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Flesh and Blood Guidelines Page

ISSUE NUMBER ONE IS READY! Welcome to the Flesh and Blood guidelines page! Flesh and Blood is a new digest-sized, horror magazine publishing extreme horror from new and already-published authors. Please follow the following guidelines before submitting: FICTION: Nothing over 3000 words will be accepted.(Anything longer, query with synopsis) Multiple submissions are fine. No sexually explicit scenes at all in stories, pieces of art or poems! We will not be accepting previously published work.*Always include a s.a.s.e or something for the editors reply.* SERIALIZATION: Works longer than 1500 may be serialized.(The author will receive a free copy of the magazine with each part of their submission in it, except the first issue which they will have to buy.) POETRY: We will only be buying about five poems for each issue. Poems should be no longer than three pages.(Multiple submissions are fine) We are NOT accepting non-fiction at this time. ART: Art is also accepted. Send a portfolio of work, first. PAYMENT: For every accepted story we will pay 1/2 cent a word for (Poems will still be $5). Cover art is negotiable. HINTS: We are seeking chilling, disturbing, eerie, REALLY 'scary' and descriptive horror. (The submission must contain one or more of these elements.) We like blood and guts, too! Send us something that will chill our editors! Send all submissions in their proper manuscript format with the exact word count and a list of previous publications somewhere. RESPONSE TIME: Submissions will be responded to within two days on receipt. If a piece of writing is accepted we will ask that you send us a brief biography on yourself and to electronically sign a consent form. No science fiction, journal-format, or typical monster stories! Allow three weeks before we send you a check for an accepted piece. MORE INFORMATION: We hope to raise our payment as soon as sales escalate to at least a 1cent a word. MAILING ADDRESS: Jack Fisher;Editor 121 Joseph Street, Bayville, NJ 08721 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: A one year (4 issues) subscription is $14.00. Sample copies are $4.00. Make checks payable to Jack Fisher and send them to the submissions address given above. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. CONTENTS OF ISSUE NUMBER ONE: Go to this address to see the artists, and authors featured in issue number one of Flesh and Blood Magazine:
