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"Mama, I don't want to go to a play group. I don't like other kids they are stupid," Ashley whined, tugging hatefully at one of the braids her mother had twisted her hair into.

"Young lady, you are 5 years old. You need to learn to get along with other children," her mother told her, giving her daughter a stern look and smoothing a wrinkle out of her cream colored dress suit. She brushed a whispy piece of blond hair out of her bright blue eyes. "Besides they are not stupid; you are just extra smart."

Ashley crossed her arms over her chest as she usually did when she did not get her way, and pouted. Across the hall a similar conversation was going on between another mother and her son.

"Taylor, you are going in there whether you want to or not. You need to make some friends other than your brothers," the young mother told her son, looking slightly exasperated.

"But, Mom, I don't want to," the little boy argued, screwing up his mouth into a pout.

"GO!" both mothers yelled at the same time at the children. They looked up when they heard each other, and both began laughing. The two angry children fond no humor in the situation as they walked into the playroom.

Ashley walked over to a chair in the corner and sat down, refolding her arms and glowering at the wall. The little boy from the hall came and sat a few seats away from her. Ashley noticed out of the corner of her eye that he was wearing a blue shirt. She was smart for her age, and already knew her shapes, colors, ABCs, and how to count to 100.

"I like your shirt. It's blue," she pointed out, gesturing at it with her finger.

"You know your colors?" he asked, looking surprised and pleased all at once. "I do too."

"I'm Ashley," she said, unfolding her arms and offering a small smile.

"I'm Taylor," he said, doing the same. "Have you ever seen a purple cow?"

"So that's how you met?" Martha asked.

"Yeah we spent the rest of the play group talking about colors," Ashley said, securing the towel around her head in place with her hand.

She smiled at the thought...
