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Troyce's Homepage

Well, its June 2004 and I'm updating this site once again. Didn't think I ever would, did ya? LOL....Well, I hope you enjoy the new links and the poems I have added.I have also created my first full HTML page for my nephew Michael. I want to thank everyone who has supported me in my internet success. And, per requests, I am adding more of my poems that I have written. Each one will have a little story with it. I hope you enjoy them all. If you have any more comments, please feel free to email me at I love hearing from you.....

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Things To Come!!!!

This is where the adventure begins!!!!!

pics of me
more pics of me
another of my pages
My info page
My Nephew Michaels page
My mothers page I built for her
A poem for a Father
A poem fit for a Mother
My poem Comfortable Numb
A poem for a Grandmother
Another Pic of me and Info
More Pics of me
Poem For Dale
Another poem for Dale