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Still Fighting For Women's Right

You would think that in this day and age women wouldn't have to worry about being treated unfairly in the work place. Well, in that respect, we are still in the stone age.

Women are constantly fighting to be treated as equals. That is, equal to men. And if you think about it, it wasn't all that long ago when women won the right to vote. That seems pathetic. I mean, it's like men are special and women are not. It seems to me that we are all PEOPLE and we...well it does't make sense to get into that old argument.

But, on the upside, women are gaining more rights these days. There is one concern that I have. And that is...Pregnancy and the Working Woman. All of the policies regarding pregnancy leave are created by people who DO NOT get pregnant--MEN!! Now that really doesn't make much sense--does it?

This leads me to my reason for writing. I was working at a very large company for nine years. I received exceptional evaluations and and was promoted several times. I cared about my job performance which made me a very valuable employee.

I found out I was pregnant with twins and became very ill right from the beginning. This made it impossible for me to continue working. My doctor put me on a medical leave at about 1 1/2 months pregnant. My condition worsened throughout the pregnancy. I couldn't stand or sit up very long due to feeling faint, and I was nauseous at all times. As the months went by, it was obvious that I could not work until after the babies were born. Well, my employer only allowed 6 months for a medical leave of any kind. So if you have complications during your pregnancy, your'e fired!! This is what happened to me!! I could not return after the 6 months was up because I was on bed rest and dialated. I wasn't due to deliver for another 6 weeks.So I received word that I "resigned due to medical reasons". I couldn't believe it!! At the same time this happened I also lost my disability checks, because the state only allows a person to collect disability for up to 6 months.
Anyway, they would not consider giving me any extra time.

I then delivered my babies just 2 weeks later. They were 5 weeks premature (I'm sure it had something to do with the stress of losing a 50k job and my disability insurance). So now here I am with two babies and no job. How unfair!! I was a good employee and my employer didn't give a hoot if my twins were born healthy or not!!

I know what your'e thinking--I am looking into my options. I am also looking into changing the laws so that women can have a career and not worry about losing everything should they become pregnant.

Don't those IDIOTS know that if it wasn't for a woman being pregnant, that they wouldn't be here???!!! I mean, I can't believe pregnancy has turned out to be taken so lightly. A woman risks her life everytime she has a baby, and this world would NOT be here if it wasn't for WOMEN HAVING BABIES!! If I seem to be angry, it's because I AM!!

If anyone out there has a story like mine, or information on changing laws, or can help in some way, please email the manager of this site and I will be contacted. For now I would rather remain anonymous due to the fact that I may choose to persue my options.

Please join me in finding out what we can due to change these rediculous laws made by these IDIOTS!!

Thanks for listening!!!
Email meIf you have any input. Thanks!!!

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