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Ashley walked into the beauty parlor. Martha, the beautician with a beehive, greeted her warmly at the door.

"How was France, Ash?"

"Oh I loved it. I think coming home has been more exciting though," Ashely said, taking a seat.

"Are you ready for the wedding?" Martha asked.

"Physically, no. Look at me!! Emotionally; yes more than I'll ever be," Ashley said laughing.

"Well then, let's start on this hair," Martha said, toying with a few strands of her hair.

"Are you and Beverly coming to the wedding?" Ashley asked as she leaned her bead back into the sink.

"Of course. We wouldn't miss it for the world," Martha said.

"I'm glad you'll be there. It seems like I've known you and Beverly forever. I can't believe I've only known you for 3 years."

"Well I hear you and this groom have known each other quiet awhile. Why don't you tell me about him?" Martha asked, lathering her hands with sweet smelling shampoo.

Ashley's mind drifted back to the day she met Taylor and her story began...
