Young Adult Fiction: 12 bibliographies
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YP Fiction

Young Adult Fiction Booklists

This is a list of young adult novels grouped around twelve themes:

It's intended primarily for librarians planning booktalks and teachers searching for interesting fiction, but it could be used by readers looking for a good read.

I've begun with lists of titles and authors but am adding plot descriptions gradually; please feel free to send in titles and descriptions of your own!

You can reach me at (a gold star to anyone who remembers who Mr Atos was!)

[Introduction] [After the End] [Coming Out] [Gift or Curse?] [Growing Up] [Lost Love]
[May the Best Player Win] [On the Outside] [On the Run] [Taking a Stand] [Taking the Blame] [This Land Was Their Land] [Xena's Daughters]

Kingston Frontenac Public Library

This page was created by Anne Hall at Kingston Frontenac Public Library.
Please email comments and suggestions to

This page was last updated on 26 October 1998.

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