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Shown for the first time at the Electronics Entertainment Expo in Atlanta, WCW/NWO Revenge, the sequel to WCW/NWO World Tour promises more intense wrestling with more wrestlers, more moves, more everything.

One of two upcoming N64 WCW titles from THQ (the other one is WCW Nitro 64), WCW/NWO Revenge is being programmed by Asmik on a cartridge twice the size of the predecessor -- a whopping 128 megabits (16 MB).

Although the game may look very similar to World Tour, Revenge packs a bunch of upgrades that could make it a dream title for WCW/NWO fans. One of the benefits of moving to a larger cartridge size is that Asmik can now include an unprecedented number of wrestlers -- more than 60 in all. Like in World Tour, players can select their wrestlers from different organizations including WCW and NWO and a number of fantasy ones as well. Each wrestler will be represented with accurate height, weight and appearance, and use their authentic signature moves and taunts during the game.

Here is a list of the wrestlers in the game -- remember that there are also a few hidden ones:

•Hollywood Hogan

•Stevie Ray



•Bret Hart


•Bryan Adams

•Scott Hall

•Scott Norton

•Eric Bischoff

•Kevin Nash


•Lex Luger

•Buff Bagwell

•Macho Man Randy Savage






•Sick Boy


•Roddy Piper-HIDDEN

•Diamond Dallas Page


•Chris Benoit

•Rick Steiner

•Fit Finley

•Disco Inferno

•Jim Neidhart

•British Bulldog



•Van Hammer

•Yugi Nagata

•Larry Zbysko



•Scott Steiner

•Curt Hennig-HIDDEN

•Booker T


•Chris Jericho

•Eddy Guerrero


•Rey Mysterio Jr.

•Dean Malenko

•Juventud Guerrera

•Ultimo Dragon

•Chavo Guerrero Jr.

•Alex Wright

THQ is also putting in managers(like Kimberely Page, Eric Bischoff etc....) the only thing is you can only get them with the right characters and while in 1vs1 mode. If you are playing 1vs1 and 1 player has an manager or something, a 3rd player can press the z button and control the manager. But you might have trouble because the camera does not focus on the manager, so you'll have to get player 1 or 2 to go near you to see you. This is a very fun trick to do because you can see kimberely page open up a can o' whup ass. Also if your in a Battle Royal match and you press z, the computer will take control of your character and fight for you.

Like World Tour, Revenge will also offer the usual array of modes, such as Season Mode, where you take their favorite wrestler though an entire WCW "season," including WCW Monday Nitro and even select WCW Pay-Per-View events. There is also an improved Battle Royale mode to make for a better one-player game. The different arenas in the game include:

•Monday Nitro

•Souled Out

•Super Brawl

•Bash at the Beach

•Halloween Havoc


This time around, single players will be able to fight an all-out war with 40 different wrestlers (one after the other, of course -- not 40 at the same time). As weaker wrestlers are defeated, new challengers come running out to the ring to take their place. Of course, one of the strongest features of World Tour will also be in the sequel: The Four-Player Battle Royale. This mode alone should be enough to keep you and three of your friends occupied for a long time. You know the drill: The first player to get pinned gets kicked out but can still attack and pull others out of the ring for some nice chair beating.

Which brings us to the weapons. Revenge ups the ante by adding tons more hidden weapons that wrestlers can pull from the crowd: Briefcases, stop signs, trashcans, chains, pipes, chairs, tables, bats, and more. Unlike in World Tour, you can now execute a special dive move that enables you to bring the weapons into the ring as well.

New to the franchise are the cinematic run-ins that occur when one of the players is receiving a fierce beating. The camera will switch over to the entrance of the arena and show a second wrestler running to help his buddy. He will then dive under the ropes and get in on the action. By the way, you're not confined to fighting in and directly around the ring anymore.

Along with the ability to adjust camera angles, THQ is also borrowing another cool feature from the sports genre: Instant replays. View the most deadly finishing moves in slow motion and gloat over your victory.


•More than 60 wrestlers, including 45 WCW/NWO superstars

•Arcade-style scores at end of match

•Championship mode with different WCW belts

•Real Pay-Per-View arenas, including Bash at the Beach, Souled Out, Halloween Havoc, and Starrcade

•Wrestler entrances

•128 megabit (16MB) cartridge with EEPROM (no memory pak required)

•More than 700 frames of animation per wrestler

•More than 300 unique wrestling moves

•More hidden weapons

•Instant replay for deadly finishing moves

•Improved AI, speed and animations

•New face texture maps

•Costume edit mode: Change your favorite wrestler's costume and name (switch costumes, adjust colors. Multiple types of facepaint also available for certain wrestlers)

•Hidden grapplers

•Improved crowd graphics, including fans with signs and face paint

•All the real WCW belts

•40-man Battle Royal (consecutive or random)

•Combo moves

•Voice and likeness of referee Mark Curtis

•Rumble Pak compatible

Hints/Cool Things

•Secret Weapon

While wrestling with Dake Ken reach for a weapon. It will be a sledge-hammer.

•TV Title Mode

Win the Cruiserweight Belt to get TV Title Mode.

•World Heavyweight Mode

Win the U.S. Heavyweight Belt to get World Heavyweight Mode.

•Secret Characters

Curt Henning - Win all nine rounds of the U.S. Heavyweight competition to get Curt Henning.

Rowdy Roddy Piper - Get the World Heavyweight Belt to get Roddy Piper.

Kanyon - Get the TV title to get Kanyon in the WCW.

Kidman - Get the Cruiserweight Belt to get Kidman.

Meng and Barbarian - Get the Tag Team Belts to get Meng and Barbarian.

•Playable Managers

Go to One-on-One Exhibition match and choose wrestlers that have managers. After play begins, press Z on the 3rd and 4th controlers and you will take control of the managers.

•Steal Opponent's Special move

After you get your spirit meter up to where it is flashing "Special" grapple your opponent(it can be either strong or weak) and hit A+B at the same time.  You will then perform their Special Move.

•Nitro Arena Trick

When fighting in the entrance way throw your apponent into the black door at the very end. He will dissapear for several seconds and then will come running out like he just hit the ropes.

•Grand Entrance

To see Sting come down from the ceiling, go to battle royal, pick any number above 4 wrestlers (the higher the number, the better the chances), and pick anyone but Sting. Then, when you get someone out of the ring, and Sting enters, he will come down from the ceiling.

•Different Outfits During the Intro

To change the introduction, modify the outfits of any characters then watch the introduction again. The wrestlers will be using the costumes you designed.