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Well humm don't you always wonder what people are going to do with their page??  I know I always do.  Well I don't even know what I'm gonna with my own page.  This is a long thinking process here and if you know me you would know how I am about thinking about things.  Well I guess I will include somethings about me and about things I like that you may or may not like.  Well if you decide you may like the things on here then proceded reading and exploring everything here.  Well I know you are probly like okay get on with the page now Traci so I guess I shall let you all go.  Thank you for coming and have a great time.  Love everyone even the sh*theads that are rude to me. bye, bye Traci.

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Just wanted to tell you a story about a man who once dropped a piece of cheeze on a sidewalk and tried to eat it off the ground.  He started to lose all of his hair and all the nuns in a public parking lot would throw used eyeliner at him.  So, he finally thought that he would eat peanut butter and put tape on his cats feet.  Thats when thingz got out of control because he lost his favorite kitty and all the rest of the tenants in his apartment complex hated him.  He then decided that he would draw a picture of a naked goat and paste it in the middle of the country where all the red necks could fall in love again.  Michael Jordan, Garth Brooks, and Perry Ferril all came over to the mans house one day and thought they would beat the shit out of him and thats exactly what they did. He then got up after the brutal beating and decided to take a shower thats when the whole group of NOFX came in and raped him and told him if he told anyone he would be killed. So he finallymoved to a place where nobody knew him and started a Job working at Taco Cabana and then he got a letter from one of the heads of state in Iowa and it said "Hey man I miss you" and thats all it said.  Then the man got in his car and drove 46 hours to Iowa and met that person.  It ended up being his mom and he killed her and took her spot in Congress.  Now he is famous and everyone wants to be his friend except Jackie Chan because he thinks he is a cheat and a Bruce Lee Lover.  As soon as he finally decided to retire he dropped his pants right in front of Dolly Parton and she bent over and started suckin his dick.  He was pretty happy and so he started pulling his pants down in front of all woman and they would all do him sexual favors.  Even the Queen of England.  But when he was about to totally retire and go to live in the Moutains in Colorado he stopped, and thought about the life he had lived and he started throwing up tar and grape jelly.  Thats when he decided to get his stomache pumped and have a dentist pull out all of his teeth.  He then got lots of tattoos and started cutting himself and then he finally decided to change his name to Marily Manson.Now he is a Famous Evil Fuckin Faggot That Hate.

