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Teri's and Lora's masterpiece......oh yeah...
1 K E W L P A G E

Hey...we are Teri and Lora. ...Welcome to our Kewl page!
To read about Teri , scroll down to the purple writing...To read about Lora , scroll down to the blue writing....
Enjoy...but not too much...

Hey, let me tell you a little about myself. First of all, my full name is Teresa Rene Chambers. But you can call me Teri. I live in a really small town in Missouri. If I told you where, you wouldn't know. Anyways, I've lived here for 7 years so far, and hopefully only 2 more. (That's just til I graduate from High School). As you probably already guessed, I am a sophomore in high school, so that makes me 15 years old. But, I only have 4 more months til I get my liscense, so for all you people who live in Missouri, whatch out!! I'm dangerous! =)

For some other things you might want to know about me, I love volleyball. It rules!! I also play softball, and I'm a cheerleader for the guys Varsity basketball team. Other things I like to do include going to the movies, hanging out with my friends, shop at the Fashion Bug (or anywhere else) listen to rock-alternative music, talk on the phone, and most of all...PARTY!!! Sometimes I go fishin with my guy friends. I am the ultimate fish catcher!!! =P

If you haven't already noticed, my favorite color is purple. Almost everything of mine is purple....including my room. I have a ton of favorite bands, so I won't tell you my most favorite one, 'cause I don't have one! A few of the best are Cread, Korn, Semi-Sonic, Matchbox 20, Arosmith, and a ton of others. Those are just a few to give you an idea of what I like.

Anyways, if you want, go take a look at my pictures, and then tell me what you think of my part of the page, by signing my guestbook below. If you have any questions, or just wanna talk, feel free to email address is at the bottom of the page. Oh yeah...almost forgot...check out my favorite joke of the moment on the same page as my pictures. It just cracks me up!! Thanks for coming!!

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Hi! My name is Lora Nichole Taylor. I was born in a small town of Missouri and have lived here all my life. Living in a small town does have its good points like you know everyone and you know if someone is spreading rumors or stuff like that about you.

I'm 16 years old, and also a sophomore. My favorite sport is softball. I usually pitch and play second base. I also play volleyball and sometimes basketball.

My favorite bands are: Matchbox 20, Creed, Smashmouth, Jewl, Garth Brooks new album 7, the song by Mark Wills "Don't laugh at me", that Harvey Danger song Ode to the Flagpole, the Bare Naked Ladies, I love the sound track to Armageddon (saw that movie 3 times it is the best movie)

I love anything and everything that has to do with the moon and stars. My room is decorated in them. I love Egytian things also (a weird combintation ain't it) As soon as I can I plan on going to Egypt. I want to become a photographer and a writer when "I grow up". I really love a guy with a sence of humor not the kind that couldnt take a joke if they were paid!! Though I currently dont have a man yet though I waiting for Chris O'Donnell to dump his wife.=P Yeah right like that will be the day=P And last of all my favorite saying is: When you look down on me you see a fool, when you look up at me you see a god, and when you look into my eyes you see yourself. Pretty cool !! Well B-4 you leave make sure you sign my guess book and look at my pictures(there isn't any yet).

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