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Chapter 22:When Taylor got home, the children were asleep and Chloe was waiting for him on the couch. Her blue eyes were angry and exhausted. "I know about you and Ashley."

Taylor lifted an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said," she told him, standing up. "Apparently Mrs. Johnson from the museum downtown is some friend of Jenni's mother."

Taylor's eyes widened.

"She thought I was your sister. She asked me, 'Where's your brother's wife?' I was totally confused. I told her I didn't have a brother and she said, 'Then who's that young man there?'. She pointed at you. I told her quickly that you were my husband. She then said, 'You must be kidding.' I promptly said that I wasn't and demanded to know what was going on."

Taylor sat on the couch. "I'm sorry about Ashley. I can't stop it. It keeps happening. We said we weren't going to see each other ever again, but…everytime I think she comes to mind. Chloe, I can't help myself. I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I didn't realize until too late…"

She collapsed next to him on the couch.

"Taylor, I should have known better," Chloe said. "I knew from the minute I saw you two together that you couldn't keep your hands off of each other. I ought to have known, but I didn't. I can't believe you'd actually cheat on me, though. I couldn't believe you'd kiss another woman when I wasn't looking. I guess I don't know you very well…"

"You don't know me at all," Taylor grumbled.

"You're right on that one," she said. She threw her arms up. "I can't live like this. I can't live this life. It's not what I was meant for." Taylor agreed silently. "I'm going home to my mother. I'm leaving on the first plane. Ship the rest of my stuff to me at my mother's address, and I'll pay you back."

"What about the kids?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know," Chloe said. "For now, they can stay with you…"

"How am I going to get by, Chloe? I don't have a job."

"You'll find one," she said. "I promise. You've got a college education."

He looked at his lap.

"It was nice while it lasted," she said. "I can't trust you anymore, though. I know that your heart is somewhere else, and so is mine. I haven't loved you for a long time…"

She sighed and looked at her watch. "I guess I should pack a suitcase. Tell the kids I love them. I'll call them as soon as I get home…" She began to stand up.

"Thank you, Chloe," he said, meeting her eyes.

She looked at him curiously. "For what?"

"For being so understanding," he said.

She nodded. "What was there to understand? I felt like a caged bird, anyhow. It was time for us to let go. This just gave us a good reason."

"I know," he said. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

She smiled weakly. "You'll have to draw up the papers. I can't do it from France."

"Okay," he said.

"I'm going now," she said, heading to their room. Taylor leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. Everything seemed so unreal.
