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Chapter 20: Ashley walked in through the double glass doors that were the main entrance to the church. She was late, as usual, by 10 minutes. "Heya, Gorgeous," someone said, making her jump. She whirled around to see Zac standing by the door, grinning at her.

"Zac!" she exclaimed.

"The one and only," he said, stepping forward to accept the hug she offered. "How did you manage to hide from me for 15 years?"

She blushed. "Long story…"

He took her arm and led her to the door leading to the sanctuary. "So how's every little thing? Everybody said you looked great. I never expected you to look like you were still 18-years-old…"

She smiled and laughed. "Very funny. Where's your brood? I hear tale that you've got quite the little army started."

He beamed. "That I do," he said. "5 and one on the way."

"Wow," she said, expelling a low whistle.

"Tell me about it. Sydney's at home with the younger kids. My oldest daughter is here, though, because she's in the wedding. You remember Sydney, don't you?" he asked.

"SYDNEY CRANFORD?!" Ashley exclaimed, jaw agape.

"Sydney Hanson," he corrected. "I know, one of Taylor's little play toys. You'd like her, though, Ashley. She absolutely despises Chloe." He opened the door to the sanctuary and allowed Ashley to walk past him. As he took her arm again, he whispered, "Speaking of the little bitch…"

Standing in the aisle was Chloe, her short blond hair swept perfectly back away from her face. She was grinning and was holding Taylor's hand. They were both listening to a small little girl standing on a pew talking animatedly. Her hands were going ninety to nothing. "That's my little girl," Zac murmured to her, pointing to the little girl. "Her name is Anica."

"That's a pretty name," Ashley replied.

"Annie!" Zac called. Her dark eyes wheeled around and met her father's. She chirped a goodbye to Uncle Taylor and Aunt Chloe, and bounded up the aisle.

"I GET TO THROW FLOWERS AT PEOPLE!" she exclaimed. She looked at Ashley, winked, and said, "Howdy. I'm Anica Dawn Hanson, and I'm five-years-old. Who are you?"

"Ashley Phillips," Ashley told her, extending her hand. The little girl shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ashley," she said. "Dad, how do you know her?"

"Friend from the olden days. She was Uncle Tay's best friend," Zac explained. She looked from Ashley to Taylor. Taylor was now whispering with Chloe on the front pew. Ashley felt a twinge of guilt and longing.

"Okay," Anica said, shrugging. "I've got to go now. See ya later, Ashley. C'mon, Dad." Anica grabbed Zac's hand and began to tow him away. Ashley stood alone in the middle of the church. She took a seat and waited. After a while, Jenni appeared and announced that rehearsal was about to commence. She directed every female who was in the wedding to the back of the church and out the door. The men lined up across the front of the church. The people who stayed - Chloe, Mrs. Hanson, Jenni's parents, and a few people Ashley didn't recognize - sat in the pews.

Jenni stood in the back with Ashley. "It's almost here. Tomorrow night, Ash, and I will be Jenelle Hanson."

"Jenelle?" Ashley asked. "I didn't know that was your real name."

"It's not something I'm proud of," Jenni admitted, making a face. "My mother is weird, what can I say?"

On cue, the girls marched up the aisle to the organ played by Jenni's crazy aunt Lisa. This step was repeated over and over. Finally, they managed to make it through the beginning without a hitch. The vows were gone over…and over. At last, the end. "All you have to do is march out," Isaac said. "Guys take the arm of the girl opposite you and lead her out. That's all there is to it."

Isaac took Jenni's arm and led her back up the aisle. As they stepped away, Ashley found herself looking at Taylor. He was looking at her too, somewhat surprised. It took him a moment to take her arm, then lead her up the aisle. Jenni considered making them do the whole marching out thing over again, but after seeing Ashley and Taylor's blanched faces dismissed the rehearsal. Jenni stopped Ashley before she left, asking if she wanted to come to the bachelorette party. Ashley declined, saying that it had been a hard day at work.
