Scully!" And he staggers. Honest to goodness, staggers. He pulls me along to the bed and he turns, sitting on the edge as though his legs won't hold him anymore and pulls me between his spread legs. He reaches up and unbuttons my shirt. His shirt actually, until it is hanging open. He puts his hot palm on my belly over my navel and slowly slides it up, murmuring, "So soft, you're so soft." He pauses briefly at my breastbone and then swipes the shirt away to reveal my breasts. I wasn't wearing a bra. Another concession to my plan. He stares for a moment licking his lips and lightly smacking his chops. Oh boy, he looks like a kid in a candy store who's finally going to get what he wants and is savoring the anticipation of the first bite. Both hands come up now and cup each breast, lifting them slightly and then cupping from the sides and squeezing. My head falls back and I moan again. No one's hands have been on my chest, other than my own, in so long I forgot how exquisite it is to feel a man's touch there. He pulls me forward gently half a step and leans over to take my pebbled nipple on my right breast into his mouth. Standing, I am at exactly the right height for this. He teases it by nipping, then licks it, and then begins to suckle me like a baby, slow and hard, supporting the weight of it from underneath. "Oh yeah, Mulder, oh yeah, just like that. Oh! I forgot how good this feels. OH GOD!" His other hand rolls my left nipple with this thumb and forefinger. I lean my knees on the bed for support and bury my hands in his hair, holding his head to my breast. He finally lets go and reaches up to slide the shirt off my shoulders. He rips his tee shirt over his head and reaches for my jeans, deftly undoing the button and pulling the zipper down. I toe off my sneakers and socks. He pulls the jeans down and makes a slightly strangled sound of surprise as he sees that I am not wearing any underwear either. I step out of them and stand naked in front of him. He holds me away from him at arm’s length, his large hands on my hips. He’s staring. I blush under his intense scrutiny, but feel myself grow wetter seeing the look on his face. Raw desire. His face is wide open. I can see how much he wants me, how much he loves me. I realize he is just as vulnerable as I am to being swept away and it quells some of my fear. He murmurs, “Oh, how I want you … “ I manage to croak out, "No fair." He doesn't need to ask what I am talking about. He smiles and stands up, shedding his jeans. He never did get to put shoes on. He reaches for his boxers abut I step forward and stop him. "Let me." He lets go and stares down at me as I examine the sizeable bulge there. I actually see it twitch and stand up a little higher. Looks big. I yank his boxers down, kneeling to the floor as I slide them down his legs and he steps out of them. "Sit." He does. I walk on my knees up to the bed between his legs, my hands on his thighs. My mouth drops open and I begin to pant. I am staring shamelessly at the biggest erection I've ever seen. As a doctor, I've seen quite a few. I've even seen Mulder's on occasion when he was sick or injured. But I've never seen him fully erect. I'm sure there are larger penises in the world, but in my limited experience, I've never seen one this big. It is magnificent, standing almost straight up, as high as his navel. I'm eyeballing it, but I'm guessing somewhere between seven and eight inches long. He is circumcised and his smooth flared head is large and wide, red and swollen with blood. His shaft is slightly thicker once you get past that dip under the end. Again, I'm guessing between inch and three quarters and two inches wide. So thick. I glance up and he is watching me intently. “You’re beautiful … so big.” He smiles a cute little nervous smile. He couldn’t possibly have been insecure about this, could he? I look at it again and it twitches, bobbing gently. Oh my. That is going to feel so good inside me. I reach out with one hand and grasp the base, squeezing experimentally. He gasps and bucks forward a little. I watch as a drop of fluid emerges from his tiny hole and begins to dribble down. My other hand reaches for his large sac and I slide my fingers between it and the bed and cup him firmly but gently. I begin to stroke him. I don't ever remember being this horny. O.K., now he's making some real noise. "Mmmmmm, oohh, oohh." I have to taste. I lean down and lick his head before descending to take as much of him into my mouth as I can, using my hand to surround the rest. "Yeah, yeah, Oh God, Scully, awww, yeah. Mmm, mmm, mmm. So good. Your lips, I love your lips, I dreamed about this." He is gasping and breathing ragged now as I move up and down. I can feel him pulse on my tongue and I feel my center grow warm and moist, swelling until it throbs in answer to his excitement. His hands are fisted into the bed covers. His head is thrown back and a constant low hum is coming from his throat. I am doing this to him! I feel him begin to flex his hip muscles and I know he is close and trying not to thrust. Just then he grasps my head gently and pulls me back. "I'll come any second now if you keep going," he whispers. I don't want him to come either, not yet. I have other plans for that hard hunk of flesh between his legs. I want it between mine. I stand up and step to the side and crawl up onto the bed on all fours. Reaching the center, I flop down on my back, one arm reaching toward him. He has craned his neck around to watch my progress. He flips around and crawls up to straddle me. Leaning down and pinning my arms beside my head, he captures my lips in his for another slow, wet kiss with lots of tongue, as he described it. He keeps this up until I am squirming and gasping for air. His left hand releases me to wander down over my side and I immediately start running my hand over his chest and shoulders. He makes his way over my hip and into the juncture between my thighs as he stares into my eyes, watching every little reaction as I twitch and gasp. God help me, his fingers are playing in my swollen folds now, separating them and rubbing back and forth. "Hoo, hoo, hoo, " escapes me with every brush of his fingers. He moves down and raises my legs, putting his face between my thighs and looks up to make eye contact. His voice is low as he asks me, "Are you O.K. with this?" I nod 'yes'. I don't seem to be able to speak at the moment. A second later he dives down and jams his tongue between my swollen lips. That long talented tongue snakes it way inside and does a dance around my walls. I shriek at the sensation that streaks through me and buck my hips. One of his hands comes up to hold me down as he slows and laps me from bottom to top, sucking my wetness from each lip. His tongue moves up to find my hidden bundle of nerves and circle it mercilessly. Two fingers slide easily inside and tilt toward my front walls. Sparks. If I look down, I’m sure I’ll see sparks flying out from between my legs each time his tongue sweeps around my nub, setting off an electric tingle through my belly. Dimly my brain registers that I am feeling an intense sensation that I know I have never felt before. A tight coiling, almost cringing sensation floods my abdomen follows the sparks and makes me gush my wetness around his fingers until it's running down between my butt cheeks. Technically, I knew there was a G-spot. However, no one had ever bothered to try to find it on me. Guess what? Mulder and his wonder fingers just found it. Snaked right in there and found it immediately, as if he knew right where it was. I hear myself as my groans escalate to an embarrassing volume. Then I feel my abdomen melt into a puddle of warm goo. "OhYeah, yeah, oh yeah, right there. Oh Mulder, I've never felt that, this, awww God!" He lifts his head slightly and says, "That's it, that's it. You're so beautiful. So wet. Let go for me, Scully, let go for me. I’ll catch you. Come for me." He dips down to circle my nerves a couple more times. He finally stops circling with his tongue and sucks my clit into his mouth, sucking, releasing, sucking, releasing. Zing! Zing! Zing! The bolts of pleasure that fly through my body are exquisite and jarring and send me tumbling over the edge. I shriek once, "Aaaaahhhhh, yyyeeesss!" And I explode. My body is shattering into a million separate pieces and folding back together again. No up. No down. No bed. Just pure sensation is rocking my body from head to toe. "Mmmuuullldddeeerrr! OhChrist, Ahh, yeah! Ahh, yeah! Ahh, yeah! Ooooooooohhhhhhh." Five minutes and he has completely robbed me of all control. Strangely there is no panic in the throes of this burning pleasure. I slowly become aware of his warm hands on my thighs pulling me back to earth. His low, soft voice is cooing to me. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you. Yeah, that’s it. So beautiful.” I come back to reality, shivering with aftershocks. Whoa. That was the best orgasm I've had in ages. I look down to see him resting his chin on my pubic bone, a devilish look of pride on his face. He blinks a couple of times and then raises up, crawling up my body, dragging his chest over my stomach. He stops and suckles each breast briefly before raising up to kiss me slowly and tenderly. "You O.K.?" "Way better than O.K." "Looked, felt and sounded like you lost control." My voice sounds like a little girl. "Yeeaahh. I did." "Was it O.K., to lose control, I mean?" I realize that it was. I lost complete control. I didn't even see or feel the room around me. He had totally cast me adrift and I let myself go into the pleasure. And I was back. And nothing horrible happened. And his throbbing erection is poking me in the thigh. I meet his gaze. "Yes, it was O.K.” “You’re so gorgeous.” “Your turn." With that I reach down and grab his shaft, guiding him to me as I raise my legs and wrap them around his waist. A growl that under any other circumstances, I would have taken for intense pain sounded from him as he sank into me, slowly and steadily. My walls still pulsed rhythmically as he slid in, pressing deep. No one has ever been this deep. Oh my. I can feel a deep pelvic pressure as he grinds himself slowly against me and stretches my cervix with the head of his shaft, gritting his teeth. Through the pulsing, I can feel a slow burn as my internal muscles stretch to accommodate his width. The feeling is delicious. I know I am going to be one sore puppy tomorrow, but I don't care. The feeling is exquisite. "Oh fuck, Scully, you are so tight. Are you O.K.?" "Yeeaahh, you feel so good, Mulder. It has been way too long. I want you to take me hard. I don't care if I can't walk at all tomorrow." He chuckles. “Blows my mind to hear you talk like that. Oh man, Scully, you feel so good. This feels so right. This,” he grinds into me to emphasize his point, “is perfect.” I couldn't agree more. He dropped his head to my shoulder and says, "I forgot to ask if you would rather be on top." Do I love this man or what? He is offering me the position of control. He is asking if I want to reclaim that little bit of control over our love making. Strangely enough, I don't. He feels good right where he is. His weight, his smell, his hot breath on my shoulder. "No, I want you right where you are." He lifts his head and smiles and finally pulls back and thrusts for the first time and stops again. We both made a little grunting sound. He smiles a goofy smile at me and retreats almost all the way and plunges back in, grinding his hips into mine, and stops. I smile back. I realize what he is doing. He is teasing me, but he is also making this last as long as possible. Another minute or so of this and I'm getting frustrated although he feels great inside me and I have now stretched to the point where he is a more comfortable fit. I squirm my hips a bit and he seems to know exactly what I'm asking. He begins to steadily thrust into me, deep, long, hard strokes, but still at a slow pace. He’s swiveling his hips with each press into my body and rubbing my clitoris between us. The room is silent except for our escalating moans, groans and grunts. He is stoking me slow but steady. I can feel myself climbing to the peak again. I want it. I want it bad. I want to take him with me. "Faster," I pant. He nods and begins increases his pace steadily until he is slamming into me, my hips bouncing on the mattress from the impact. I squeeze his waist tight between thighs and try to meet his thrusts, but he is going too fast now. I just lay there in a wash of sensation, trying to keep my eyes open so I can watch his beautiful face contort with the effort. His sweat is beading on his neck and face and I brace myself with my hands on his biceps. “Oh yeah, Scully! Oh yes! Yes, you feel so, so good!” Here I go again. I'm losing control. I can no longer meet his thrusts, I can no longer hold on. My legs slip off his waist. And I am thrashing like a mad woman under his persistent assault. Shrieks and moans are echoing off the walls as I lose control of my voice too. “Whoa, whoa, ohgod, ohgod, Mulder. I’m gonna, gonna come again.” I feel him shift up away from my body and howl in protest. But he quickly winds his arms under my legs, catching the backs of my knees in the crooks of his elbows and surges forward again, bending my legs ahead of him until his elbows hit the mattress again. He has virtually bent me in half. If I thought I had no control before, I really don't have any now. But Holy Jesus! His first thrust after that drove him deeper into me, so deep, his big cock trying to stretch up into my womb. He was still hitting my clit with his pubic bone each time he crashed into me, but from the bottom this time. Three strokes like this and the tremors started. I screamed. I screamed really loud. I screamed his name as I felt the world swirl around me and my universe existed only in my body as I rippled with wave after clenching wave of pleasure. My eyes closed in spite of my best attempts to keep them open. "Ahhhhhh, Ohhhhhh, Awwwwww, Mmmuuullldddeeerrr! OhYeeesss, Yeeesss! OhGod, OhGod, OhhhGooooooodddd!” He never slowed down his pounding as my internal walls furiously grabbed at his cock trying to keep him pulled inside as deep as he would go. He just kept slamming and grinding into me as I rode out the waves. Good lord, I'd never had an orgasm last that long. I opened my eyes just in time to see his lips pull back into a grimace of pain/pleasure. He growled low and then howled as his body jerked with the force of his orgasm as he emptied himself into me. “Oooowwww, yeah, Sccuullyy! Ahhh, Jesus! Sccuullyy!” He was trembling still as he slid his arms away from their grip on my legs and let my legs fall to the bed. Then he collapsed his weight on me, panting into my shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. He gasped, "Oh, Scully, that was ... awesome! It's never been that good. Never." I giggled at his choice of words. "Yeah, it was pretty awesome." "I must be crushing you." "I like it. Stay a minute." "Kay. Scully?" "Mmm?" "Wanna get a movie now?" he deadpanned. I swatted his shoulder with the flat of my hand, giving him a stinging slap. "Ouch! God woman, you're brutal." "It'll only get worse if you insist on being a smart ass." "Me, a smart ass? Better than a dumb ass." I chuckled. There was no winning these little verbal sparring matches. "I think I could actually sleep now." "Yeah? You know, I think I could to, for once." I smiled at him and he rolled off me onto his back. I cuddled up to his side, laying my head on his chest and curling a leg up over his thigh. His arm went around my shoulders and he stroked my back lightly with his fingers. "Mmm, this is nice." "This is a dream." I look up at him sharply and he was staring at me. "No, this is real. I love you, Mulder. I should have told you that a long time ago." "I love you too, I just never thought this would be possible. When you were holding me from behind, my heart was in my throat the whole time. I was sure you were going to walk away in the end. Do you know how many times you’ve broken my heart?” “Never again, I promise.” I smiled a lazy smile at him. "But I still have fears to conquer, Mulder. I'm no bargain on a good day." He smiled back. "Oh, yeah, and I'm the crème de la crème of emotional stability!" We both laughed at that and then settled down again. He whispered after a few minutes. "I like listening to you breathe. It comforts me, lets me know you are all right." "Same here. It's a good sleep aide too!" "Yeah, so it is," he said sleepily. He squeezed me tighter for a moment and then relaxed. "So you would really watch a porno movie with me?" "Maybe, but I'd rather watch erotica." "O Queen of semantics," he teased. "No, there's a big difference. Erotica engages your brain. It is love expressed sexually. Porn is just bodies and lust. No brain. No love." "Guess you're right. Anyway, you’re the most erotic creature I’ve ever seen. I have a feeling I won’t be needing films anymore." “You’re not so bad yourself, sexy!” “Sexy? Ooo, I like that.” I giggled. He was silent a moment. I yawned. "I love you, Mulder." "Mmm, I love you too, Scully." "We still have a murder to solve. Think we can get up in the morning?" "We'll give it our best shot. We always do." That was the last thing I remember before sleep descended like a shroud over my relaxed and finally sated body. THE END. EMAIL WELCOME AT: DONNILEE@JUNO.COM FOR OTHER STORIES BY ME, GO TO: http://www.angelfire.com/ak3/kimpa/ http://books.dreambook.com/fanficrecs/gertie.sign.html GO HERE TO RECOMMEND THIS STORY TO GERTIE'S "VIEWER'S CHOICE". http://chroniclex.simplenet.com GO HERE TO RECOMMEND THIS STORY TO CHRONICLE X.