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Sandies Place


Hello everyone!Well, I guess I'll start by telling you a little about myself. I'm a 16 yr. old female from Idaho. I have chin length blonde hair, and brownish green eyes. I am about 5 feet 2 inches tall.

Do you hate the coldness of winter? Well, I used to hate winter too. It seemed like there was never anything to do. One day a guy named Dustin and I went to Bogus Basin. It was a day I will never forget. I never gave up, and the next day I swear I couldn't move. Because of that one day, I found my favorite thing to do.. Snowboard. Snowboarding taught me never to give up, and as long as I'm able I wont.

My other favorite thing to go is ride dirt bikes. Theres nothing like riding up in the mountain on a hot summer night. I think everyone should try these at least once.

Well, There are lots of wonderful people in my life. My friends,my family, my boyfriend. Everyone is special in there own way. Thanks to everyone in my life for there support and understanding in the past 16 yrs. Thanx Expecially to my parents and my boyfriend Rick you guys may not have never said a word when I had a problem , but knowing you cared always has,and will get me through it. :o) ps. A special thanks to my friend dave ( you have been wonderful) Always know there will be a special place in my heart for you.


Hey everyone! Well, my life has been absolutly wonderful lately.. I went to senior high camp in mcall idaho.. I had the best time ever ... I grew so much spiritually.. Im just happy that I was able to attend the camp...I would like to thank all the people who were at the camp.. I would love to think a guy named Josh , He helped me to relize a lot of things and Im very thankful for his friendship...

I broke up with my boyfriend Rick...He will still be one of my close friends...To Roger: thanks for being such a great friend.. Im glad I met you..

HI! everyone! I just got back today ( july 11 1999 ) from family camp in mcall idaho.. It was a lot of fun. My friend Alicia and I went biking,canoeing,swimming,and we slept a little too.I got baptized by my pastor Rod, it was really cold , but a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone at my church..Mack daddy bob, trish, and stepanie and doug , peter and the rest of them.. thats so much for being there for me always. always and forever sandie


Junior high camp # 1-

Well, I had an awesome time at junior high camp. I just loved the staff. Everyone there made being a cit an incredible learning experience. All the wonderful girls in my cabin were awesome.. I made a few really good friends, so I would like to thank all the mountain home people as well as the valley sheperd people * yea yea *
KEONI ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

god spent an incredible week working in the lives of these youth. Im very thankful for all that was accomplished...

4th & 5th grade girls camp-

Its so very special when you see these girls learing about god, and committing thier lives to him. Just to be a part of there lives is the most exciting thing I think there is...

I would just like to thank all the girls in cabin # 6 and Tell them god loves you and Ill be praying fo you.. Thank you denise for being an awesome counselor
ok man have I been busy! whew!!! I started school in august at capital high.. Im taking math anal, chem. , english, photo 1, psycology, and history..I have been going to church a lot lately , and I hope all of you have a strong faith because it has helped me thru a lot in my life. Next summer I plan on going to church camp again , and I plan to go to Encuentro 2000.. I love you all , and ill be playing for you, goodbye Sandie
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My Favorite Things To Do

  • Snowboard at Bogus Basin
  • Ride My Yamha Dirt BIke
  • Talk On The Phone
  • Pray 0-:o)

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