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Horse Luvers Welcome!
Welcome to Horse Luver's Corner! Enjoy your stay and dont forget to sign the guestbook!

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Hi! My name is Kelly, and as you know, I'm totally horse crazy! I have a real horse, which helps me out in being a horse luver! Here you can see and "barrow" some horse clipart, read about me and my horse, Jules Starleo, see some picutres of us, look at some other horse related links, or see some of my virtual cyber pet horses! More stuff will be added soon so take a look! Or, if you just wanna talk about horses, or anything at all, email me at, and we can talk! Also, I just entered The Site Fights, pleeze vote for Horse Luver's Corner! Enjoy your stay, cya later and come back soon!

Wanna Play Find It?

See My Spirit Page!

Hey you! Make sure that you go see my Spanish Page!

Hey guess what?! HLC now has a story, I'll start it, then you can add on to it, and then someone else will, cool huh? Plz keep it clean!

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This ribbion shows that I am against all abuse! Please take it and put it on your page!

~*~The horse with his elegant figure and natural spirit causes peaceful souls to dream~*~

Right now I'd just like to say thankyou to all of the people who have came to my site and I thank the people that helped me make it and gave me the graphics and great ideas. Thankyou very much everybody because without you Horse Luvers Corner may never be possile. Thanx alot!

Hey there, this belongs to me, and my best friend on the internet, Emily, has the other half.

Thank you so much for visiting my page, come back soon!

Peace Out,

~Kelly =)

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Horse Luver's Corner is Copyright © 1999, Kelsey Cornelius; All Right Reserved.