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"Happy birthday, dear Ashley, happy birthday to you!" Ashley's family and the Hanson family sang. Of couse Taylor had screamed more of the song than sang it.

"Ok, Ashley, time for presents!"

"Give 'em to me ma!"

Ashley opened the various presents clothes, clothes, clothes, a toy from Ike, and more clothes. Ashley looked around she noticed some one was missing.

"Where's Taylor?" she asked from amidst a pile of wrapping paper.

"Oh he is out getting your present," Mrs. Hanson said.

Taylor walked in, hiding something in his jacket.

"Taylor what did you get me?" Ashely asked.


He pulled a tiny ity bity baby duck from his jacket. Ashley gasped.

"Oh Taylor its so cute!" she shrieked, wading through the pile and taking the duck from his hands.

"Well you said you wanted a pet, and you're allergic to dogs and you don't like cats so I got you a duck."

"Its so sweet," Ashley said, cuddling it.

"What are you going to name it?" Taylor asked.


"Where the heck did you come up with that?" Taylor asked.

"I dunno. It just sounds cute," she said, burying her face in the duck's downy feathers.

"You are truly strange Ash," Taylor said. "Yet you're still my best friend."

"Oh, he got you a duck. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard," Martha cooed wrapping Ashley's hair around a curler.

"Taylor can be sweet...When he wants to be," Ashley said, wiping what was beginning to be tears from her eyes.
